bad habits / toxic trait …

What are some bad habits or toxic traits you wish you could get rid of or are guilty of? 😬

My toxic trait: I’ll wake up on time, but lay in bed until I’m late 😭🤦‍♂️


  • Sweets/sugar. I work at a chocolate factory here in Canada so it doesn’t help, but my main thing is Tim Hortons iced cappuccinos… I do love other iced caps from Starbucks and Wawa in Florida, but dang, from Timmies, it’s magical. They have mocha ones, caramel ones and at one point they had mint ones.

    Not only that, but it’s really hard for me to say no to anything key lime flavoured … I need an intervention 😑

  • 😂 @Sheena123 i should add chocolate , I’m forever keeping my chocolate 🍫 in the fridge, it just taste that much better 😋

  • @cuddles_ndream oh yea!! Stick a Reese cup in the freezer for a little bit. Pure heaven 😋😋😋

  • [Deleted User]simone825 (deleted user)

    Mine is definitely how much I procrastinate. Which is hilarious when coupled with the fact that punctuality is incredibly important to me 😅 it might get done at the last second but it’ll be done well and technically on time lol

  • [Deleted User]CharlesThePoet (deleted user)

    I’d like to get rid of my overall sense of hopelessness.

    This constant feeling that nothing is going to go “right”, and that no matter what I do there won’t ever be a “good enough”.

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    I have no bad habits or toxic traits whatsoever. I am totally and completely perfect in every way.

    In all seriousness, I have a lot of problems. I'd quite like to live forever so I'd have time to fix them all! As it is, I may not even have enough life to learn how to get my points across both clearly and concisely, rather than writing (unsaleable) novels all the time. Ah, the tragedy.

  • 😂🤣😁 @DarrenWalker I'm fairly certain you are a bit more amazing than you believe. That goes for you as well @CharlesThePoet Hopelessness is not a fun feeling. Hugs out to both of you. I know of course that not everyone agrees with me and this is a trait I DON'T want to change but I believe all humans have value. No matter where we are or what we think or do. Traits I would like to change..... @cuddles_ndream that is funny!! I do something similar.... Only it usually involves the thought that "I have ten extra minutes before I should be leaving so I'll go ahead and do the dishes, switch out the laundry, mow the lawn, take a shower to remove said lawn clippings and THEN be on my way" so I am usually a bit late as well!!! hahahahaha

  • I bite my nails. I’ve tried to stop many times but just can’t. It’s definitely a nervous habit!

  • @simone825 😅 I get this all too well!! In school would you wait for the very last minute to finished a project or study 📚 for an exam & still A’s it? 😂😂

    @CharlesThePoet i grew up in that train of thought, I still get those moments here & there but ive come along way

    @DarrenWalker I don’t think we can 100% fix all our problems / hurt / downfalls/ barriers ect, but we can learn to accept and or become better individuals

    @sillysassy “ i believe all humans have value.” - I really like this!! 🌌 & lololol @ the extra 10 minutes I know this all too well 😅🤦‍♂️

    @ILikeWarmHugs my brother & my best friend do the same, lol I see it is very common

  • @cuddles_ndream that happens to me when I don't do a mental checklist of either everything I need to get done for the day or at least enough to get me rolling.

  • I need to stop drinking the energy drinks
    ( Monster) 20 years. Im pretty sure at some point so how is going to catch up to me n get me good.

  • @Chris04 i tried to like energetic drinks but never could, not even the famous Red Bull or 5 hour energy …. I guess nothing beats the good ol coffee ☕️ (Although I go months without it also lol)

  • @cuddles_ndream
    Heavy dark coffee. 🙋‍♂️

  • @Chris04 3 sugars & extra cream ☕️

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