What’s the last thing that made you or almost made you cry?


  • Omfg people are the worst sometimes 😫😫😫 my heart ❤️ so glad she was saved.
    My mouse isn’t doing the best right now, and there isn’t really anything I can do for her right now, so I’ve been pretty stressed about her and giving her all the lovings while she is pretty clearly on her way out 😔😔😔

  • I'm so sorry @Brandi I used to have two pet rats and they were the absolute best, until cancer set in and took them away at the same time 💔

    Almost cried at EDC this past weekend while holding @Sheena123 during Alan Walkers set. Good happy cry though.

  • edited November 2021

    @Rezz rats can get cancer 🤔 new information @Brandi it's destiny just be patient and accept it.hope ur rat get well

  • Thank you at @rezz
    Sorry you lost your babies. This is my first time having a smaller animal as a pet, so I can’t help but wonder if I did something wrong, but I know mice don’t live very long in general. 🥺
    & awe that’s precious! Love hearing when pros meet other pros!! 🥲 so glad you had such a beautiful moment! & that sounds like quite a good cry 😍
    @Ahmedali999 & yes I know. It’s a part of life, and it’s bound to happen, but Still hurts seeing something you’ve loved and cared for have its time passing.

  • @Brandi i know it hurts. But it's fact 🤗 even me 1 day I will pass away, i always worry about loved once they Pass away😔

  • @Brandi

    Think of it this way, you showed the little one love and kept them from being snake food or subject to animal testing. His time here was short but he was well loved it seems. Take solace in that. ♥️

    I've been fortune to meet a few pros here who live up to their title as cuddlers. Amazing and comforting souls who are meant to do this job. Sheena is no exception. 😊

  • @Rezz awww I connected so heavily with you! It felt special to me too!! You’re such an awesome person! 🌸🌸🌸 can’t wait to see you again!!

  • @Sheena123 ✌️♥️☯️🤝 PLUR
    Likewise beautiful. Also found this for you.
    Timestamp 1:03:35
    Thank you for sticking it out with us during the neck breaking sets for this incredible moment. 🤣

  • Bless the man who saved the kitten. Whoever threw them in the garbage belongs in the garbage 😡

    Also hugs for all those that have lost pets. It's absolutely never easy, especially if you're watching it happen. 💙

    Last time I cried was ironically because of this site. Hopefully that doesn't sound cliche but it's true. Specifically the first person I cuddled with. By the end of the session I shared something painful with her & I got the chance to melt in her arms before I left. It felt good letting that part out & I guess you could say it was a sad cry that turned happy.

  • [Deleted User]Kelly149 (deleted user)

    I almost cried two days ago when I filled up my car with gas.

  • I start crying or tear up every time I go to church. I go in with a heavy hurt and weight on my shoulders and feel like everything is on me ( work, family, life )…. But when I’m at mass, It feels like everything is lifted… that I feel at peace and it makes me relieved and thankful.

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)

    I'm often moved by music, conversation, art. I was raised by a high ranking soldier in the Army, so crying never happened which disconnected me from the human experience. Grief happened when my Mom passed and now I just don't give a shit. If I feel like crying, I do.

  • Emotional scenes in some movies. Can't remember any one in particular. Does not happen often.

  • Being in the medical field can be pretty stressful at times, and that was most likely the last thing that made me cry - when it got overwhelming. My supervisor has commented about how I'm always so upbeat, though so I must hide my stress pretty well at work. 😁

  • Tonight, looking at the photo on my desk I took of my late mentor and thinking about how much she loved me, how much I miss her, and all our memories together.

  • A video of a person who had been in the ICU for several weeks being reunited with their dog! (Just earlier today)

  • Rejection. It happens but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)
    edited November 2021

    I'm a bit emotionally numb with a lot of things, quite rare to feel deeply happy or sad enough to cry, the only thing that can make me tear up or almost tear up consistently is imagining anything bad happening to my dad.

    The last time I actually cried I think was 4 years ago when my last relationship ended, but the last time I almost teared up weirdly was when watching Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings. It was during a fight scene and I played out a pretend bit of dialogue in my mind about someone wanting their own power rather than borrowed power (not spoilers for the film at all don't worry) and then imagined a D&D character turning down being a warlock for that same reason. I have absolutely no idea why that made me feel the way I did, it was only for a brief second and my guess is that my brain was just being overloaded a bit by the film and the random thoughts.

  • I tend to tear up with things involving people saying goodbye to someone they love or reuniting with them. Shared custody means I say goodbye to my daughter twice a week and my heart has never gotten used to that.

  • Almost cry: I was told a story once about how my Mom couldn't get me to eat grapefruit. I was a baby, and because my mom loved grapefruit (she'd even sprinkle sugar on it when she ate it) she thought I'd at least try it, but apparently I was having none of that. She was complaining to my grandmother (her mom) about it, and my grandmother cut up some grapefruit, gave it to me, and I devoured it! Apparently, even though I'm a super sweet tooth like my mom, I absolutely love sour fruits. I literally eat lemons fresh out of the peel when I get the chance.

    My mom passed away in 2019 due to cancer, and now I think about her (and damned near cry) whenever I eat grapefruit. I still don't put sugar on it, though!


    Ugly cry: Bing Bong from Inside Out. "Take her to the moon for me...."
    :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling: :bawling:

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