Lack of responses from pros

Over the last couple weeks I have attempted to book with 4 separate professionals but I received no response from any of them. Once I would’ve written off as a fluke, twice a coincidence, but 4 times is a pattern. The messages I send are just a simple greeting and a request to book, is there something off-putting about my profile or do I just have bad luck? Any feedback would be welcome.



  • [Deleted User]LatinCuddles24 (deleted user)

    Yeah it stinks when you get no reply yet from a Pro who you are looking to cuddle with. There could be many reasons why they haven’t gotten back to you yet but don’t think you are the problem. Only thing you can do is be patient and wait. Would not advise to blow up the Pros inbox.

  • @Travismo, as rotten as it feels not to get a reply, please try not to internalize it or take it personally. This is a complaint I have heard from countless men in cities all across the country. For whatever reason, some women just don’t answer messages—even if they appear to have logged on recently. It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with a man’s age, job, looks, or the content of his profile...

    At the end of the day, I think it says more about the pro’s (lack of) professionalism than it does about you. You have a detailed profile that feels genuine and honest and shows several different aspects of your personality. You’ve got a number of nice clear photos with warm and charming smiles. You have a very flattering karma review from @Envie, a pro cuddler who has a great reputation herself.

    You’re clearly not an axe murderer, even if you do confess to having been a lumberjack (honestly, that one detail alone would make me eager to meet you just to hear about that experience!).

    Tl;dr: you’re doing everything right. People are just jerks. I’d cuddle you in a heartbeat if we were closer.

  • Your profile looks great to me! Sorry you aren’t getting any responses. Are the pros showing they have logged in recently? I know with Covid I wasn’t accepting clients for a while (I did however list that on my profile) I kept my account active at the time because I wanted to still enjoy the forums in that time I didn’t check my messages regularly since I wouldn’t be cuddling anyway at the time.

  • Aw, @BellaSera thanks so much! That makes me feel much better! I hope we get the chance to meet someday!

  • All four have been online after my messages, and two looked at my profile but still didn’t respond, which is what made me think I was doing something wrong. But now I’m assuming that they were just busy.

  • edited April 2021

    This is extremely common no matter what you say in your opening message or what your profile looks like. IME most pros don’t reply.

    It’s definitely irritating, because I think to most people the thing that is in theory nice about pros is you don’t have to keep sending dozens of messages into the void; you just introduce yourself and book a session and you’re good to go. But if it’s not like that, and even most pros don’t reply... kind of makes you wonder what the point is. But as others said, you have to learn not to take it personally.

    Most pros aren’t really very committed to this site; they’re just random women who occasionally look at the site and take a booking if they feel like it.

    IMO the thing to do is message a lot of them at once; this way at least one or two will probably reply.

    For what it’s worth; if I counted correctly, I have messaged 19 pros since making this account. 7 replied; 6 were willing to book sessions, but 2 of those 6 cancelled before the session.

  • I've been on this site for over a year, and have followed many of these types of threads, and have seen cuddlers come and go. From my observations, most professional cuddlers aren't committed. These members have low activity in the forums so it's hard to determine reasons, but many probably signed up to be a pro cuddler without knowing what that entailed, then learning they don't want to do it and get cold feet. Some of these members also chose to be professionals due to high demand, but already work a full time job, have a busy life and thus can only cuddle with a very limited number of people. Unfortunately, some professionals seem to be as selective as an enthusiast might be but with the added benefit of being compensated (which is fine, people can cuddle whoever they want, but professionals should be more open as that is what is implied when one registers to be a professional cuddler). Many female cuddlers have mentioned in the forums that they are turned off from meeting people for cuddling (particularly men) based on bad experiences with other men and harassing messages from them. This extends to professionals as well, some have expressed that they were thinking of quitting for this reason. I was having a great conversation recently with a pro cuddler who suddenly deleted her account; I wouldn't be surprised if it were caused by this reason.

    I know what you mean when you message someone, then they visit your profile, but never message you back. Happens to me frequently. It does feel as if maybe your profile, pictures, or message were not good enough. But you have a decent profile, better than most on here. Reaching out to people on here is very hit or miss for reasons that were and were not covered here. I would say that if you are looking for a high rate of response, only message active professionals with lots of karma; even then, some may not get back to you. Many are busy (there are many more men than women on CC); try following up once, if they still don't respond move on to the next!

  • [Deleted User]creedhands (deleted user)

    Also remember that a "pro" here doesn't mean professional. Most pros are just women who see an opportunity to pocket some cash while getting their cuddle needs met. Few actually have taken any initiative to learn about cuddling, business, or any "-ologies" that would pertain to cuddling. I have reached out to over 50 pros, (I stopped counting at 50) and recieved responses from 16 in spite of plenty of good karma. Only 1 out of the 5 I have seen was truly a professional- she had done research or had classes in psychology, counseling, massage, aromatherapy, anatomy/physiology, essential oils, effects of color and texture, cuddling positions, and was taking business classes at the time.

    I'm not saying all pros need to have this repertoire. I have have great cuddles with some pros that had little or none of this. I'm just saying don't expect professionalism out of professional cuddlers every time.

  • I can imagine some women arrive here and have a fleeting thought to be a pro cuddler, get approved, and not being fully committed, test the waters to see what is biting. I can contemplate for myself what a tremendous leap it would be to answer that first world-be client. There's no graceful way to undo that, if it should not go well. Oh well. There are experienced pro cuddlers here ready and waiting.

  • I've been having the same problem. Although I did receive a response from a Pro a while ago. We talked for a little bit, getting to know each other and such. I thought the conversation was going really well. Then, her account was deleted the next day.

  • These are some extremely insightful and informative responses to the original posting. A lack of response is no reflection on the character of the person that initiated contact, it’s just that the number of “available” pros, for a given area, might not be very high. I agree-patience is the best course of action. Keep your chin up!

  • [Deleted User]Mmart (deleted user)

    If I worried about being ignored by pros that I have contacted I would be a neurotic mess.
    My therapist said I have acute paranoia.
    It was nice to be admired but I went there for treatment.

  • 0/4 is just a little a bit unlucky, no more than that. Keep trying. If you can, focus on professionals who have good and recent Karma, have detailed and well-written profiles, and have logged on recently.

    Everybody says your profile is ok so the only remaining thing to double check is your first message. Don't try to book a specific time straightaway: send a brief, friendly message introducing yourself with some basic details about what you're looking for. (Host/guest, session length, etc.) Remember that you are asking for a session, and that the professional is not obliged to accept you as a client.

    Book the time only once you have agreed it with the professional. It's important for numerous reasons including your safety.

  • @Travismo ... you rang the pros dinner bell .

    If there’re not hungry they don’t wanna eat

  • I’ve noticed several times the cuddler responds days after my request time. A couple times they’ve apologized for the late response.
    A suggestion to the CC administrator would be sending an initial text alert to the professional rather than email which can get lost in the junk mail folder. This would be a very effective prompt when the cuddler hasn’t been active on the site for more than a few days.

  • @CuddleDuncan

    His messaging and profile are not the issue, I can attest to this. His initial message to me was inviting and friendly. No red flags that would make a pro think twice about meeting him.
    It's just a lack of interest here, a truly common theme amongst pros in my area.
    My cuddlers here have expressed disdain over and over again for the lack of response even a "no thanks".

    I'm currently in Florida for my birthday with a few sessions, otherwise I'd be cuddling @Travismo who is a perfect gentleman.

  • edited April 2021

    I’ve been very fortunate to have a high response rate--nothing like 100 percent, to be clear, but I’d never expect that. While there’s very little apart from some lovely friends and some very generous karma on my profile, I ALWAYS send all the information (and more) that would typically be there, along with a few pictures, when I message someone with the intention of asking about scheduling a session.

    It’s always disappointing- when I don’t hear back from someone I’d like to have met, but in some of these cases my patience has been rewarded with an eventual session when I made contact again at a later date. I’ll admit that late and sporadic replies can be even more irritating! Yes there’s some level of contact, but it becomes impossible to have a dialogue, much less schedule a session.

    I do freelance work as well and also have feast-or-famine cycles. With respect to the former, there are definitely times that I can’t take on additional work. While I don’t ignore many queries from potential clients , I’m certain I don’t get as many as some of the pros do here.

    Keep trying, and good luck!

  • @Travismo I'm sorry you're experiencing that. While pros really should be more non-discriminatory than enthusiasts, unfortunately that's not always the case. The only times I will not respond to someone is if they make it clear that they didn't read my profile, try to push boundaries/violate CC rules, or don't give me the courtesy of more than a "hey."

    As long as your first message is respectful, there's nothing you're doing wrong. I'm discovering that many folks (pros and non-pros) are on here for the wrong reasons. I think your profile looks great and I appreciate the time you took to complete it. If you were closer, I'd absolutely cuddle you. 🙂

  • In response to Rezz who wrote "No red flags that would make a pro think twice about meeting him. It's just a lack of interest here"
    Why not at least send a response admitting that you are not interested?

  • Or maybe the pros you are contacting are buried in messages and so not getting around to responding. I have seen pros on here say it can take four hours just to get through all their mail sometimes.

  • @dungeondrummer

    Some pros lack professionalism , create a profile and never log in again , don't see email notifications, have a bad experience and never return, etc.

    When I say lack of interest here I'm speaking on behalf of the pros in my area, not myself. @Travismo is an excellent cuddler and has always been a respectable client. If there were more clients like him in my area, pros would stick around and be more attentive to their inboxes.

  • There is another thread about what makes a pro a pro. I would say responding promptly to messages would be one thing. A large percentage of people with pro accounts do not do this. Those who take being a professional seriously understand the need to answer inquiries in a timely manner.

  • edited November 2021

    When a pro does not respond, it's quite a shame. For one, pros are committed to accepting everyone, they cannot pick and choose. By simply not responding to a legitimate request, it gives the appearance that they are skirting around the terms of the contract they signed. If a pro is busy, then they need to respond back in a timely fashion so the client is not left hanging. IMO one of the search criteria should be a "usually responds in" metric which reports the average response time of the pro to the first few messages in a client initiated conversation. Since all messaging until a session is booked should be happening on the site, such a metric should be easy to keep track of. Pros who are going to be on vacation should have the option to temporarily pause bookings to avoid this metric from being affected.

  • Pros are committed to accept everyone? I had a new pro once tell me that and I told them they shouldn't just accept everyone. They said they thought they had to. They knew they didn't have to accept the really creepy ones, but they had some uncomfortable situations because they thought they couldn't be that selective.

  • @I_Am_Not_A_Cat No, pros certainly don't need to accept anyone who they deem to not be looking for something platonic or who sends signals that the pro feels dangerous or threatening. However they are not supposed to choose based on gender, orientation, ethnicity, religion, or such.

  • To me it just shows the lack of professionalism about the so called professional cuddlers with not even getting back to you in a timely matter but yet their profiles says something totally different about who they are and what intentions they have to provide for the cuddle communities especially if you been logged on and don't reply back goes to show how immature you really are.i think to solve this issue something has to be created where if your not replying you shoukd be sent a notice of some sort by the CC to weed out for those who want to and those that don't respond that way one bad apple doesn't spoil the whole bunch. But that's my option on the subject

  • P.s the same should apply to non pros as well that don't respond

  • In all States (Including CALIFORNIA) iS against the law to refuse service to any proactive class...
    Like @CuddlesByDeep already mention.
    Gender, orientation, ethnicity, religion.

    But....... in California
    ( I dont know about the other states)
    Has long as the law is no broken...
    Any company can refuse service for no apparent reason.
    I assume is the same thing with Pro cuddlers.
    Is their right.

  • edited November 2021

    @Chris04 I can't speak to any violations of law, but the requirement to accept all races, genders, and sexual orientations is something every pro agrees to explicitly in order to offer services on this site.

    @carino Non pros are not bound by any agreement to accept everyone, so they can choose to ignore messages if they so please. It's not a nice thing to do, but they can choose to be how they want.

  • @carino

    It's easy as an member who just browses the site and cherry picks who they want to cuddle with to assume we don't have a life outside of the site. Most of us have second jobs, hobbies, families... Alot of pros here are part time and don't check the site everyday. Often times I don't get email notifications, I'll log in to see multiple messages from the day(s) prior.

    Just because I logged in doesn't mean I had time to respond to a message. I may be checking a booking time, wrapping up details with a client, getting directions.

    Patience. Practice it . If you're not getting a response move along to the next person.

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