Does a non response = Rude??

I've started a few threads and on some have been really involved in the back and forth and in others not so much. Also, I don't recall posting a comment just to tag and acknowledge someone else has posted. But I've noticed others do.

Have I been breaking some sort of forum code of conduct for only posting in my threads when I have something more to say? Or have a comment about something someone said? Basically acting like I would in anyone else's thread?

Just wondering...

  1. Is it rude to not respond/acknowledge comments in the threads one creates?81 votes
    1. Yes.
    2. No.
    3. It depends...
    4. There really isn't a Miss Manners for internet forums, so just do you and don't worry about it.


  • I chose no, sometimes when I make threads I’ll wait to see if people respond (if at all) & when I come back I’ll answer the first few people who commented on it , and than afterward I don’t really answer anyone else unless it strikes my thought process or they are asking me a direct question, I really just like to see peoples opinion.

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)
    edited November 2021


    "I really just like to see peoples opinion."

    I think it's very easy to get lost in ego. I think, one of the most important ways of learning and building perspectives is other's experiences, ideas, perspectives. I mean, I read, a lot, but I can learn more about, "life," in a simple conversation more often than I can going cover-to-cover. Sometimes I like to poke fires, sometimes I sit back. Like you said, I just want to hear oher's opinions.

  • What happened to the OP????

    How rude.

  • edited November 2021

    Hey OP 🥺 you haven’t responded to us 😒

  • @cuddles_ndream I think the OP is just the type to sow seeds of discontent. She seems like the type. 😂

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)
    edited November 2021


    She's chill. We talked on the phone for a bit one night. I vouch.

  • It's ok @Saysoh, they are joking. =)

    I think it would be rude not to keep an eye on your own thread and respond to any questions or remarks directed to you. Some OPs respond to nearly every comment and that's great, but I don't see that there's any need to do that if it's not your style. There is a risk of swamping your own thread.

    Once the thread is 'old' then nobody really expects the OP to respond, they might not even still be on the forum.

  • edited November 2021

    Not necessarily? It's been a little while since I interacted with you and you're one of many I ocassionally interact with out here. So I've not really noticed anything off.

    When one makes a concerning/sad forum post and puts no effort whatsoever to respond then in some cases it can be bad. Because many readers get more emotionally* invested and are trying to help/get an update.

    Anything else, really depends on the context. Also sometimes someone you've blocked/has you blocked or both, may be constantly responding to you here. So if you've don't want, you don't gotta respond to said persons. We can also get caught up with something after making especially a not concerning post. Hence we may not have the time to read the awesome semi-novels that about a dozen of people may comment and give a well thought out response. 😅

  • @Saysoh Yes it was a joke because the opposite of what I said is true.

  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)

    I voted 3 but also agree with 4, at the end of the day some people are going to think it's rude not to respond but that doesn't necessarily mean it's rude.

    With 3 it depends a lot on the type of thread/type of comments but in general and by default would say 4 applies.

  • OMG ~ What great comments to wake up to!! and, "the OP is just the type to sow seeds of discontent"@FunCartel that totally made me snort 🤣😂🤣 Same with @Lovelight "Hence we may not have the time to read the awesome semi-novels..." brilliant! 😅

    Shout out to @cuddles_ndream who felt abandoned 😉

    @Zundar & @CuddleDuncan ~ That's pretty much how I feel but wanted to check. For sure "swamping one's own thread" and the point @Lovelight made about circumventing a block were both in the back of my mind with this. But then thought... "Oh no. Is that actually expected?" My braining sometimes goes into hyper mode and over thinks the oddest of thoughts. This, I'm thinking, was one of them... 🤔

    And @Saysoh ~ So sweet! Thank you for vouching for me. I totally knew it was a joke, but what if I hadn't? 🥰🥰🥰

    😆 lol ~ I actually had reason to reply to everyone else who had replied so far!! Gonna be a few minutes late to work because of it, but worth it in a thread about responding or not!! So yay!! I did the thing (that may or may not be necessary) because I genuinely wanted to. Have a great day all!! 🤗

  • @quixotic_life — It would have been especially hilarious, considering the topic, if you had created this thread and never responded to it ever. 🤣

  • IDK why it's "Miss Manners" instead of "Mister Manners."

    Oh wait.


  • @quixotic_life i did 🥺😔😭 lol

    @NicoSnuggs 💯!!! 😅😂

  • Sometimes it’s better not to get a response that to always get targeted and called out by someone that doesn’t like you and finds a reason even the smallest to do so.

  • Omg!! @NicoSnuggs ~ Snort!! I totally should have ghosted on this one... 🤣😂🤣

    @cuddles_ndream ~ Aww... Just in case you still haven't had enough... Here's a whole mess of attention just for you... 👇

  • @cuddles_ndream ~ 🫂🫂🫂 Thanks for your replies... 💯💯💯!!! Whoot! And Yah!! You're so ____ [insightful, clever, etc. ~ Please insert the bestest word(s) to give you the warmest fuzziest feels]!!!

    all better now... yes?? 😘

  • @quixotic_life i feel all fuzzy now ☺️😊🥰 hugggzzzz!!! 🫂🫂🫂

  • For the life of me, I thought 🫂 was supposed to be a camera 🎥 and it has always caused me great confusion until just a moment ago when I realized it it’s two people hugging. Also, I too feel that replying to one’s own thread is unnecessary unless responding to a question directly.

  • @Sideon 😂😂😂 you are such a BOY!!! Mister Manners INDEED!!!!

    @quixotic_life you are such a freaking delight. I agree with you…. Sometimes you feel a little “insert appropriate emotional word feeling here” for not responding or checking your thread after asking a question. But I think you are spot on 99.9% of the time. And if @FunCartel thinks you are amazing then you HAVE WON!!!! Hands down you have quickly stepped up to the “favorite” category!!!!

    The only time I think it matters is something sort of time sensitive when @respectful is awake in the middle of our night and answering GAME QUESTIONS!!!! Which…. Btw I need to speak to the complaints dept. what happened to our WHEEL OF FORTUNE?!?!?????? I need a REFUND!!!

    Gosh you are the bestest QUIX out there!!!

  • @sillysassy I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ you!! 🥰

  • While I am now trying to find words to fill in the spaces @quixotic_life 's response to @sillysassy 's comment, I can say it's not rude to not get a response, but it is nice to get one. That being said, a rude or inappropriate message deserves a block response or, if bad enough, a report response. While I have no statistics, I am confident (based on the posts in a number of forums on here and other online sites) that the number of crappy messages our women cuddlers get from men are a big reason they don't or won't respond.

    To the men on here: should a woman respond to your message with a "No, thank you" please thank her for her response and leave it at that - no request for rationale or attempt to change her mind.

    Before I get slammed for this: I realize there are men here who get crappy messages from others. I'm not being sexist - just focusing on what seems to be the more reported problem.

    Warm hugs to everyone!

  • @quixotic_life

    I think it is COMPLETELY rude to respond to some CERTAIN posters as if they are more important than others. Slathering them with love and affection. SLOSHING kindness all over them as though you share inside jokes. It is ESPECIALLY DESPICABLE when you hide things in a spoiler within your own thread and then people feel like they are opening a PRIVATE piece of mail!!!!!!! Ugh. The nerve. Literally.... I can't even believe the RUDENESS!!! annnnnnnnnddddd I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ _ you TOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! 😊💗🥰

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