CuddleComfort in an APP

[Deleted User]MiasSoftCuddles (deleted user)

Imagine having the website in an application on your phone, would that not be much better, handy and easier???

    1. YES
    2. NO


  • There’s a way to save it as if it were an app on your app list , someone had mentioned it before but I forgot how its done. (& no it wouldn’t be like an official app but the closest thing to it)

  • [Deleted User]MiasSoftCuddles (deleted user)

    I know how to set it up as a shortcut way to access, but i'm talking anout the actual application... I VOTE FOR YESSSSSSSSS!!!!!🙋🏻‍♀️

  • I would love this site if it was an app. I’m sure it would function better as well.

  • I agree with you Miss_red8, any sort of app would be easier and more convenient.

  • @miss_red8 i hear ya, voted yes as well.

  • [Deleted User]MiasSoftCuddles (deleted user)

    Thank you so much guys! Much appreciated🥰❤️

  • edited November 2021

    There is a phone version which looks and feels like an app, but technically isn't.

    Sadly I can't remember the technical name. There is also a limitation which is beyond the scope of Cuddle Comfort to fix, and I can't remember that either..... it doesnt' work properly on iphones or something because Apple .... well, you know.

    The question comes up from time to time, and the site's management are very well aware of it. Creating a 'native app' is relatively expensive.

    Edit: found it .....

    Comment from Mark:

    It's a PWA app. So on Android you should see the 'Install App' button in Settings page but for iPhone you'd need to save the website to your home screen for it to activate. iOS also currently lacks support for the Push notifications in PWA.

    So yeah, if you're an Android user, the app is as good as a native app right now.

    PWA = Progressive Web Application

    @miss_red8 updated since you posted.

  • [Deleted User]MiasSoftCuddles (deleted user)

    I have Iphone🙄😅

  • [Deleted User]MiasSoftCuddles (deleted user)

    Or my laptop...

  • I'm on Android so have the webapp which overall works great, only the comment notifications are a little hit and miss but that doesn't really bother me 👍

  • This conversation has been had before. If any iPhone users need help saying the site to their background, pm me.

  • Meh. I'm so used to the site and have no issues. I can't imagine it being any better as an app, cause no need to fix what ain't broken lol. Though that's just me.

  • I added the website on Safari to my iPhone screen and I like it! I said Yes to an app, but the website on my iPhone works almost like an app.

  • There is an app. I'm using it right now to type this lol. It's not in the app store you have to get it from the website

  • What’s the URL you can download it from?

  • As a fellow developer, this is a really good mobile site. It's obvious that lots of work has gone into that. But a real app would be nice but the extra value probably isn't worth it. Especially if the site isn't already API based.

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