Deposit help!!!

Do I legally need to return deposit if client cancelled booking I offer a transferable deposit which gets transferred 1x more time after 1 cancellation after this it is lost because he cancelled and I can’t guarantee business for the day he booked me with ina few days from me writing this post my profile stated that it is deducted from final session cost he just cancelled the session! So explained I can move it I know this is legal because I have seen services like tattoo shops ist not conventional but they know what they enter into when they book with me on my profile I did not state it would be refunded if he cancelled the session ect


  • edited June 2021

    Your profile is perfectly clear, although you may have edited since this happened.

    Whether or not you can legally keep the deposit depends on the terms by which it was made. Your terms are "deducted from final payment" which makes it quite clear that if there is no final payment i.e. the session never happens, then you keep it.

    Anyway, that is basically how a deposit works. You pay it, and if you fail to turn up you lose it. Everybody knows that.

    The purpose of the deposit is to prevent people from mucking you about. If you return it when people muck you about, that frustrates the whole purpose of the deposit. It therefore follows that it should not be returned.

    Edit: future answerers please note that English law applies here.

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