What’s on your mind right now 💭

edited June 2021 in General

...what are you pondering 🤔 / ranting 😫 / thinking about 😌...

Open journal 📓 diary 📔-thinking out loud -

1) lately I’ve been hating my job, it used to be fun for the 1st 5 years, it all took for a management switch & we’re all over it & moral is really down 😔 … wishing I can quit today & pursue my real passions, but playing it safe seems wiser at the moment

2) i should have been finishing getting ready for work In the next 10 minutes to see if I can make it to this new burger 🍔 spot on my way to work that ive been curious about … Will I make it or will this be the 3rd day in a row I’ll have to say “ maybe next time” lol

3) I really hope my friends aren’t caught up this weekend with plans / adulting / or anything else, I really wanna hit up a bar / spot / vibe out to music 🎶 / beer 🍻 & share laughs with them 😝🤪

Edited long title [-Sid]



    1. How exhausted I feel nowadays leading to being unproductive then feeling bad about that. Though I am trying to just take the time and care I need to overcome it. Because the guilt will just stress me out more and worsen it.
    2. A potential crush I've yet to cross paths with again.
    3. My favorite food and spots to spend time.
    4. How nice the weather is and that I should go enjoy it. Getting some sun helps.
    5. Places I'd like to consider visiting once the pandemic is over.

    That's about it.

  • edited June 2021


  • Why women don't want to meet me for cuddle

  • @Ahmedali999 there have been discussions about this in several threads now and you dont really accept the advice and dont really do anything to make changes so not sure what else you are hoping to hear ...

  • [Deleted User]EdthePanda (deleted user)

    How I don't want to go to work and I still got half an hour until im post to leave

  • @pmvines
    Thanks for your suggestions but that's the reality about me even I never smile I have no sense of humor I'm quite and antisocial

  • @Ahmedali999 you are answering your own questions as to why you have problems making connections. You dont seem interested in making efforts to change anything so you will continue to have challenges. Continuously asking why you have these challenges while at the same time acknowledging that you have these issues and accept them and dont really have an interest in changing just seems like spinning your wheels

  • @Ahmedali999 at this point you know some of the reasons why and several have given you helpful suggestions. What is the reason you continue to ignore advice and ask the same questions?

    Just about all women here want to cuddle with someone who is cuddly, respectful and cordial. If you are giving out the polar opposite energy then no wonder why. Like @pmvines said, it is up to you to make changes to improve your chances.

    You can't expect everyone else to accept you when you aren't even willing to do the bare minimum to show them qualities worth accepting. Maybe though if you can't manage this on your own, you need to seek some kind of mental health expert to work with you in overcoming or better coping with whatever you're going through.

  • @pmvines
    I will try any way these pictures best pictures I have my communications only good on internet in reality I'm very boring and can't open or make conversations with people I suffer every where changing not really easy maybe I change pictures but it's difficult to change myself

  • I think about food a lot! 😂
    I’m thinking about when COVID restrictions will lift.
    I’m looking forward to the free cuddle consultations that’s I’ve got booked next week.
    I’m feeling grateful for all I have.

  • This yummy food before me is on my mind

    Pondering about how I've only 25 minutes for it because I gotta finish work and go to a cuddle session.

    Ranting about my work hours not completely declining as they should be this month.

    Thinking about watching a movie at the movie theatre and having popcorn and a smoothie.

  • [Deleted User]Mmart (deleted user)

    Thinking about cuddling with @Amortentia before the year is out.

  • Oh yeah a new thought came now. When will I have that cuddle session with @Mmart hmmm.... It's been in process for some time now. Must complete it!

  • I’m tuning in to my uncle’s weekly public broadcast sports radio show and wanting to reach through the screen and fix their broadcasting equipment. 😂 If I lived anywhere near them, I’d be there making the adjustments already.

  • @Lovelight ty @UCpaaHVg6u0 lmao 🤣 @EdthePanda I know the feeling @YourEmbraceMel - food - restrictions lifted - feeling grateful - always @Amortentia most definitely looking forward to the movie theaters this weekend one of my greatest escapes ☺️ @b0nfire lol 😅

  • Ahmedali999 you have two good karma reviews. Maybe you should mention this to the cuddlers you approach

  • @Lovelight thanks brother I will update my profile @sunshine77
    These 2 karama are new hopefully it will help me

  • @Ahmedali999 cuddling with pros will help you get more karma faster. But never give up on getting to where you want to be!

  • @Amortentia thanks alot I spent around $3000 coddling pro I was addicted to 1 of them when she discovered I love her she disgusted me now I'm happy with new pro

  • @Ahmedali999 uhhh , maybe the fact that you say you are falling in love with the people you have cuddled and when they start doubling down on boundaries, such as wearing additional clothing which one can only assume means there may be some trust issues re behavior, you start to say they disgust you could be part of your problem ? I know if I were a woman on here there would be a lot of red flags from your comments alone . Nobody is here to be your girlfriend or love interest or muse . You do realize that is not what a pro cuddler is for , right ?

    I will also add on that this is an example of why I say cuddling isn't for everyone, and for some it can actually end up causing more harm and damage .

  • @pmvines
    The reason is I never in my life experienced long cuddle or had girlfriend only I used to go to prostitutes and it makes me depressed I used to suffer from depression,anxiety + I'm super antisocial when I first experienced cuddle it was amazing feelings i felt compassion and affection it healed the pains I have also I used to have sucide thoughts because of my religion if you do it yh you go to hell for ever similar to christianity

  • My first pro cuddle was amazing carer and supporter treated me very well I changed my mind and chooses life

  • @pmvines she used to wear something soft T-shirts 1 day I surprised her by coming with different contact number but it went wrong she suffer from Trauma and I know the reason why she was very scared and nervous of me is like I came to murder her or remind her of something bad happened to her she never new I lover them when she calm down was very angry at me I fall on my knees to beg her to give me a chance she was shocked and discovered I love her and become more angry I teared and left life become dark I had severe depression after 3 days I saw her again she healed me after that she started mistreating me wearing heavy staff keeping away from me now I decided to see different cuddle body it's better for both of us

  • @pmvines what can I do most people who go for cuddle because they need it as I was wishing I never new cuddle therapy existed I was just asking Google I need cuddle then discovered it's amazing discovery

  • I'm thinking about my reluctance - and many people I know - to go back to normal. I used to go dancing, to clubs, bars, concerts, and I don't feel energetically ready to be around a crowd of people just yet. The pandemic has made me feel more comfortable than ever in my own company and now the idea of going into the populous is borderline scary.
    At least cuddling in person is back, it is so needed.

  • @Mare_Bear - now you know what it's like to be an introvert.

  • @UKGuy I empathize with that

  • @Mare_Bear i concur! I miss the dancing and the concerts. Last one I saw was Post Malone right before the pandemic lockdown in Memphis.
    @UKGuy I hear you.

  • @Ahmedali999 I would recommend different pros not just one because seeing one pro will only get you one karma. More pros then more karma. But it is still nice to find one nice pro but careful not to change things because yeah they feel uncomfortable and leave.

  • @Amortentia thanks for your support and suggestions good idea

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