Game Break! 🧩



  • S, I, V and L just about solves the quoted part:

    "W e | a l l | h a v e | t w o | l i v e s . | T h e | s e _ o n _ | _ e _ i n s | w h e n | w e | r e a l i _ e | w e | o n l _ | h a v e | o n e" | - | _ r o _ a _ l _ | n o t | _ o n _ _ _ i _ s

    Available letters:

    Unavailable letters:

    When solving, put >! in front of the answer.

  • I got it πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸ€©πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    We all have two lives. The second begins when we realize we only have one.

  • @Melomaniac9 Yep! But can you get the words after the quote too?

  • Clearly dealing with car stuffs for 2 hours, followed by being at the DMV for over 3 has had an impact....

    Can I get the B's please?

  • There are three Bs:

    "W e | a l l | h a v e | t w o | l i v e s . | T h e | s e _ o n _ | b e _ i n s | w h e n | w e | r e a l i _ e | w e | o n l _ | h a v e | o n e" | - | _ r o b a b l _ | n o t | _ o n _ _ _ i _ s

    Available letters:

    Unavailable letters:

    When solving, put >! in front of the answer.

  • Good grief!! Will any of the letters in the quote help me with that last word?? πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ Lol

    C D G Z Y P ~ I'd like C please...

  • edited July 2021

    probably not Confucius πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • @quixotic_life I'll take that as a request for a C, which should help :)

    "W e | a l l | h a v e | t w o | l i v e s . | T h e | s e c o n _ | b e _ i n s | w h e n | w e | r e a l i _ e | w e | o n l _ | h a v e | o n e" | - | _ r o b a b l _ | n o t | C o n _ _ c i _ s

    Available letters:

    Unavailable letters:

    When solving, put >! in front of the answer.

  • @Melomaniac9 Yay, you got it!

  • TaDah!!!πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰finally lol

  • O... M... G...!!! Lol ~ That's great!!

    "We all have two lives. The second begins when we realize we only have one"
    ~ Probably not Confucius


  • edited July 2021

    @quixotic_life Brilliant, you got it too. :)

    I'll call this one finished now.

    Just to repeat the explanation of the attribution:

    Someone on reddit attributed it to a 2015 book by Guillaume Musso, but I came across it in a Tom Hiddleston talk from 2013.

  • Thank you @respectful!!! πŸ₯°

  • I'm digging this thread. I can't solve a damn thing, but I'm digging it.

  • Lol @Sideon ~ Same! It's for sure easier to host one! πŸ˜‚

  • Any interested in trying a game of Family Feud? In the online Family Feud game I play, I came across 2 that were directly related to cuddling. First one below.

    Question: Name a cuddly animal a woman might nickname her man.


    Top 6 answers on the board.

  • @CuddlyKenneth Yes! I actually auditioned for Family Feud with my dad and his siblings just before covid.

    Is β€œbear” specific enough?

  • @b0nfire Cool! I never auditioned but always dreamt about being on the show 😁

    You’ve got the #1 answer!

    Question: Name a cuddly animal a woman might nickname her man.
    1. Bear/Teddy (53)

  • @CuddlyKenneth

    um Rabbit or Bunny like Honey Bunny?

  • @OhioMike Sorry, not on the board. Thanks for playing!

    Question: Name a cuddly animal a woman might nickname her man.

    1. Bear/Teddy (53)

    Not on the board: Rabbit/Bunny

  • Monkey πŸ’

  • @quixotic_life Sorry, not on the board. Thanks for playing!

    Question: Name a cuddly animal a woman might nickname her man.

    1. Bear/Teddy (53)

    Not on the board: Rabbit/Bunny, Monkey

  • Welcome back @CuddlyKenneth it's such a fun idea!!!!!

    How about Cuddle Buns?!?!?!?!? Wait... Cuddle BUG!!!! No.... that's not an animal.....

    Cuddle hippo?!?!?!?!?

  • [Deleted User]CharlesThePoet (deleted user)


  • @sillysassy Thanks! 😁 Sorry, bug and hippo aren’t on the board. Thanks for playing!

    Question: Name a cuddly animal a woman might nickname her man.

    1. Bear/Teddy (53)

    Not on the board: Rabbit/Bunny, Monkey, Bug, Hippo

  • Koala (not tech a bear)...

  • Pony/Stallion ???

  • edited August 2021

    G.O.A.T yeah that's my nickname...gotta be on there:)

  • @quixotic_life You got the #4 and #5 answers!

    @CharlesThePoet Sorry, shark isn’t on the board. Thanks for playing!

    Question: Name a cuddly animal a woman might nickname her man.

    1. Bear/Teddy (53)
    2. Tiger (3)
    3. Koala (2)

    Not on the board: Rabbit/Bunny, Monkey, Bug, Hippo, Shark

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