What would constitute a perfect day for you?

My perfect day would start in a mountain cabin overlooking a lake or river, the dawn sunlight streaming through the curtained East-facing windows. My partner rolls over and snuggles close to me, and we drift back to sleep together for a little while. I wake up and trudge out to the outdoor shower where the bracing cold water invigorates me to start my day. I make omelets and drinks for us, then we're off on a morning hike to enjoy the mists and shadows before the sun climbs too high. The afternoon is spent lounging on a huge blanket in a meadow, or in a hammock in the woods, or on a cafe patio in the small town - reading, writing, talking, laughing, touching. At some point we enjoy a lunch of charcuterie and craft beer & cider, then it's back to the cabin for a relaxing outdoor shower together and getting dressed to impress for an evening of drinks, dinner, and conversation with a group of our closest friends. Finally, hearts full, we return to the cabin, taking the time to pause for a few minutes at the threshold and feel gratitude for the amazing day and appreciating the infinite stars in the clear night sky. In bed, we draw each other near and enjoy feeling our hearts beat in unison, the warmth of our embrace, and closeness of legs intertwined. We look deeply at one another, the vastness of the infinite universe in that moment seeming to pale in comparison to the depth of feeling we have for each other.


  • If he were alive, Lou Reed singing Perfect Day, a song about imperfect beings being perfect for a brief afternoon.

  • My perfect day good sleep, eat good, go for cuddle or massage I'm not interested in anything else 😁

  • I wake up to a sunny morning with birds singing outside my window. I eat a breakfast of fresh strawberries on a Belgian waffle and drink English tea as I gaze outside at the clear blue sky. My refrigerator is fully-stocked, I don't need to food shop for several days. There are no dogs barking in my neighborhood. I see some colorful birds in my bird bath that I have never seen before, I photograph them and the photos come out perfectly focussed. My mailbox contains no bills, no HOA violations and no junk mail, just a letter from an old friend I haven't heard from in a long time. My phone does not ring. I feel no need to turn on the TV. I go out for a walk and a friendly neighborhood cat approaches me for some affection. I sit on a bench overlooking our lake and day dream for a while. I see a heron swoop down to catch a fish. I go home and take a nap. When I wake up, I feel refreshed and read some chapters of a book. In the evening, I realize I haven't checked my phone once. I make plans for tomorrow.

  • [Deleted User]CharlesThePoet (deleted user)

    “She said a good day
    Ain’t got no rain.
    A bad day I lie in bed
    And think about
    What might have been.”

  • A perfect day to me…

    Spending It with someone I love. Whether that be romantic or platonic.
    In the presence of those I admire, I have healing

  • @Protector You basically just wrote out mine, so no need to repeat it.

  • My perfect day is any day my daughter is with me.

  • @UKGuy That sounds like a fantastic day! I enjoyed that so much I read it twice.

  • It seems I am not able to answer this question without resorting to phantasy.

    I have some difficult thinking to do.

  • A perfect day for me would be waking up after a full night sleep, both my phone & Bluetooth speaker 🔊 are fully charged … before hopping in the shower I decide what I’m in the mood to listen to -(most of the time hiphop or SlowJamz & yes I listen to music as I shower lol) …start getting ready while I think of the perfect bite to eat… inbetween all this I’m checking the markets on my phone / I get engage in my communities / I go for that amazing bite … I call or text my mom, I see some educational stuff on YouTube as well as some random entertaining ones, i learn something new, I catch up with all my interests & any upcoming events … more music … maybe watch something on tv if the markets haven’t taken too much of my attention, throughout all this I’m checking the forums / threads on CC … I look for intriguing posts … everything feels right …, it is raining outside … I’m loving the sound of the rain … it is now night time, I meet up to have some ice cold beer /hit up that new spot I’ve always wanted to try or that I already love. the weather is perfectly perfect (between 65 & 75 degrees) laughs & a good time … simply simple 🌌

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