Not beginnng before starting...

Has anybody not begun a session before starting when you first meet your cuddler ? It has happened to me once or twice. The first time on another site where the cuddler brought a mentally challenged woman to teh session, saying she would just sit in the car while we cuddled. I said an outright no, it was on a hot August day and even if the weather was nicer I woudl have said no on the grounds that I felt it was not right.

The second time the woman's clothes were filthy, she wore her outfit right to the session.

Any others out there?


  • Has anybody not begun a session before starting

    I'm having a really hard time understanding this phrase. "Begin" and "start" are basically synonyms, so what in the world does it mean to begin (or not begin) before starting?

    By the context of the rest of your post I think you mean you meet the cuddler and decide not to proceed with the session.

    I have not, although there were a few times when I probably should have. Notably one time I was pretty dramatically catfished, and a couple times people were intoxicated.

  • edited June 2021

    @CuddleWho , Yes that is what I mean...when you meet the person and you decide not to go ahead with the cuddle......a person”a picture can change over time. As long as the picture looks like the person I saw online, I feel okay with it.

  • [Deleted User]Abbeyroad (deleted user)

    Yes I understood what you meant . No it hasn't happened to me ...yet!

  • I generally plan all my meet-ups to start with tea and get-to-know, even if someone travels here to see me. I think it's easier to add a "yes let's" to a tea with no expectations than it is to plan to cuddle and then say "no, let's not."

  • Understood what you meant. :)

    No experience with that, though good on you for making that call, especially about the woman who came with the mentally challenged lady to leave in the car. -_-

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