Radio Cuddles

Our very own @AniRose is going to be interviewed on the BBC! :)

Saturday 22 May (i.e. tomorrow)

Around 2.35pm UK time (but you know what radio is like for timings)
9.35am New York
6.35am California
the rest of you can work it out for yourself

BBC Radio Northampton

(The BBC has a network of local radio stations around the UK.)

If your own radio doesn't have a button clearly marked BBC Radio Northampton - unlikely I know, but we have to be prepared for every eventuality - there are numerous apps/websites that will help. I happen to use Radio Garden:

I know AniRose and she's absolutely lovely. Exactly the kind of person we want representing our community. She's relatively new to Cuddle Comfort but was trained by Nordic Cuddle and has been cuddling for a while.


  • Congratulations @AniRose on getting some mainstream media exposure, especially through radio. I think I still follow Nordic Cuddle on Twitter. It's so sad that we lost such a respectable and well-known hub in the community due to this pandemic. On the flip side it's so awesome that Nordic produced high quality pros who really take this work seriously and know what it's about. I think I'm going to try to listen in while I work a little bit tomorrow, thanks for sharing!

  • edited May 2021

    It's just finished. I was able to listen live, and it was excellent. Great job Ani! =)

    Ten minutes of talking about what cuddle therapists do and benefits of cuddling, both for clients and for the population at large. Supportive and interested radio host.

  • I have a recording of the interview. You can't post sound files in the forum, and it's not an official BBC recording so youtube will take it down for copyright infringement.....

    PM if you're interested and I'll email to you. It's about eight minutes.

  • A gratifying number of people have asked me for the recording. If you haven't received it please let me know (emails with lumpy attachments (4 meg) are more likely to get lost in the e-post).

    This isn't quite the last call, because I will always be happy to send it, but this thread will eventually disappear into history ....

  • Well done @AniRose (and thanks for the recording @CuddleDuncan - much appreciated)

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