are you already covid vaccinated?

Just got my first shot. And



  • My appointment is at 2:10 tomorrow. I’m excited, but not for the sore arm and finalizing my return from a hiatus I’ve been on since late 2019. I’ll have a lot of work cut out for me. 😆

  • [Deleted User]dltedcuddler (deleted user)

    I got vaccinated right away, so I'm fully vaccinated now. :)

    I think it's important for cuddlers to consider getting vaccinated - good for business too.

  • I got both shots all ready. Both were Pfizer--second shot was over one month ago, so I'm fully covered now.

  • Yes! My second shot was last Thursday. I experience soreness and body aches but recovered within less than a day!

  • So far, I’ve gotten my first dose of Moderna last week. I’ll get my second dose on 6/11 😌

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)
    edited May 2021

    Aaaah, my first appointment's not 'til June! But honestly, I'm just happy to have gotten an appointment. I'll join you guys in the vaccine club soon!

  • Both done. Team Pfizer here. Probable booster in the fall.

  • [Deleted User]Chris55555 (deleted user)
    edited May 2021

    First shot in April. Here in Canada we don’t get our second shot for a number of months.

  • In between jags here.

  • Both done in Ohio..... Had to wait forever even at my age. Now "magically "after waiting months, within a week we have surpluses out the A$$! Go figure lol :)

  • @Chris55555
    I am in the same boat as you. First shot April 2021 2 nd Shot. Who knows.

  • [Deleted User]dltedcuddler (deleted user)

    I'm surprised about Canada! It's been very easy to get one here in the states...

  • edited May 2021

    @alb2049 that's awesome news for California. Ohio is just south of Canada. Maybe it is a regional thing. Here we just keep hearing for months how everyone is "ELIGIBLE" to get vaccines but there were none to be had.

    I was "ELIGIBLE" for two months before I got my first! Then got my second last week.

    Now they are saying Ohio has tons of vaccines they can't give away. Weird. We even have a lottery now for adults if you get a vaccine, 5 random people are getting a million dollars each! AND if you are under 17 and get vaccinated there are 5 students who are in a lottery for a full ride college scholarship to any Ohio College ! I just think the management of this crisis has been fascinating to say the least!

  • Both first and second received back in March. Being in the medical profession with my full time job it's better to have it then doubt anything not having it.

  • Both done a little over a month ago - Moderna.

  • [Deleted User]admirer97_ (deleted user)

    Two injections of Moderna. I’m am good to go! Bring on the cuddles!!!!

  • [Deleted User]jayrob318655 (deleted user)

    Got both of mine. First moderna shot, I was very sore. Second was terrible. Had chills, was tired and out of it. Make sure you hydrated and rest. Take the day off. Takes 24 hrs to get relief from symptoms.

  • I was supposed to be top of the list at the VA.
    Got the 1st last month and boy was it a doozy, Woke up with a temp of 105.4 and had the VA begging me to go into the ER. Was adamant NO NO NO, had a riding lawn mower that I was purchasing coming from 2 hours away. Ended up sick for 4 days with temps going up and down. 100 104 100 104 jeez.
    2nd shot was the 1st of this month and just caused a sore arm for several days.

  • No and I'm not going to. My body my choice.

  • [Deleted User]MortMortensen (deleted user)

    I got my 2nd shot over 2 months ago.

  • Yes, both Phizer done. Sorry for those having side affects, everybody's different. Those described above are typical for 2 dose vaccines & means your body is really responding.

    Know 9 families who got Covid. One female mother of 2 in mid 30's says worse experience of her life & still recovering after 8 weeks. Another guy (mechanic) who swore if he got it he'd just work through it like he does with the flue-got bad case & had to shut business 3 weeks, 2 employees temp layoff, he still recovering, just desk work. Disease so much worse than any vaccine side affects.

    For those who feel it's your body & your choice, "you don't want to get this disease" to quote the 30 yr old female.

    MountainCuddles, unfortunately if you don't get the vaccine you could be responsible for causing great misery in others. You do have the right to decide how u treat your own body, but something to ponder- do u have a right to change the life of another person who has done u no harm? Does anyone have the right to negatively & dramatically change your life?Submitted respectfully, just something to think on in these unique times when we all need to put aside some previous personal feelings for the good ourselves of others which will help us all get back to normal as fast as possible.

  • edited May 2021


    My body my choice.

    That's true only if you don't breathe out.

  • No. I don’t want the Devil’s juice.

  • Oh my god, yes! It's time to cuddle people!! :3

  • Vaccinated people are going to have access to more places and fun things to do in the coming year, it will be well worth a little day or three of being uncomfortable while the antibodies build up. Plus getting Covid is a horrible thing with so many long term effects. I keep hearing of incentives to get vaxxed ~ Brilliant!

  • @KillianOak that is a lie somebody told you because they want your money, or your approval, or something.

    In conversations about covid on this website you will find only the truth, supported by evidence. This is a British website, based in Britain - it just happens to have a lot of US members. Therefore, this place is independent of all US institutions and organisations. It is neutral.

  • I've been fully vaccinated since March! Team Moderna! 💉💪🏻

  • Fully vaccinated for 3 months already

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