Sunday meal prep - favorite recipes?

[Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

A few months ago, I started doing weekly meal prep for lunch and supper on my working days. Since my taste buds have a high tolerance for boredom, I've only needed to alternate between a few recipes for the protein, starch, and veggies so far. I make fun dishes on the weekends, but the lack of variety during the week is finally starting to grate on me.

If you do Sunday meal prep as well, what are some of your go-to recipes (or recipe bundles)? Thanks!

By the way: If you have the audacity to post a cow pun here, at least give me a good recipe with dairy or beef in it to make up for your transgression :mrgreen:


  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)
  • [Deleted User]cuddlejjhere (deleted user)

    Huge batch steamed/baked potatoes.
    Eat as is, then mashed, can transform to gnocchi, soups, salad, fries, patties.. endless.

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @cuddlejjhere Now that's a fantastic idea! Especially considering potatoes are cheap right now. Thanks!

  • I don't distinguish Sunday from any other day but my current favourite meal is crab cakes which I buy at the local supermarket. There is no recipe, I bake them in my oven and then squeeze lemon juice on them. I have them with baked beans.

  • For a routine Sunday special, I am a great believer in a simple roast dinner. Joint of meat, not too expensive, in one tray; parboiled potatoes and one vegetable in another. One fresh vegetable steamed or boiled. Couple of sauces out of a jar. Pour meat juices over as a gravy.

    The magic ingredient is low expecations. Don't try and make it amazing and don't expect it to be. Just nice.

  • Take this with a grain of salt because I eat odd meals haha

    Hardboiled eggs would be good. You could put them over a salad, make egg salad for sandwich or wraps or just make deviled eggs.

    Rice. Then you could make fried rice or use it in soup or just rice lol

    And there's a yummy veggie salad. Chick peas, cucumber, tomatoes, feta, salt, pepper, olive oil and lemon juice. 🤤🤤🤤🤤

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Thanks guys, these are great ideas!! My next few weeks of meal preps are gonna be fresh and exciting now :relieved:

  • [Deleted User]Mmart (deleted user)

    My butcher once gave me beef from a female cow. I said, " I believe this is a Miss Steak".
    Meatloaf for two.
    Ground chuck with a little ground pork mixed in. Chopped onions. One egg for each lb. of meat. Mix up really well.
    Top with a mixture of ketchup, mustard and or brown sugar. Not a health food.

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @Mmart Oooooh, meat loaf! You can't go wrong with meat loaf. Meat loaf is always a health food, it's healthy for the soul. I will not be swayed on this mindset.

    And thanks for paying penance. If you'd made a cow pun and then tried to sneak away without leaving a recipe, that would have been... cow-ardly :mrgreen:

  • @squeakytoy someone mentioned potatoes. I make my grandmothers Italian mashed . Cut up potatoes and boil them until they are ready/soft. Strain them and put them back in the pan. Add olive oil and garlic salt/ also real garlic cloves. Some pepper. Just mix with a big spoon. add as much garlic salt and oil as you feel needed. Its not really a mashed more of a lumpy potato salad. Every time I make them for parties people devour them.

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @RockRollCuddle Oh hey, nice! I want to try that now too, it sounds delicious - I will always try a recipe involving potatoes and garlic cloves. Thank you!

  • [Deleted User]Mmart (deleted user)

    @squeakytoy You continue to moove me with your humor.

  • edited March 2021

    Sometimes I want shrimp toast . Too expensive at the take out places so I put in the food processor peeled and deveined shrimp , some fresh ginger root , scallions and chop that together and smear the mix on rye bread and fry that

  • [Deleted User]Honeyluv (deleted user)

    Let's Do It!!!!Meal Prep Group♡

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