Why pros started charging crazy fees

Is charging fee 80$ Fair just for cuddling

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  • edited June 2021

    I thought you were going to complain about the number of pros charging $150 or more, which does seem to be increasing now.

    But $80 has been standard for a while, probably actually on the low end in many areas. Whether it's fair has nothing to do with it. Posts complaining about prices tend to get some pros stepping in to justify their prices, and they talk about the safety factor, the extra time they spend messaging potential clients and traveling, and so on. But the truth is that prices don't need that kind of justification, they're determined by market forces and individual preferences. The reason most cuddlers charge $80+ is because they get enough clients that it's worthwhile for them. If there were few clients willing to pay that much, pros would either lower their prices or find a different line of work.

  • [Deleted User]Cuddleslikeapro (deleted user)

    I thought you were going to complain about 150+ lmaooooooo. Man, if 80 was the standard in SoCal I would be one happy camper.

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)
    edited June 2021

    Hey guys, I wanted to post a quick reminder from the forum rules: "Please avoid continuous unnecessary negativity about professional cuddling as it is not conducive to open discussion and risks making professionals feel unwelcome on the forum." Please carry on, but be aware that if this thread devolves into excessive negativity about pros, it will be closed. Thanks.

  • I thought I was going to see you complaining about many charging like $150/hr. There are even a few charging as much as $220/hr! But I did see a few charging as little as $70/hour or even $60/hour. It would be great to see a lot more professional cuddlers charge like that, but they are the ones who decide how much they charge, but they can't decide how it influences there to be more or less clients. The minimum wage also varies greatly, with some states having it down to $7.25/hour, and others having it up to $12 or even $14 per hour. Other things that come into factor are expenses, taxes, and responsibilities in different regions that influence people affordability in professional cuddlers.

  • If you haven't noticed anytime u complain about rates here , it is not looked at well. Might as well keep comments to yourself about it. As gas prices rise and foods so will these cuddles.best alternative is buy a dog or cuddle someone u already know

  • I dont think 80 is a bad price at all. So many people are touch starved and depressed, I think being able to have somone cuddle you and somone to talk and connect with is Amazing and probably more effective than many mainstream treatments for mh and wellbeing.
    Just don't let big pharma catch on or it will really be overpriced 😆
    Like you get your hospital bill an your like "500 dollars for a hug? Puposterouse!!"

  • I think everyone should charge whatever is worth it for them … & that includes any job or industry.

  • Is charging fee 80$ Fair just for cuddling

    As opposed to what? Your 'just for cuddling' implies there should be something more to the equation. Let me introduce you to new moon. 'New moon' is the face I make, everytime one of these threads pops up. It's also the face I make immediately prior to thinking, "Eh, I shouldn't contribute to this one", before I do.

  • LMAO "risks making professionals uncomfortable on the forum" Well $200hr for cuddles makes us feel uncomfortable LOL

  • Then don’t cuddle them. move on….

  • @timetocuddle07 your absolutely right

  • Does it really ruin your day if somebody is charging $200/hour? Just don't book them. Problem solved. I think this thread needs to be closed. There's nothing positive that anyone can contribute in here.

  • edited June 2021

    Oh yay we are neck and neck with the boner thread count . Vax/covid threads are still in third place but slowly gaining ground

  • Yes please close this thread I don't want to risk anyone's feelings getting hurt

  • Lol 😂 😂😂

  • This horse is long dead and has been shipped off to the glue factory.

    I'm always curious when these posts pop up what they think we should charge.
    If the average was $40 you can bet your ass people would still complain,

    but they should do it for free out of the kindness of their heart

    Kindness doesn't pay my bills.
    Don't like the rates don't hire us. I can assure you we'd rather book someone who knows our worth than listen to someone who whines the entire session about how much it's costing them..

  • You are all grown ass adults. If you dont want to hire a cuddler because they charge more than what you feel is reasonable than make an adult decision to not do it. Stop whining and expecting to be accommodated for it . The more energy people waste on this the less they will have to put into finding things that make them happy.

  • edited June 2021

    Well heck. Based on the title I thought I was about to be enlightened about a collective movement, an upward trend of sorts, in the fees all the Pros are charging now. Like maybe they'd all unionized and had to charge more to cover their dues and insurance or hazard pay premiums. Or maybe they were all in violation of some OSHA regulation(s) and have fines to pay off. Or maybe this could have been some ground breaking undercover reporter's findings about how what one's really paying a Pro for is (shifts eyes and whispers) what they damn well want to charge and if you don't like it don't book with them! Duh!

    But nope... Silly me for thinking otherwise....

    edit: Oops... silly typo now fixed

  • In other news this horse’s family would like to lay him to rest ….

  • edited June 2021

    In other, other news this horse keeps horsing around ….

  • The money that I've paid for cuddling has been money I didn't need to pay a therapist. Cuddling sessions make me less likely to engage in comfort eating, and less likely to spend money on impulse purchases.

    I am mentally, emotionally, and physically healthier because of it, and this impacts every other part of my life.

    I am grateful that there are pros who's fee fits in my budget. For those who need to charge more, or who can charge more, I'm confident that their clients feel it's worth every penny. Hooray for the pros!!! ♥️♥️♥️

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