Cuddle is best medicine for depression scientists proved it 🤔🤔

edited September 2021 in General

Scientists discovered best medicine for depression is mercy which you can find in cuddle therapy. There's no need for drugs,drinks, anti-depression tablets to treat depression, human needs the touch and connection.
There're thousands don't know that cuddle therapy exists, some are lonely,antisocial or never had relationships in thier life or have lack of touch and anxiety.
I'm antisocial,quiet,have lack of communications, anxiety and had many failures in my life andI was so hopeless.  I never had relationship only uesd to pay for sex and that makes me depressed because I don't feel the touch and compassion.
I always felt I'm missing something, I uesd to watch on YouTube free hugs and I asked Google I need a cuddle that's how I I discovered Cuddle comfort, and fist time was 1 of the happiest day in my life with an amazing pro. It boosted happiness into me, it's unforgettable. It changed my mind completely with 0 sucide thoughts I had plans but i chicken out because in my faith you go to hell for ever it's very scary.
The benefits of physical touch include lowered heart rates and blood pressure, feelings of love and acceptance, reduced symptoms of depression and more. Neuroscientist Edmund Rolls proved that physical touch activates the brain’s orbitofrontal cortex, linked to feelings of reward and compassion.
the touch and connection it's humans needs also it mentioned in some religions 
I always used to search for this and found it.(( And one of His signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you may find comfort in them. And He has placed between you compassion and mercy. Surely in this are signs for people who reflect)) 30:21 also scientists had prove it.
There are thousands who needs the touch and connection.
What about you experience how did you discover cuddle therapy,what encouraged you to discover it and how it changed your life?
It changed my life by giving me hope,motivation and I found a better job because of low confidence and it changed my mind with 0 sucide thoughts.



  • [Deleted User]BryanScorpio7 (deleted user)

    I concur with everything you said in this post bud!

  • I had seen something on the news about professional cuddling back in 2015. I was sent to Texas in October 2015 and remembered what I had seen on the news. I googled professional cuddling and found cuddle comfort. I haven’t looked back since.

  • @Morpheus amazing that's how you discovered cuddle comfort and how it was your first experience?

  • If I were to put all of my cuddle experiences in order of best to least, my first session would be on the lower end. I don’t necessarily mean that in a bad way. I’ve learned a lot over the years and my experiences with pros and non pros gets better all the time.

  • I found out about cc through a cuddler on another site … & I found that site by googling something like “I need a hug lol” something like that , I don’t remember exactly what I googled but I was really down at that time in my life.

  • @morehugs depends it works out for some people some not , what made you go for a pro or a cuddler?, i have been to them because I felt I'm missing something important in my life.

  • edited September 2021

    @cuddles_ndream same 🤣🤣 what made you Google it?,did you feel you missing cuddle I did,it's part of life same as the level of water and food how can we live without a touch it has side effects lack of touch.

  • @Ahmedali999 😅😅 well no, I didn’t feel like I was missing cuddles to be honest … Ive always liked to cuddle & all that moochy stuff, but i was feeling lonely at the time / heartbroken / had a fallout with 1 of my siblings / was questioning if this journey was a mistake for me … like if I was meant for another journey full of love / care / laughter / compassion ect … was questioning my existence in this 1 … never been the type to open up / always been introverted / shy / & timid … so I decided to open up to Google lol

  • @cuddles_ndream 🤣🤣 amazing cuddling now it's part of my regular routine it's beautiful world.

  • @Ahmedali999 Awesome 😎 personal story and insight! Thank you for sharing!

  • I’m really happy for you @Ahmedali999 😄 all in all what I needed was an escape, not so much the cuddles , & I had found it in the forums , & the threads just happened to carry me over until finally- everything started turning around in my life … & coincidentally things started turning for the worse here 😅 but nothing is perfect, I haven’t had an issue here in a long time, & I strongly believe that the new addition in moderators have greatly contributed to that.

  • @SuperManCuddles it's the reality @cuddles_ndream fair enough same to me a escape from my problem and seeking a refugee with a pro from my problems and pains I have an amazing pro I like to hide in her big love from hell I life hell and cuddle heaven she doesn't understand it but i mean it because I haf many issues in my life. 🤣🤣🤣

  • You literally found the perfect cuddle buddy for you, & whoever that person is sounds amazing, blessings to the both of you! 🌌

  • @cuddles_ndream God bless you Ameen 🙏

  • I'm going to delete this post and repost it it's very important topic because there're people don't know about cuddle comfort

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)
    edited September 2021

    Is there a link? I coulndn't find any published writings proving so. You know, the ones with the peer review and all? I'm only asking because of this:

    "Scientists discovered best medicine for depression"

    Very, very misleading. If scientists were invloved and it was discovered, there would be a ton of work done for this to be published and I couldn't find a single paper on it.

    Perceived social support has been hypothesized to protect against the pathogenic effects of stress. How such protection might be conferred, however, is not well understood."

    Found here:

    I'm stoked you have had a great experience and it has helped you (I'm team human and I truly am), but your wording makes it sound like it's set in stone which it is not (clearly). It may not work for a lot of people which is why a lot of the articles writte include words like, "can," or, "might." You have to be careful here.

  • So happy that cuddling has impacted you in such a positive way. Physical touch can indeed be healing.

    As a person who is an advocate for youth who struggle with mental health, saying that physical touch is all that is needed to treat depression is not right.
    I’m sure many comprehend what you mean to say but statements like that can spread misinformation to those that are not aware of how powerful counseling, medication, and other medical alternatives can be to treat mental health needs.

    Aside from that, I discovered cuddle comfort after hearing it mentioned on a podcast and I immediately searched for it! Being able to meet new people and holding them close has been such a delight. It’s one of my favorite ways to relieve stress

  • @Saysoh @Emma 100% I agree,I have read in some therapists sites here is 1 of them there are many sites mentioned benefits of cuddles. Depression has many causes,%100 you are right it might not work for anyone. There're people depressed because of lack of the Sun like in the West, some because of diseases,provity. Some because of lack of communication,touch like me. I'm 30 never married or had relationship, also fall in love with my pro which is wrong because is like she gave me what I was missing and boosted happiness into me and showed me care and support is like she gave me life and healed my pains. First time I did cuddle i have cried happiness cry .Many are depressed because they don't have someone to touch and cuddle. I have heard many times people committed suicide because they have no relationship or get married. @Emma you mentioned physical touch indeed can be healing, physical touch is all that is needed to treat depression is not right, contradiction.

  • edited September 2021

    Thanks God i have found one studies of the need physical touch

  • Touch it's human needs same level of water and food here a link been single effects health

  • So among other things I'm a crisis counselor and I have depression and I really feel that this post is misleading and factually incorrect. Cuddling feels great and I love cuddling. but it isn't a medicine for depression and its not the best medicine for depression. That's like saying drinking alcohol is a cure for depression because while you're drunk you don't really feel depressed so much. There are many things that can temporarily relieve you of the symptoms of depression but its just temporary.

  • @Melancholy 👍👍👍 totally agree. Depression isn’t something you give a hug for and everything is hunky-dory. I think it is dismissive and minimizes the seriousness of the problem to assert that cuddling solves depression.

  • edited September 2021

    @Melancholy what's best medicine for depression is anti- depression tablets, alcohol and drugs fake happiness many committed suicide because of them 🤔 people who are depressed show them mercy which is %100 correct it's going to take time to prove it.
    ☝️Prove alcohol heal depression .

  • @Ahmedali999 you are misunderstanding what @Melancholy is saying. He was saying alcohol doesn’t cure depression , nor does cuddling. They are only a temporary momentary band aid that mask the problem.

  • @FunCartel it's temporary relief been single it's depression for me and many others and cuddle has worked for me maybe it's not for everyone

  • Articles in the popular press are not the same as studies. However, I think it’s pretty well established that humans need physical contact. I’m not sure if cuddling is the best medicine for depression but I don’t doubt that it can relieve symptoms of depression for some folks.

    Depression can be fatal and it’s important to recognize when someone needs help from a mental health care professional.

  • @Babichev 🤔🤔 well said how can human lives without water and food there are effects of lack of touch and there are studies about it which is going to take time to prove it. I have been to mental health they only give me anti-depression tablets which gave me side effects like paranoia ect . There's no permanent solution for depression only diagnose the cause of them can lead to medication.

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)


    I don't mean any disrespect, but you mentioned scientists discovered and what you linked were opinions that buy into your narrative. When I said published papers, I meant discoveries that went through the rigamarole of being an actual scientific discovery.

    I'm stoked it's helped you, but there's really no scientific data to prove that claim and that's just the reality of it, so you, honestly, really shouldn't say things like:

    "Scientists discovered best medicine for depression is mercy which you can find in cuddle therapy."

    It's misinformation and devalues what science is.

  • edited September 2021

    I cut some slack in discussions among non-professionals but @Saysoh is correct.

    Science rarely “proves” anything except in a few cases. For instance, it was thought that the coelacanth fish was extinct. The discovery of living specimens proved this to be wrong.

    However, the case of a treatment for something like depression, you will rarely if ever find a scientist using the word “proved” as in proving a treatment to be effective because it’s too definite. One would have to demonstrate that cuddles relieved depression in every single case every time to say it has been proven that cuddling relieves depression. What one more often finds scientists saying is something along the lines of nurturing touch may reduce symptoms of depression.

    And yes, if one is going to make the claim that scientists have found that X follows Y, a link to an actual peer-reviewed study or at the very least a lay press article that links to such a study would qualify as evidence; an opinion piece would not.

    Here’s a popular press article that links to several studies on the effects of hugging on various markers of stress:

    In my professional discussions, I’m pretty hard core about getting the science accurate. In lay discussions, not so much.

    A bit off topic but one of my favorites is that some Spanish scientists showed that beer was more effective for rehydration than plain water. This is not surprising since it is already known that the presence of carbohydrates improves one’s ability to absorb water. They used soccer players for the test subjects. But I digress . . .

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