I feel like the threads tonight hit the twilight zone, or like

The forum was given the option to take the red or blue pill.


  • Seems like the usual slew of griping threads to me. Same problems, different day.

  • @cuddles_ndream yeah the forum does tank often. It one of those nights where the mod’s earn all that … wait a minute I was gonna say $ but they volunteered 😊 bless all of them !

  • I find there is a tendency on a lot of sites for people to feel they need to announce they are unhappy with the site or announce they are leaving, etc. The concept that they are talking to a bunch of strangers who likely don't care if they leave seems to elude them.

  • @WriterGF - Sometimes I miss the good ‘ol days before the internet, when you would go grab a beer at the local pub with the boys and complain about women problems in-person to people who actually knew you, and who sometimes even cared about you.

    Problem today is so few men have a network friends or money for beer (thanks job market, driving down income, and CoVid for closing our small businesses, driving up costs).

    So that leaves us here, with a free forum which people can access from anywhere, even with no money, to complain and vent to their hearts content for free.

    Heck, SNL even did a skit about this American male loneliness and isolation culture and called it the ‘Man Park’ (thanks to @JustaGuySNJ for mentioning this to me):

  • @NicoSnuggs I think it's more of a universal problem simply down to the convenience culture the internet provides. It actually takes effort to build strong connections, go out, and potentially exposes you to dangers which from an evolutionary stand point makes you more likely to do the thing that is safer, more convenient and easier. But then that's kind of a self-destructing thing.

    Imagine what it was like back when the internet or computers weren't a thing - you literally HAD to go outside, socialise, bond. People are getting married older and older, why is that? Nowadays you can just pick up your phone and start chatting with some stranger on the internet and drop that conversation at any time. Connections are transient due to convenience. The closest thing you can do now on the internet is with voice chatting, or playing multiplayer games with friends and chatting over the mic.

    I'm just as susceptible to it like most people. Awareness is key in building a more rewarding lifestyle.

  • People been kind of cranky lately. It comes and goes.

    @Gary , what you point out about having to actually go out and socialize prior to the internet is right. On the other hand, living through this pandemic would be a lot harder without the internet.

  • Covid lockdown fatigue?

  • @WriterGF hahahhaha its true.... While I love that there is a safe space to talk about our issues and hopefully get others input in this new and ever changing world of snuggles..... sometimes I think the distance behind the screen complicates things.
    @Babichev and @gary hence the benefit and detriment..... so much truth be told surrounding the internet. I can't imagine the isolation and frustration that would be so massive during this time of lockdown.

    @NicoSnuggs hahahahhaa OMGOSH I love that skit!! SNL has such a fabulous way of capturing certain demographics. Oh my.... that made me LAUGH!!!!!

    I think we should revive the "GRIPES" thread!!!! hmmmmmm such a good place to keep all the grievances in one place!

  • edited December 2021

    Aw, Man Park! Haha.

    "According to studies, many men say they have no close friendships..."

    (scattered laughter)

  • OMGOSH!!! @NicoSnuggs I cannot even stop laughing.... LITERALLY!!!! manpark. hahahahahhahahaha oh wow.

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