So is Texas gonna elongate the pandemic?



  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @sunnysideup: Sure. The private business I work for has had signs up all through this. "Mask Required" and all that.

    Of course, they're just signs.

    I didn't realize this at first, and made the horrific mistake of asking maskless customers whether they'd forgotten their masks. I even (gasp!) handed out cheap masks from an open box behind the counter.

    A manager made it clear to me that we're not allowed to ask customers about their masks or lack thereof, because it might upset them—and certainly we shouldn't hand out product for free. They buy the whole box of ten or they get nothing! Naturally most maskless customers prefer to continue without masks; and they can, because the signs are just signs.

    Virtue signaling (without enforcement) is good business.

  • The Texans are still free to live their lives by practicing all of the lockdown procedures as prior to the new proclamation.

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