What makes you happy

What’s the best thing someone’s ever done
For you / said to you / …

What’s the best thing you’ve ever done for someone / said to someone / …


  • Seconded. NSFW. Not that I'd go to jail or anything. But yeah. There might be a story or two dozen.

  • edited September 2021

    Excellent topic. :)

    "What’s the best thing someone’s ever done for you"

    A bunch of things, several of them overlapping. Though saving my life will have to take the cake.

    "What’s the best thing you’ve ever done for someone / said to someone / …"

    I practically have no idea what the best thing I've done for others is.

    Though having one day stood by a guy who was threatened will probably have to be it. Especially when everyone else there decided not to move a finger to check if he's okay. :/

  • @FunCartel my friends are notorious for nsfw … they won’t even warn you so anything they send (including voice notes) if I’m anywhere around people I have to be careful lol 😂 😂

    Coming across things like this every so often makes my day 😅

  • edited September 2021

    Thank you @Lovelight : ) & yes I agree the person saving your life by far takes the cake - many blessings to them !!

    Wow that was really nice & brave of you!

    I’m gonna have to p.m. it to you, I feel too exposed mentioning here lol

  • edited September 2021

    Window shopping
    Excellent topics
    Coffee,energy drinks
    Funny climbs
    Episodes about history
    Football champions league only
    I just like movie but fan of it waste of time
    I love reading people opinions and live best opinion very interesting that's the reason I'm here

  • Progress 💪🏽

  • edited September 2021

    @cuddles_ndream Well, let’s just say one of my stories involves a high tide on the Atlantic Ocean, substances I deny taking, a General’s daughter who was a co-enabler of bad decisions and a floating VW Beetle….and beach police. The General’s daughter did not endear me to my dad as he was my dad’s immediate CO.

  • edited September 2021

    The best thing anyone did for me was I was given a large bonus by a previous boss. However, he had an ulterior motive, he told me to buy a new car with the money as my old car was bringing down the neighborhood when I parked it outside his house. I did not buy a new car, I just put the money in my bank account.

    The best thing anyone said to me (even though I wouldn't agree) was "You're perfect".

  • A great cuddle with a great partner!!
    Getting to know others.

  • I dislike anything done with an ulterior motive, I’m glad you didn’t buy the new car @UKGuy lol … & I actually believe that someone can be imperfectly perfect, that is when you accept someone entirely, with everything that makes them amazing / all their wonders / all their flaws … everything that makes them who they are.

  • [Deleted User]QueensCurryPuff (deleted user)

    I don't find happiness in a thing but I think in a nutshell > Wonderment

    Is that a word? Seeing something beautiful. Experiencing something new and a lot of that is just perspective.

    I sat with my friend's daughters and was helping them do homework and I felt so happy to be a part of their growing-up. I felt good to give the parents a break.

  • @QueensCurryPuff Love that perspective. Experiencing something new is a double dose of fulfillment and learning. Tend to create great memories.

  • @QueensCurryPuff i completely get that 🌌

  • [Deleted User]CharlesThePoet (deleted user)
    edited October 2021

    I enjoy the intricacies of rhythm, flow, and pattern.

    Things like drumming, where it can seem quite simple at first glance, but there is a vast hidden world beneath that beat. A world of practice, study, focus, connection, energy, power, dynamics, and restraint.

    I also adore crochet, for basically the same reasons. It looks like a blanket, or a doll, or a hat, but what it really is is an entire journey, full of unseen hands. Hands that harvested the fibers, spun the yarn, found the materials and dyed the yarn to a million colors. Hands that learned, and passed down, the intricate knot work that connects yarn to yarn, color to color, each to itself and to others. Patterns created to project the intent of the crafter, and be a thing of useful beauty and warmth that can be enjoyed by other hands, and passed on to yet more hands.

    I have blankets from my mother, and her mother, and her mother.

    And I can feel the intelligence of their choices, the skill of their hands, the time spent learning, the energy to create, and the love of their craft.

    I get the same feeling in wrapping those blankets around myself as much as I do hearing John Bonham or Stewart Copeland driving a song forward, creating the music they spent years learning to serve.

    It isn’t a miracle, but it’s as close as humans get.

    How can that not foster happiness within me, now that I know?

    And how can I not be happy to join that connected circle, even in my own small ways?

  • @CharlesThePoet , you really brought that to life! … very detailed … reminded me a bit of this series I watch at times - (how are things made) & I promise after each and every episode you get this incredible feeling & sense of appreciation at the craftsmanship/ the time / the expertise / the knowledge & the passion that it took to make or create that particular thing … things that most take for granted … things that bring so much joy … this series will never compare to your mom’s/ grandmas / & great grandmas crocheting at all but i totally get it.

  • A good written story.
    Red skies kissed by a gorgeous sunset(love the way light reflects off calm water).
    Other animals are always good for a smile. I love seeing a dog wag their tail or a cat paw at something dangling. Or even just seeing lions being lazy & cuddling.

    I don't know what it is about the mundane that's so warming to the soul, but it is.

  • Rain
    Quran/ Nasheed
    Indian culture (events, henna, learning about history)
    Writing my book

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