A Challenge for You

I've noticed a lot of things mentioned in threads and so I decided to try to have everyone give themselves a challenge (could be more than one). What am I talking about right? Well, I noticed many are having trouble setting up a cuddle session or their messages never get a response or they end up being ghosted and so on. So I want to help find a way to solve this dilemma. You are on this website because you want to cuddle. Otherwise please note on your profile that you're not looking to cuddle currently or deactivate if you're not interested in being here at all. This will help you and everyone else. So that's a challenge that I suggest for those that fall into that category to try.

If you're used to not replying to new requests whether a pro or enthusiast then try to make a challenge for yourself that's something like, "I will tell them no as nicely and possible and provide a reason to them like sorry that's too far for me or I'm not looking for a new cuddler sorry" or if you might consider it then say something like, "I am not looking to cuddle currently but maybe in the near future and could you tell me more about yourself so I can get to know you first".

Those asking for a session try to challenge yourself to ask someone once a week or so. If you're worried that there will be no response then try to attach this thread to the message and encourage them to make a challenge for themselves too! This will help spread the word and hopefully lead to something. The more people doing it the better it will be for everyone.

Try to do that to as many as possible or start small with saying I'll do it once a month to a message. It's ok to reply to them late too as long as you stick to completing the challenge you set for yourself.

You can also set a challenge to improve your profile. Please do fill those out. If you haven't set it as a challenge then I would challenge you to write at least a paragraph/5 sentences about yourself. Just start small and update as you go.

My challenges are: 1) Update my profile every 6 months even if it's just a small change like a new picture or a different sentence to keep it up to date. 2) I plan to revisit at least one person in my messages who I spoke to before and tried to set a time to cuddle but it hadn't worked for our schedules before to try again with setting something. 3) I will try to make sure there were no unanswered messages that clearly needed a response so they don't feel ghosted.

Please share the challenges you set for yourself in this thread and then come tell us how things are going. We could also offer you some suggestions on some challenges to set for yourself. Just put some work into your success. Good luck everyone!


  • I like the idea of this challenge. Sadly, because of our current covid restrictions, I'll probably just work on my profile. It could probably use som tweeking.

  • What a lovely idea, thank you @Amortentia.

    I would add two variants for people who are not getting replies to your messages.

    1. Think about why. I mean really think. Why do people not reply to you? What is it about your beliefs, prejudices, attitudes, etc (which are reflected in your profile and your messages) that make people think, 'Nope.'
    2. Change your profile and messages accordingly.
  • Great idea, thanks very much for your support @Amortentia!

  • Working on your profile is something a great majority can do for a challenge. There are a lot of blank profiles. Don't be a nobody or a ghost to your potential cuddlers! It's like a quick section to give them a greeting so they know there is someone really there behind that username. Only people no longer with us (in every which way) that have nothing to say about themselves but you do if you are reading this and have a blank profile.

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