Cuddling poses for artists

edited June 2021 in General

Would you cuddle in an art gallery ? Can you hold a pose with your partner for twenty minutes keeping still , then there’s a five - ten minute break , then resume the exact cuddling position . There would be several artists sketching or painting .


  • No that would be weird to me

  • There is payment . It is a modest amount , you don’t get any of the drawings or painting , they would go on display for sale , but you may take pictures of them after the session is done

  • [Deleted User]Mmart (deleted user)

    Nein danke.

  • edited June 2021

    I’ve posed professionally for art classes before, solo – very fun for me, but it’s certainly not for everyone! I’d consider cuddling for this purpose, but the conditions would have to be right. I’d need to see the space, meet the facilitator, meet my posing partner or know them beforehand, and the ability to hold the position depends entirely on the position.

    One of my favorite artists, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, has a wonderful series that deals with this sort of non-sexual closeness. I’ve been lucky enough to see this piece, “In Bed,” in person at the Musèe d’Orsay in Paris 🙂

  • I totally would! Just to say I have!! It’s so far out of my everyday wheelhouse that it could only be an adventure!

    @Mmart How did I not know that you speak Deutsch...?

  • I would too!

  • [Deleted User]Mmart (deleted user)


    Mein geheimnis.......

  • I don't have anything against doing it, but it wouldn't be worth my time unless they were paying like 150 an hour.

  • I’ve been an artists’ model before. I first did it when I was 20, then later when I was 40, and then again when I was 60. I’m expecting to line up a few gigs when I turn 80. It’s hard enough to hold a pose for 20 minutes alone, I think it would be more difficult with another person. It doesn’t matter how comfortable you are, after five minutes of being perfectly still it becomes torture, a test of how well you can tolerate discomfort. And when you’re assuming the same pose over and over it is even more difficult because your body is getting stressed the same way repeatedly.

    I might do it but they’d better pay well which they never do.

  • THAT is one pose I have never had any of the artists ask for at the artist's photo shoot I do every summer. Granted, these are some of the biggest names in Western Art and they are looking for cowboys, Indians, trappers, longhorns, horses, stagecoaches, bankrobbers, barroom floozies, gamblers, blacksmiths, sodbusters, log cabins, wildlife, etc. I've posed for about a dozen artists over the years and my favorite is by Wayne Justus and is called Morning Bugle Call (mostly because he insisted I wear my favorite hat for the picture).

  • [Deleted User]PapaBearCuddles (deleted user)

    Life is weird

  • [Deleted User]LauraBear36 (deleted user)

    I’d do it.

  • Huh... So the one I cuddle and I, get to lay all twisted under a blanket, possibly snoring after 3 minutes of not moving, while strangers sketch us and others casually mill about? And I get paid? I'll have to check with him, but I think I'd be down for that.

    Also, I'm not sure how they'd go about getting my hair to cooperate between layings, to recapture the initial pose, but yeah, okay... How about Sunday?

  • CuddleDuncan, that's the one!

  • I posed for artists before and I loved it ☺️

  • @CuddleDuncan - great photo! Very painterly.

  • i'd do it!

  • @Babichev You can buy it from the artist as a print.

  • Update: He said, "As long as I can sleep or stare at my phone too... When?"

  • I've modeled for art classes ever since college, and I've enjoyed posing for several years now. Only once did I ever do a duet session and it was a lot of fun, so I'd absolutely do it again, especially if I got to cuddle during the process!

  • I'd do it

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