Ever run into someone here?

Someone you know in person?

I just saw the scroll of faces at the top, and my son was there! Except, this person was in the country next door, and it was before the beard came off. So, not him, but a doppelganger.

If I saw someone I worked with, though, it'd be ok. More like a knowing nod and smile, in person.



  • Not yet! Guess CC is still too niche.

  • [Deleted User]Mmart (deleted user)

    Yes, a friend from many years ago who now lives many states away. We had a nice chat and chuckle.

  • Yes. We got together as a result. I felt awkward. That had nothing to do with them being not okay. In fact, they are a very nice person and they were very nice. I think it had a lot to do with who we both are as individuals, our personalities, and how social interaction can be comfortable in some circumstances but not others. I’ve recently contemplated contacting them again and see if they are still interested. I think I may be in a better position at this point to navigate why I felt awkward and see if there’s a way to manage that.

    In my social life, I have some friends with whom I have a very comfortable physical relationship, either through social dancing or just that our friendship includes tactile interaction. With others, that does not exist and shifting from that to a more intimate physical interaction is not something I’m accustomed to. Let’s just say that for me that one occasion felt awkward but I don’t think that should discourage anyone. With a different person it might have been easier or it might be easier now that I’m better prepared.

    I’ve often thought, you know, we probably have people in our life who would love to cuddle and just don’t know it. How do we find each other? This is one option.

  • @sunnysideup May still happen
    @Mmart Nice!
    @Babichev I think you're right, that we all have those ppl in our lives, but don't know it, yet

  • I think I’d be uncomfortable, realizing they might come across my profile as easily as I did theirs. sure, it’s platonic and so are my intentions, but it’s still a discreet activity for me and I think much easier with people I’m meeting in this self contained “bubble”

  • An ex girlfriends roommate visited my profile once . Lives out of state and we never had met each other and he may have just ran across me in his search and it was all a coincidence. It only registered with me who he was when I visited his profile and saw his details and pics plus location, and I had seen his pic before just in random ones that my ex had . He hadn't visited me since or messaged so I still have no idea if he knew who I was

  • I had someone on here say they had been to a talk I did. I purposefully am anonymous so that people who are involved in my work don't identify that it's me. I like to keep this aspect of my life private. He was gracious enough to agree to be mum about it, which was sweet. Otherwise, though I've seen people who I've thought, "That person probably knows a lot of people I know," I haven't seen anyone else I've known from elsewhere. I think depending on the person, it could be sweet, or it could be not so great for me. I like this anonymity I enjoy here.

  • edited April 2021

    On a related topic , a pro friend of mines son tried to book her . He was 19, she didn't realize it was him until she answered the door . They had been friends in school but not hung out in like over a year . She turned him away was just too weird and prob part of some sort of underlying fantasized hot mom fetish or something

  • I Always say this is a small world. So no not yet.

  • [Deleted User]simone825 (deleted user)

    Not yet, but I don’t think I’d mind if I did. If they’re here I’m assuming they are interested in cuddles and that’s what I’m here for. Cuddles for everyone!

  • Touch and affectionate care can very very intimate and it’s easier (to me) if it’s not complicated by the outside “noise” of connections in other areas of my cuddle life

  • Yes I have run into someone here. As a matter of fact, it has happened a few times because I do not see well in the dark. I have since learned to cuddle with ambient light.

  • Correction, areas OUTSIDE my cuddle life

  • edited April 2021


    I’ve often thought, you know, we probably have people in our life who would love to cuddle and just don’t know it. How do we find each other? This is one option.

    Yes, I've thought of this as well. This applies not only to cuddling, but pretty much any kind of opportunity: job opportunity, social, dating, etc. There are probably people in our daily lives who would like to cuddle with us, but yes, finding each other is difficult. One option is to just simply ask everyone that we know. However, It's considered risky to bring about topics such as cuddling, probably because of its association with dating to people who don't know about cuddling outside of dating. And people are motivated away from taking those risks. Basically, people would rather that opportunity come knocking on their door, rather than knock on the door of opportunity. We just have to be the opportunity that knocks on other people's doors, and have to initiative to do it.

    @MaullySterling hope so. I would be able to skip the whole getting to know them part that's hard for me to do online.

  • (😂😂😂 @FunCartel always the jokester!)

  • [Deleted User]MortMortensen (deleted user)

    I saw someone on here that used to work where I work...at least I think it was her. I met her a few times at work. She seemed nice. Then one time I had to document an error she made. It was a normal part of the job. Everybody makes this mistake at some point, but we have to document it. Some people get upset and deny it or try to hide it. She got upset. I didn’t want her bothering me here, so I have no picture. I don’t think she is on here anymore, but she could rejoin.

  • edited April 2021

    @sunnysideup niche is nice. :)


    I am not sure if at the time my profile said looking for cuddle partners and friendships or if it was just listed as looking for friends, though on another platform, I ran into at least two people I know from somewhere though rarely interact with. I think one of them was when my profile was listed as looking for cuddle partners and I felt awkward about it. Though soon after it was just like oh well, it ain't the end of the world. He never said anything about it either, not that we really spoke anyway. :)


    Probably ask if the people you're interested in cuddling with if they have platonically cuddled before and whether or not that interests them. They may have reservations about it and things they may not be comfortable talking with you about. Though at least that will give them something to think about and they can research/ask anonymously whatever hold up they may be having about it.

  • Most people that I met on here are strangers. There are some people that I knew from other websites and or mutual friends (but since it was all affection related websites and friends no problem). It was a benefit to find them. I have yet to have an unplanned meetup with anyone from this site or that I have known from my professional/personal (non affection circle). Happy to have no previously known person awkward and unintentional meetups!

  • Wow really interesting !! I’d be shy at first but cool with it if I knew who it was in return, I’d figure they’re here because they like to cuddle just like I like to cuddle lol 😂 but I’ll be weirded out if they tell me they know me but don’t say who they are …

    @littermate were they able to tell who you were from your description on your profile alone? That’s awesome that they were cool about it!

    @MaullySterling that was a close call lol imagine that was infact him? How do you think you would have reacted? & would you have let him know?

  • @cuddles_ndream I think we chatted back and forth and maybe it was when I sent my picture. I was so in love with my anonymous cuddle-verse and was afraid it would no longer be so but he was so cool about it. Hugs if you're out there reading this. :)

  • Really nice 😊 such a small world 🌎 what a kind soul 🌌

  • I haven't yet but it would sure be interesting.

  • When it happens , hope it's one of the "ONES THAT GOT AWAY". Instant KARMA!

  • I haven’t run into anybody that I know personally, but I’ve run into quite a few people who were also on the dating apps I was using. I guess even if you live in the surrounding Toronto area it’s still a small world.

  • [Deleted User]percilla_law (deleted user)

    I don't know how I would feel about it, it's still a very niche site like someone said previously. Not many people I know would be on here as enthusiasts but my best friend is on here with me as a pro and it's awesome because I have that community both online and off line to talk about our experiences and vent/share but if I saw anyone else that I know in person, I don't know how I would feel, like that this fourm makes you think about things you wouldn't normally think about🤔

  • [Deleted User]arghdaddy (deleted user)

    I think I’d be ok with it but if I found like a sibling or cousin I might be weirded out. Wouldn’t mind finding a coworker since I get along well so we could cuddle like during lunch on stressful days.

  • This hasn’t happened to me at all.......

  • in the inverse, I had a cuddle session with someone who claimed to work for the same institution I did at the time. i never saw them at work though. lol

  • I will be fine meeting some one here who I know in real life. Probably can learn more about what brought them to site.

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