The Cuddle Buddies Subreddit

Anyone have experiences with it? I was following it for a while as an enthusiast recently but I unfollowed it because over time I kept seeing people post stuff that seemed borderline inappropriate. Even someone replying to my own ad in there looking for a cuddle buddy that they were into BDSM and kink. I got a bit angry because in my personal life I have been in that scene, and I know that informed consent is paramount. I said in my post I’m not here for sex, and someone who is well versed in that lifestyle would know well enough not to approach you. But this person was trying to defend themselves and explain why the mention of it wasn’t sexual. Riiiiiiiight, in my Dr. Evil voice.

When I mentioned this to an admin of the subreddit and sent screenshots, they admitted not knowing how to ban said person from it, nor did they try to figure out how. After that, I quit trying to look on there.


  • [Deleted User]arghdaddy (deleted user)

    I don’t but I just liked hearing your Dr. Evil voice. Lol.

  • edited June 2021

    Can't say I have, but I would be more on guard for lascivious behaviors with those than on a regular date, imo. Why make an exception for CC, you ask? Well there are clear set boundaries written all over the place so hopefully a majority of the members get the picture. But I think its been pointed out before that the active forum members aren't necessarily representative of the active CC members.

  • As an asexual i can say that there is a place where kink exists without sex, but it's understandable to be weary

  • there is a place where kink exists without sex

    Yes at Konk Studio in London where the Kinks recorded several of their albums and produced several more.

  • edited June 2021

    Honestly, I was a bit taken aback from joining Reddit at all. I know it can sometimes be a bit of a, um, cesspool. And yes you're right.


    I'm demi, can you explain? I've only been out with myself about it for maybe the last year. I haven't really heard of this, feel free to PM though.

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @Catloaf: Ooh! As an ace with kinks myself, I can tell everybody that sometimes it's just really fun to tie another person up. Or have them kneel at your feet holding up a meal on a tray. Or just plain call you "master." Or whatever! But without sex, thanks.

    I don't think any of that fits particularly well in a cuddle with a stranger, though. Doesn't seem likely to work out—I wouldn't bring it up.

  • Have never been there and never will!!!

  • @Lev136 I popped over there on the strength of this thread. My favourite post was from a man who claimed to have a ten-inch penis and was seeking - quote - "serious replies only".

  • @CuddleDuncan Oh god, I remember that one. It's funny how so many men on the internet suddenly become men with 8 and above inch birds. 8 to 10 is statistically pretty rare, but trolls are a dime a dozen. B)

    Ooh! As an ace with kinks myself, I can tell everybody that sometimes it's just really fun to tie another person up. Or have them kneel at your feet holding up a meal on a tray. Or just plain call you "master." Or whatever! But without sex, thanks.

    This is super interesting. I'm doing the reading of an article that was sent to me, and now I'm thinking I might actually be one of those to some degree. I done learned something today.

  • My favourite post was from a man who claimed to have a ten-inch penis and was seeking - quote - "serious replies only".

    I hope you didn’t gag when you read it.

  • That would be some serious reading material

  • edited June 2021

    The language used in their about subreddit is rather ambiguous I'd say.

    I tried, I had a couple of men approach me there. Though their profiles showed that they were commenting on inappropriate stuff, or some other deal breakers for me and thus felt uncomfortable with them. One of them said he'd try but then didn't want to as he said he feared catching feelings or wanting more than I can give. Which is respectful of him that he didn't lead me on and was somewhat mature in communicating that. Even though I am pretty sure he communicated that under another profile which he reached out to express interest then rejected, smh. I had some clues that it was the same guy contacting on another account. That was the last either accounts contacted me. Also had a ~16 year old contacting me, even though I specified 18+ and I was like "Bruh! No." I rejected him nicely, of course. I found out his age after I happened to ask in like the first few responses because he didn't volunteer it himself.

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