Who here actually got covid

And if you don’t mind me asking, what was it like for you?


  • And if you don’t mind me asking, what was it like for you ?

  • edited July 2021

    Just a side note, it is said, not everyone who gets it is symptomatic. :/

  • edited July 2021

    I know three people that died from it if that means anything.

    There are those that will say it was not from Covid because all three have on their death certificate that they died from asphyxiation. What people who twist the numbers like to claim is it really wasn’t covid. But in the body of the final paperwork it says “Admitted for Covid. Intubated. Succumbed by asphyxiation from Covid complications.” The one fill in the blank that says “Cause of Death” is asphyxiation because they are required to put what was the cause at the time of death. But they were intubated and in an induced coma because of covid. The victims of AIDS had Cause of Death listed as pneumonia quite often but it was caused by AIDS. So many people that fail to grasp cause and effect.

  • [Deleted User]Deltron2000 (deleted user)

    I know one person that died and one that was hospitalized and still not right after 5 months. Neither of them were in great health. Knew two people other people who got it (including their 3 year old twins), good because they were young and in good health they said it wasn't that big on a deal. to them. I have a few friends who refuse to get vaccinated (conspiracy theorists), and hard to know what to say to them after you read the news about only unvaccinated people getting it. I don't really care if a person doesn't want to get vaccinated if they live a hermit life, but it's you go out then it's about the people around you. Hard to tell your good friend he's just being a selfish a-hole and to go F himself after being lectured on his anti-vaxxing conspiracy theories.

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    I got the original version last year. The illness itself wasn't too bad for me—more like a miserable cold than anything else—but when I still couldn't breathe without coughing months later, well....

    So the anal pucker who gave it to me wrecked my lungs.

    Couldn't tell you what they did to the other people they infected (odds of me being their only victim? low), but we have had at least 211 Covid deaths in this county alone.

  • I did. It was very mild for me. The cough was probably the worst part for me but otherwise nothing really terrible. Just felt like a bad cold.

  • Thanks all for your responses

  • My mom died from it within two days going to the hospital. It was shocking to say the least.

  • @ChangeApproved So sorry to hear about your mom’s passing. ♥️

    I haven’t personally gotten it, thankfully, but many family members and friends did. Had several family friends pass away from it, some in very good health before contracting the virus.

  • [Deleted User]Chris55555 (deleted user)

    @ChangeApproved -one big long hug to you

  • I believe I had a mild version myself, just after treating my gf who definitely had it for two weeks. We had lost a family friend to it, as well as two of my mom's old co-workers.

  • I have lost 4 of my friends this year due to Covid! All in the pink of health no underlying causes.
    Age range 44-49, healthy people, this virus hits differently. It’s been heartbreaking.
    To all that didn’t feel anything I’m so glad for you having a strong immune system. To the ones that lost loved ones tight hugs!
    To all the kind humans that put on a mask & get vaccinated - thank you from a human whose immune system sucks.

  • Yes I got covid last year - my symptoms were exactly how @ILikeWarmHugs describes. I did have the loss of taste as well.

  • Never got it, but two of my kids had to get tested - ended up being nothing but regular colds, but waiting for the results sucked; had to self-quarantine ourselves the whole time.

  • @cuddles_ndream I did have a loss of taste for food and coffee. That was weird and not fun. All coffee tasted so weak and the food I ate was so bland-tasting!

  • @ILikeWarmHugs lol same, as a person whose such a foodie & loves food soo much this was not fun 1 bit lol, I also noticed that when wearing cologne I couldn’t smell the scent either.

  • edited July 2021

    I didn’t but three of my friends did and one has become a long hauler. Almost a year since she got it and still suffers from fatigue.

    Regarding loss of sense of taste and smell - I had that for ten days about three years ago during some severe bronchitis, not sure if it was from the infection or all the drugs I was on to try to control it. It was very weird. It totally changes your relationship with food. Had no idea how long it would last.

    I’m very vulnerable to respiratory infections, if I got COVID it would not be a pretty picture. I’ve been very cautious about it.

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