Greetings and Layout (^_^)/~

Initially I was planning on posing the following...

I realize my profile page maybe a bit daunting to some, and by no means do I feel someone should feel obligated to read the whole thing prior to sending me a message, but is it too much to ask that they read the part 'above the fold'? The part that shows up without having to scroll down?

But then I thought I should double check the layout on a profile page (it's been awhile). Turns out, on both a PC and phone, the send message button is available before any real content one shares about themselves (aside from pictures , username, age, gender identity, location and their "I like to cuddle..." bit) is shown.

So I guess my issue isn't so much about getting another seemingly random message like, "I would like to book a session", but that the person who wrote it may not that had they scrolled down they'd have seen the best thing they might get from me in return is a heartfelt, "Good luck with that." or (as I've done in the past when I had more free time) a step by step on how to search for and message a Pro. Because I state clearly and right up front that I'm not looking for new cuddle partners, and that I'm not a Pro.

Anyway, I feel like there have been some nice site improvements over the last few moths, but I'm finding myself wishing they set up our profile pages so a visitor would at least have to scroll past our bios before getting to send us a message. At least then I would know for sure they were a, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah, I don't care about you, this is all just about me and my needs." kind of individual.

But it turns out the site isn't set up in a way that encourages us to consider each other as people first. Nor is it set up in a way to address a complaint I've seen time and again from Pros, "Why do they ask me questions I clearly answer on my profile page?" - Well, one answer could be that they may not even know it exists in the first place. I mean if one doesn't have to provide content for theirs when creating account (such as the ones who have asked to book with me), how else would they know where such content gets displayed?

Most might just skip over this kind of thing, but it bothers me so here we are. Because despite all the improvements, there still seems to be some simple things they could do to improve the overall experience/interface between people.

Until then, I'll continue trying to do my part by at least messaging people back. There are so many stories on here about people sending messages and not getting a response - I figure I can at least do that.

  1. Anyway, am I alone in all this...?10 votes
    1. Yes - All those words and I have no clue what you're really on about...
    2. Maybe? - I mean someone might get it, but it's not me...
    3. No - I'm with you (ever thought of editing down your posts though? Sheesh!)...
    4. IKR?! - It's about time some brought this up! And what about...
    5. Wow. Really? - I have zero interest in this. Next...


  • edited June 2021

    You might be right, maybe changing the layout would help with this.

    However I think there are two primary reasons people don't read profile text:

    1. They are lazy buffoons.

    2. 98% of messages to female enthusiasts and 60% of messages to female pros are ignored (obviously these statistics are made up to illustrate a point). I'll happily read a profile of 3 or 4 or 5 sentences before I send a message. But am I really going to read 40 paragraphs before I message somebody, when my estimate of the likelihood she'll reply is somewhere between "probably not" and "not a chance in hell"? No. I'll happily invest that time in someone once I know she is at least willing to communicate with me. And to be honest my reaction when I see huge profile text is likely to be just not reading any of it.

  • @CuddleWho ~ lol ~ Take a pass on mine then! It's hella long/out of control!!

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @quixotic_life Yes. YES. I would love it if the messaging button was beneath the profile description! Can you imagine? It would certainly slow down some of these drive-by "hey"-ers and "hi"-ers and "how r u"-ers.

  • edited June 2021

    Back around Christmas time we put quite a put of thought into how the distinction between enthusiasts and professionals could be improved. The final result was posted here - you might remember it vaguely:

    None of these things has happened, which is a kind of message from the management - perhaps just one of limited resources, or effort/benefit analysis.

    The message button is not going to go beneath the profile for professionals, of that we can be certain. And having it in different positions is unlikely .... so don't get your hopes up.

    @CuddleWho makes a good point - lots of people will think it's not worth reading a long profile since the chance of reply is so small. (Obviously it is the opposite which is true, but there we are.)

    Since the layout is unlikely to be changed by the site, it seems the only alternative is to change the layout ourselves. In other words, be a bit more creative in how we present the profile text that is above the fold .... bearing in mind that the fold is in a different place for every reader.

    I use the underscore key a fair bit in posts, to distinguish two parts. _____ If you make it long enough the the site code understands and makes it into a line like this

    which could be used to make an artificial fold. Just a thought.

  • @CuddleDuncan ~ If only markup code worked on the profile page like it does in the forum.... and if one could actually see there were something to see if it did work.... sigh...

    Bit of a bummer for those who actually put thought and energy into theirs to just have it be bypassed. But now we know why so many get bizarre to uninformed messages.

    After some further thought, I think having it read, "I like to cuddle people who scroll down and read my profile before messaging me." could be a way around the issue. To some degree anyway... Surely there will still be those with click-happy fingers that won't read no matter what. But at least then one would know if they've been contacted by a, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah, I don't care about you, this is all just about me and my needs." kind of an individual.

    All that said though... I'm leaving mine as is (because it's me in one line and it makes me smile)...

    "I like to cuddle while co-creating lavish tales & tending to mythical beasts.🦄🐒💓"

  • @quixotic_life d'you know as I left that post I thought "I should really test that"!

  • @CuddleDuncan ~ lol! Well I just looked and saw my previous idea wouldn't work because the word "while" is in there. Plus character limits are a thing... 🤦‍♀️doh!

    So I'm changing my suggestion to....
    "I like to cuddle while reflecting on my partner's acknowledgment of my profile." 😉

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