Cuddling props as a substitute for the human touch

[Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)

What can you use when there is no one to cuddle with? When you are all alone and your world is filled with toxicity. Silent expectations that grow like wreaths around your neck. A feeling of powerless wonder at the towering needs that sit in your chest that your larynx cannot form into words. The overpowering ache of holding unspoken insult or fear grips your lungs in a terrible choke hold. So all you manage to mumble are withered pleas that make no sense to smart ears. What do you use to comfort and soothe that ache that no touch is available to soothe?

A door jam to lightly Massage the back and shoulder blades. The long graceful carres of a back scratcher or brush. The smooth gentle feel of the velvety fur on the plush teddy bear. They may never match the magic of a human hand but they're better than nothing!
What props can you think of that offer a great substitute to the human touch? How have you used them in you personal experience? Whether in a cuddle activity or by yourself or both. How effective have they been in your ability to cope with your own unmet human needs or whatever concern you're dealing with?


  • I have a Gravity Blanket. It has been a few years since my last cuddle and to help prevent my touch starved soul from withering away, I decided to try it out. It is a weighted blanket filled with sand-like glass beads. They say to get one that is 6-10% of your body weight. Since I'm a big guy I got the 20lb one. With my frame and strength, I needed something heavier, so I folded the blanket in half on top of me to double the weight.

    AAAhhhhh, it is like being back in the womb and hugged to sleep. I don't toss and turn around as much, so I sleep more soundly. I used to sleep 10 hours a night, and now I'm getting the same rest in 7 hours. I grew up in San Francisco and prefer the cold. I'm still trying to get used to this Arizona heat, so I was concerned that the blanket would be too warm for me. I found this 100% cotton cooling blanket that doesn't trap heat and keeps me comfortable all night.

  • I’ve got a large burlap sack that I fill with raw steaks. It fits into my oven, but during the warmer months I just leave it out in the sun. When the flesh sack is at the right (human) temperature, it’s cuddle time.

  • I have a giant stuffed tiger that I put my arms and legs around when I sleep, a hot water bottle can also help

  • I was thinking about volunteering at a hospital to cuddle babies. They need people to hold newborns to give them more human touch while the mother is resting/recovering or for various other situations and reasons. You are supervised by a nurse, but they are too busy in their duties to hold the babies the amount of time they require.

  • Why not get massages? In every city in America, one can get a nice, professional 1 hour massage from a licensed massage therapist, complete with candles, nice bed, clean sheets, soft music, etc. for $50. Honestly don't understand why more don't go that route when seeing some of the prices here but to each his/her own.

  • @MrFirefighter because massages aren’t the same as a good cuddle.

  • [Deleted User]curvy67cuddler (deleted user)

    My cats!

  • I once went to a random massage place and mentioned to the massage girl that I hadn't been by in a while because I found pro cuddling to be somewhat better...halfway into the massage she hopped onto the table and cuddled with me for the last half hour of it. lol I was shocked, but pleasantly surprised.
    I have no idea if that will ever happen again, but the unexpected cuddle was so nice.

  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)

    Misread the title as "cuddling props as a substitute for the human torch" and was a mix of disappointed and curious to see what was actually here.

  • @DonLonG that's pretty nice! I'd like to know how to go about the baby cuddles. Could you help me know how you found a program that allows that, what is it called?

    I was once at a summer camp like place, and one of the kids there was pretty ill. He(?) was given his meds, food, etc. Though, he'd fuss, and cry in his crip. I went over and was comforting his back which had him instantly relax. I did that a few times til I had to leave. I'd love to be of some use like that again sometime! 🙂

  • edited September 2019

    As for me, sometimes I hold tight to my pillow. Doesn't hug back, though it's comforting nonetheless. And/or:


    I find listening to someone speak in a comforting manner, even when I can't really converse back: soothing. Sometimes they even make me giggle because they ask "do you like this" "how was your day" etc., and give you a moment or two to (mentally) respond.

    Additionally, it also gives me tingles, which, I wish they were stronger. Though, I find them comforting, nonetheless. Sometimes I listen to ones with no speaking. Sometimes a combination. I find the tingles soothing in helping me feel better. I don't over do it however because it's possible to get desensitized to it. Also, going out for relaxing walks, getting with a friend or two helps.

    Part of loneliness for me is beyond just the physical. As part of my hobbies, I like to learn languages, and help others. So, I also join platforms that allow me to do that, and get more human interaction/conversations. Book clubs, meet up groups, volunteering, pets, etc., can also help. I think starting with shared hobbies is a good way to build connections. Or at least have fun, even if they don't (always) lead to lasting connections.

  • I surround myself with firm pillows (like being in a nest), and I cuddle my stuffed bunny. <3

  • i love the thought of volunteering to cuddle babies! might just sign up for that!
    gravity blankets are great and there are even cuddle pillows shaped like part human bodies. i generally have a large body pillow that i love love to sleep on.. especially because one of my favorite position is where i get to lay on someone's chest and wrap my arm around them.

  • edited September 2019

    @melancholy Many of the pros on here tout being a licensed massage therapist.

  • I toss a sand bag tethered to a highway overpass off to the side and then cling for dear life as I dangle over traffic

  • I would like to buy a weighted body pillow and a weighted queen size blanket soon. I can't cuddle with the blanket but I'm sure the feeling is similar and soothing.

  • @Lovelight It's called a volunteer NICU Cuddler. The cuddler program is aimed at soothing premature infants ranging from tiny preemies, to larger, full-term babies, as well as infants suffering from maternal drug-use withdrawal.

    When my sister had her third baby, his skin was yellow and with yellow eyes. There was something wrong with his liver and he had to stay in the hospital for a few weeks under a UV light until his condition cleared up. I think they ended up sending him to a specialty hospital like an hour away. As much as they wanted to be there with the new baby, her husband had to work, and she had 2 kids at home to take care of. She was hesitant to leave her new baby, but it was reassuring that the hospital had someone that would make sure to hold and give her baby affection when she couldn't be there. Baby is fine and learning how to walk now.

    To look into becoming a NICU cuddler, you'd need to check with the hospital. The one near me won't accept volunteers straight to the NICU. You have to have volunteered at that hospital for 80 hours in another department before you can request to transfer to the NICU, you need to be vetted for the babies safety. But I'm sure each hospital has its own rules.

  • @Bles I struggled through your first paragraph. I thought I was reading some millennial's manifesto. I see you're 44 so it must just be you have great insight. I do, however, despair that anything is a cure for the mental torment you described.

  • [Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)
    edited September 2019

    @SpartanGuy it's just another way to express the emotional discomfort many may feel from not being able to communicate their truth. Or from just feeling unheard and unseen in difficult relationships. In addition to that discomfort, s/he has no one trustworthy or close enough to share that feeling or experience with. But nonetheless needs something at least to off load on. The question asked therefore is what is that 'something' in the mean time outside of someone's nurturing, caring touch that s/he could use to soothe not necessarily alleviate that inner turmoil? A couple people mentioned weighted pillows, one person weighted cooling blanket. Another a cat
    Another said a hobby like learning a new skill can be a useful distraction. So that was the general idea behind my thread. Cuddling is a kind of therapy but people aren't the only props one can cuddle to get that therapeutic feeling.

  • @Bles
    ...not being able to communicate their truth...
    ...feeling unheard and unseen...

    Now it is I with the mental torment. Smh

  • Whoa, whoa, whoever said 'cat'...

    scooches over on sofa and pats the empty spot

    You can come sit with me. I can't guarantee the cat will keep her spot in my lap though.

  • @DonLonG thanks for sharing, and for the information! I think that's a great setup they have, and hopefully I'll be able to go through the process. I am happy to know that fella is all good now, and his story shows how necessary volunteers can be! 🙂

  • @pmvines how dramatic. 😂

  • [Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)
    edited September 2019

    Let us not forget that cuddling does not only have to happen between people. Any kind of touch that arouses the physical senses, that stimulates the release of oxytocin and seratonin hormones has the ability to soothe and comfort in that moment. The source of that touch can be a person, object or animal. It all depends on how u stretch your mind. So much for smh's. So much to learn. Thanks for adding to the conversation. Blessings to all.

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