
I am a pro cuddler but have mostly worked with Combat Veterans privately. Never been on a sight like this so any tips or advice would be appreciated!


  • Welcome, @JustJessy! Start by reading the excellent advice at the start of the Frequently Asked Questions sticky at the top of the General board.

    Also read the profiles of other professionals. The long profiles, I mean (not the three sentence efforts about how their friends think they are a great cuddler). Much of what is written in such profiles is there for a reason.

  • edited June 2021

    Welcome, @JustJessy, lovely to have someone here with such crucial professional experiences.

    @CuddleDuncan, you are such a helpful community member and I always appreciate the fact that you’re ready with the welcome wagon and some wonderful advice when new folks ask good questions.

    That said, you should gently ask yourself why you often feel compelled to get in a dig when you’re pointing someone toward resources. For example, I think directing a new pro toward reading profiles of other, more experienced pro cuddlers is GREAT advice, but the dig against pros with shorter profiles seems neither necessary nor helpful.

  • @JustJessy

    Welcome to the site!

    The pros forum has a wealth of information worth delving into.

    A few things off the top of my head that I would recommend since it seems from your OP you meet your clients maybe from therapist referrals etc. and not via online though I could be wrong.

    Ask for pictures before meeting anyone. Never meet anyone sight unseen, the pros forum touches on this alot. Some require a video chat before approving requests. Which is a great way to see reactions in real time to what's expected from them and what you provide.

    Don't be afraid to reach out to an inquiring members previous cuddlers via their karma if they have any, to ask questions about their experience.

    I recommend using a tracker for friends and family to keep track of where you are and who you're with. I use Life360, it's free and has lots of great safety features.

    Be weary of requests to fly you to random city across the country. There's a few people who mass send new members these proposals. Again it's been touch on in the pros forum about why this is suspect. This doesn't mean they are all scammy or have suspicious underlying intentions but certainly dissect why they can't find someone closer.

    Ask questions, be proactive about your boundaries upfront and those who are not here for the right reasons generally move on to the next girl when they realize you're firm in keeping the session professional.

    Since you have experience with combat vets touch on that in your profile a bit! This is a great addition to add to your profile to show you can cuddle a variety of people with varying degrees of trauma and PTSD. Explain your touch methods, make your profile stand out from those who don't have this experience.

    Again welcome and I hope you find many wonderful cuddlers here. (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃

  • @Envie the advice Queen! 💖💖

  • @Sheena123 💗
    I think we've seen and heard ( almost ) everything that can be thrown our way during our time here. Some advice I've picked up from advice you've given in previous posts. So you contributed and you didn't even realize it!

    I love seeings new pros asking questions, it shows initiative.

  • @Envie lol teamwork makes the dream work!! 😆
    You’re so right. I’ve always encouraged people to ask. If you don’t know, don’t guess!! Learn! 🌸🌸

  • @Sheena123 I would also recommend that she have an ample supply of Nelly Furtado tunes for potential clients

  • @hugonehugall I can recommend a therapist for you if you’d like, you horrible, horrible person

  • Thank you @BellaSera, it's a good point. And very elegantly made, if I may say so. I will have a think about that.

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