[POC] The Nap Ministry? Have you heard of it?

edited June 2021 in General

Got something cool to share with POC folks.


The Nap Ministry is a space that focuses on the concepts of rest, and affirming the abolition of systems that drain POC individuals from achieving that rest. That is who The Nap Ministry was created for, so I have to throw that out there. I thought that maybe there's POC and others out there who didn't know about this and might benefit from the messages on rest and more. I follow on Twitter and enjoy the tweets - she has a lot to say about "the struggle" as well, and those of you who go through "the struggle" will know what it is. I certainly don't, and can't. But I witness it through her words which move me.

I also enjoy calling the hotline and hearing Trisha's messages (which change every Tuesday). They give me somewhat of a mental reset. The last message recorded was basically summed up as "The systems you live under are garbage. You don't have to "earn rest". It's your birthright."

Note: I'm only sharing this so others can have exposure to it. I've wanted to for a while now but held back because I was afraid of reactions from people who would get offended at a POC-focused resource (you know the kinds of people I'm talking about when I say that). I have no doubt the mods will give quick time outs if people cause a ruckus in the comments.

I'm staying out of any potential discussion going forward on this thread, because I don't believe I can speak on these issues accurately as a Caucasian. Just here to share!


  • Thanks for sharing this. What a wonderful resource.

    Dr. Angela Davis have a talk at my college and she said that rest and self care were absolutely critical to achieving any meaningful activism. “You have to take care of you, period.” Easier said than done, but well worth the effort.

  • @Catloaf Thank you very much for sharing this resource!👍🏿

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