What else besides cuddling have you done with a cuddle partner?

Keep it clean!

What else besides cuddling have you done with a cuddle partner? Would love to see the array of activities. I just put a ping pong table in my garage. All cuddlers welcome if you're within driving distance of me and you want to get yer butt kicked.

Heh heh.

What else have you done besides cuddling with someone you met here?



  • I love ping pong. I've went to a movie, went to dinner, just hung out casually.

  • Food , tv , music , driving , walking , talking, shopping . I tend to have only cuddled with people who I would enjoy doing things other than cuddling with. Keeps things more interesting and less one dimensional .

  • Food and conversation.

  • Went out to lunch or dinner after sessions quite a few times

  • Ice cream shop before our cuddle and tonight going for a nice dinner. She is a Pro but her clock only starts when we cuddle, which I really like.

  • Hiked, movie theater, live play, hiked, beach, dinner, went to a spa

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)
    edited March 2021

    Before the pandemic (this was on a previous CC account) a cuddle buddy and I went up to Canada's Wonderland with a friend of hers and spent the whole day going on rides, finishing up the evening with some delicious funnel cake :) We also went to see some free plays together. Outside of that, my cuddle buddies and I have usually gone on walks and grabbed coffee/food.

  • One person I cuddle is quite adventurous, so we've gone bush walking (hiking) several times. Maybe kayaking one day too.

    This is from a couple of weeks ago:

  • Explored a new city together. Did salt cave yoga before a cuddle. Pool cuddling is fun. Have seen plays/movies before or traveled together too.

  • We had dinner before cuddling while watching a movie. Although it looks like we'll be doing it again, I'm not sure if we have a lot of common interests... time will tell :-)

  • One of my favorites took me out to fly an airplane. He paid for me to take flight lessons which was incredibly kind of him. Another day we spent riding racing jetskis, 70+ MPH on a jetskis is ridiculously fun!

    One regular and I do all kinds of outdoor adventures. From crawling creeks in the summer , to exploring beautiful back country roads and hidden gems , to finding this elusive adorable donkey that he saw on his property.
    When I heard there was a meteor shower and comet passing through late last summer we spent an evening using his sniper rifle to view the event as we didn't have a telescope.
    We also shoot guns, try new cooking recipes and play video games together.

    Some of my favorites sessions are just trying new adventures with amazing people I call friends, not cuddlers. ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

  • I have attended two live theatrical performances, gone out for ramen, gone swimming in a heated outdoor pool on a cold night, walked my dog and had nice conversations

  • Movies, A stroll through the park

  • [Deleted User]Mmart (deleted user)

    Dinner, lunch several times, a hike twice and pool in my basement many times.

  • Had non alcoholic beverages and walked around.

  • Made dinner and breakfast together, he taught me/I learned physics, philosophy, church history, how jewelry is made, etc. (several different "he's") Lots of good, deep conversations.

  • Played music together! I played guitar 🎸 and sang, while she played the violin 🎻 ...it was awesome. Damn, now I’m really missing her...

  • Wow! Love all of this. Thanks people. I would not have predicted learning physics!!

  • @sunnysideup standing invite to Kansas to play ping pong!!

  • Eat a meal with, hangout, share snacks, life and site experiences with!

  • edited March 2021

    This is one of those things I honestly feel kinda iffy about. I would do many different things with people I ciddle with becside I would only want to cuddle with folks who I have established as a friend. However it seems like if you are cuddling someone as a pro/ client dynamic, then doing too much outside the scope of cuddling, would have the potential of getting pretty blurry re boundaries, lines being crossed ,and in general start to get in the realm of a friendship kinda thing which can cause a set of issues when it comes to professional boundaries. Some of the things I hear people talk about seems more like a date type thing , and not a cuddle session from a service provider . Not hating or judging , just am trying to figure out where the line is when it comes to keeping things as a pro / client dynamic . To me it seems like it would be harder to maintain boundaries and has potential to create confusion for the client.

  • @pmvines Yah it could get dicey huh.

  • @pmvines
    I can see why this would be seen as an issue to an outsider.

    Some of my clients don't wish to cuddle. They find cuddling too intimate for various reasons that I respect. They prefer having a companion to talk to and enjoy life without touch. They reach out to cuddlers because they know the platonic nature of the service it provides and that a relationship is as off the table just as it would be if we were cuddling.

    I will say the ones I do my outings with I have never cuddled and perhaps that's why there's never been a gray area in the nature of our relationship.

    It's not unusual for people to book me for a dinner while traveling through town with no intent of cuddling or hanging out afterwards. I have non cuddling rates posted on my profile for this very reason.

    Having human connection goes beyond touch, some just need to be heard and understood in ways they can't find outside of dating. Some people pay to video chat, I see non-cuddling in person sessions just as effective, if not moreso.

  • Fullfil your purpose, life will have more meaning then just trying to find things to intertain yourself so you don't feel lonely and empty.. Ingage in what brings everlasting joy,for fun only last until it's over.

  • @Envie gotcha . So there are two distinctly separate types of clients you get . One for cuddling and one for more a companionship . Makes sense .

  • [Deleted User]Mmart (deleted user)

    @littermate Hmm, your talking a lot of smack there with the ping pong challenge.
    I have a table also. Maybe a home and home play off??

  • Movies, lunch, dinner, sightseeing, swimming, road trip, concert, beach walk.

  • @pmvines good point ..... also I think the occurance of blurred lines can also occur with professionals and enthusiasts alike

  • Eat out. Walks in nature park. Salsa dancing

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