How did you come across / stumble upon CC? 🗺

It is a given that all of us (or most of us) love cuddling, but our stories are different … How did you find CC? What made you join? And what was your life journey like at that moment in time? 🌌

  1. How did you find or hear about CC43 votes
    1. Web Search 💻
    2. Article 📖
    3. Word of mouth 🗣
    4. Other 🧩


  • It was so long ago I am struggling to remember. Probably saw something advertised for professional cuddling and decided to google it to see what that was about and found the site. I think I joined and stayed because this site, to date, has the most active user base that I can tell. Another site I tried looking at recently just to check out competition only had 2 for my state and only 1 of which were female.

    During that time, I was in an abusive relationship and was just in desperate need to receive any form of kind touch. Met a couple girls who were professional and really took the time to make me feel better and walked me through what something like this is all about.

    Since then I have come back to the site here and there to find someone to cuddle. My current experience is unfortunately not as it was back then (pricing going significantly up, less responses, many inactive profiles) though we have just went through and still going through a pandemic which definitely plays a factor in an industry like this. Hoping to see how things grow as we move forward.

  • Honestly it was during a blind date when there was zero chemistry (thank God). Pleasant twist to the date was we hung out all night like crazy college buds. So my new buddy also former enthusiast Cuddler mentioned I should try CC. And here I be. So the second not quite pleasant twist to the story was that we did meet up again. At my dear cousins wedding and turned out my referral to CC is my 2nd cousin on Mom's side. 😨🛑‼

  • Web. Needed a different cuddle website. This one is by far my favorite.

  • I was Googling a friend who I knew cuddled for a living to get her contact for another friend and somehow stumbled across this site. Thought, this would be awesome for my clients! Then thought, this might be awesome for me! And it has been. <3

  • [Deleted User]BigBear4Cuddles (deleted user)

    Girls on Tinder hated that I always just wanted to cuddle so I searched for the right site/community. Out of all the cuddle sites I found, this was the only real one where the profiles weren't fake bot accounts and where people actually met.

  • edited June 2021

    I was actually looking for a make out buddy when I found this site.. I was single and had just left a terrible relationship, but I quickly discovered JUST cuddling was a far healthier option. I'd become used to not being touched to the point that I didn't want to be anymore and a make out buddy probably would have wanted more "eventually" and I definitely wasn't ready for that yet! I'm not single now and I didn't meet him on this site, but it definitely helped in the healing process!

    Ladies: If JD_hug ever messages you, you've "struck gold". His work schedule is "impossible", but he's infinitely safe!! I'll vouch for him ANY day in ANY context.

  • i remember doing pro cuddle sessions on a different site back in 2017 and a cuddler from one of my sessions suggested me to join cuddlecomfort bc he thought it was better for professionals. and it is!

  • CC chose me, I didn’t choose it 🤣

  • My friend in Chicago cuddles professionally! She had told me about it... initially I was very hesitant to get started here. My first experience was a virtual session which turned into the person I was talking to trying to have phone sex. After that I deleted my account for quite a few months. Have had much better experiences since then I am happy to say!

  • [Deleted User]arghdaddy (deleted user)

    My first experience with this incredible world was a lucky by chance add find on a local periodical. The pro, which became a friend kind of gave me the idea to search for this. I am eternally grateful that I did.

  • I googled something like 'men cuddle men' and found a forum discussion about that topic on this website.

  • I was on cuddle connect, that site shut down over night. It gave instructions on what to put in Google and I found this website. More active people on here, still waiting to find a long term cuddle buddy.

  • I got my heart broken a second time a year after I left my starter husband. After I got done crying about it and reminded myself that no one gets to decide if I'm happy except me, I realized all I want is someone to cuddle with, laugh with, and watch movies with. How can I get that? So I googled it, and there's an app for that :)

  • I actually was pretty set on moving to Arizona after visiting there, but now I'm getting a whole different view.

  • I’ve been struggling with some health issues that can make even basic social situations very difficult.

    Close interaction felt like an impossibility.

    So a few nights I lay awake maligning my lot, and generally feeling sorry for myself. You know, the kind of thoughts that creep into your head when it’s dark and you’ve had an unending headache for 8 years straight.

    Then I thought to myself, “I need a professional cuddler.” Literally word for word how it popped into my head.

    That’s not a thing though. It can’t be a thing. “Google is that a thing?”

    Seconds later I was filling out my profile.

  • A friend and cuddle buddy from another site told me about cuddle comfort!!! Happy that I joined! This site has been great in many ways!!!🤗

  • edited June 2021

    I actually was pretty set on moving to Arizona after visiting there, but now I'm getting a whole different view.

    @UCpaaHVg6u0 I’m trying to figure out where your comment about Arizona is coming from and what it has to do with how you stumbled upon CC… 🤔

  • I had been battling depression and suicidal thoughts after a breakup I had 2 years ago. My therapist at the time found this site for me and it has helped me through many things and helped me gain a few new positive friends such as @SuperManCuddles that I can confide in.

  • @ILikeWarmHugs Wow!!! Thank you for sharing my friend! Happy that a person in my profession suggested this site and helped you in many ways! I am so happy to have met you on this site!❤️🤗

  • edited June 2021

    I learned about CuddleComfort in 2017 from a significantly inferior public cuddling community, which was where I started offering my services. After being assaulted and also possibly stalked via that platform (where literally anything is allowed), and the admins did nothing about removing problematic people because the site is funded by clients' monthly subscriptions, I switched to here. I didn't have a great deal of respect for the community like I do now, oddly enough. Then again, it took me a while to really understand what it was I was offering and getting into. This is my main community as far as being a cuddler in general, simply because it isn't hidden behind any paywalls, it's not cliquey like some of the private groups and circles I've run in and its primary purpose is for enthusiasts to find each other. Despite having a lot of pros on it, CC is not a platform that's out primarily to make a buck or protect its bottom line and that's what I love about it.

  • edited June 2021

    Being a older person , never married and tired of dating services, I wanted something different, that was non - sexual., I jut wanted to try to establish something with someone of the opposite sex, without worrying about what would happen next.

    After typing in several keywords professional cuddling came up. . and decided to try it.

    Like @Catloaf I began on a different website that I found problematic. I then did another web search for other cuddling services and found this. This site is fantastic!! It's easy to use and I have never found many cuddles. Mainly from pros. It is very easy to use, there is absolutely no pressure to set a session right away. The other agency did not allow you to contact the cuddlers directly either. The agency would send your text to them and they could contact you themselves. A few cuddlers where not what I would hive expected.

    Overall, I think cuddling is great!!! I enjoy it very much and wish I could do it more!

  • I was the 13th member to join the site back when it first started. So yahh I've been around a while. @Mark desperately wanted me to join for the cuddles. 😂

  • Worst cuddle buddy ever.

  • That was a really nice response @Cuddle_RN “no one gets to do decide if I’m happy except me”, thank you soo much for the vulnerability @ILikeWarmHugs …. Soo many amazing / wonderful & vulnerable answers … I’m pretty sure the majority of us here on CC could relate to one or more of the reasons above 🌌

  • I'm here due to a recommendation from my VA therapist. I was encouraged to give it a try as I have a hard time with touch and emotion. LOL due to my location being in the pit of nowhere and my distress with touch and personal space I have as yet to make any appointments. Maybe one day, till then I have learned a ton just from reading the forums. Thank you for that. :)

  • @Gibb696 I hope you find someone because I can see where this would help immensely as part of a treatment plan. My dad served two tours in Vietnam as a part of Special Forces and the Phoenix Program. When I was 28 my mom called me and asked me to come over and confiscate all of my dad’s guns because she thought he was going to self harm. She did not know what was the matter because this was 17 years after the end of the war. He wouldn’t tell her but he came to my place and asked me where I put them. I said I sold them which made him scary angry. Eventually we talked that night and he broke down and cried and I hugged him. I have to go back and recant in another thread that I said no one ever cried during hugs—my dad did. Turns out he had been going to the VA Hospital as a counselor out of guilt—he served missions behind enemy lines and was in the thick of things but as an officer he gave orders that had people killed and that is why he had so much guilt—he had to body tag his men when they were killed. He just never thought that he needed to be a patient too. He had it in his head that if he could save people at the VA Hospital it would serve as penance. I had long suspected he had issues—his back had to be against a wall in public places, crowds made him freak out, and he hit me square on the chin and knocked me out one time when I snuck up on him. He had severe depression and PTSD and the night my mom called me his best friend from Vietnam who got hooked on heroin and developed AIDS, had put a bullet in his brain that night. Good news is he did turn himself around and became a better person than he was before he went off to war. He just had to hit rock bottom. I like to think that I was the first one he told because I put an arm around him. Touch can be electric.

  • @Gibb696 thank you sooo much for your service !!! I am so glad the forums / threads have been such a learning experience & an escape for you as it has been for me as well 🌌

  • @FunCartel & @cuddles_ndream Hey Thanks a million for the words of wisdom, That means a lot.

  • A (now ex) facebook friend posted about an article she had read about professional cuddlers and how she was thinking of doing it for the bucks. She's very attractive and will attract a load of business, but she is a hot mess coming and going. I imagine she'll generate enough drama to get into some sort of trouble and post all of it online.

    Off and on I have looked for cuddle parties and connections but finally found this site a few weeks ago. I was encouraged to find that people in my area had signed up in the past. But none have been active for months now and are unresponsive to queries. I am biding time waiting for others in my area to join and considering connecting with someone out of the area when I travel.

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