Traveling for Cuddling

Hi there! I'm new here and have had a couple of requests to travel to another state to cuddle. They will obviously pay all expenses but want to know how much I would charge. Anyone have an idea of how much to charge for that? It's kind of a long plane ride but I don't expect them to pay me the hourly fee for travel time. I'm trying to be fair. More importantly, any ideas on how insure safety in a situation like that?


  • edited May 2021

    I've touched base on this a few times.

    I'm always suspicious of requests for travel unless I'm already in the area.

    Ask yourself - Why can't these members find a suitable cuddler in their area? Why are they throwing out a wide net and paying for travel + expenses to a new pro hundreds of miles away?
    You're new here so you're going to be seen as naive by some unsavory members that are here for the wrong reasons.
    Unfortunately sex trafficking is a very real scenario. Some are definitely looking for more than platonic cuddling. I turn down requests to travel to various cities with all expenses paid at least 1-2 times a month.

    IF you do travel to them have them pay for the ticket, require proof of a hotel reservation(s) in your name, have safety nets in place should 💩 go south. Have enough money in your bank to cover any and all expenses should you arrive and find they want more than cuddling to afford yourself an escape plan. Do not cuddle at their home until you feel 100% confident their intentions are genuine. Insist on a hotel. There's security in having cameras around and staff to see you come and go.

    Require recent photos or a state issued ID and a phone number before even considering any of the above. Make sure friends or family have access to this information. Use a tracker, I use Life 360 and do a check in / check out system with someone so they know you're safe.

    Now with all of that said charge your normal rate. If they are covering your plane ticket I personally wouldn't charge travel time.
    Make time in your schedule to book other sessions with other clients in the area. Don't allow the base client to control your time there. Negotiate realistic expectations of time management before making any arrangements.

    But before you decide ask yourself why can't they find someone closer.

    Good luck, please stay safe!

  • Everything @Envie ssid

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