“Every mind is a world of its own”

My nephew just told me this, I was hanging out with him about an hour ago , & he told me this after I told him everything is perspective, which was a response to him telling me that money will fix all of his problems, every single one of them, & that he wishes that he had emotional problems , feelings , family, & that he’s having problems with one of his gf’s right now because she says that he doesn’t understands her, & he can’t grasp how she considers her problems , problems … & he blanks her out … I was trying to explain to him, to be more understanding, & that something that is so insignificant to him may mean the world to somebody her (or somebody else , but I was unsuccessful because he’s literally the biggest a$$h@le In the world lol , & he has alot of options, & if this one nags too much he just moves right on to the next lol … another very smart thing he said is the following , “right now you’re in my world, & I’m in your world, but I don’t care about the things you care about, & I could care less about worrying about other people, me I’m like f em, you stress yourself for no reason” … i guess I say all this to say, perspective is everything. Your happiness is literally your own. “Every mind is a world of its own” 🌎


  • This is so insightful and profound. Thank you for sharing. 😊

  • I feel sorry for your nephew. Sounds like a crummy life not caring about anyone.

    You’re right about every mind being a world of its own. We all have our subjective realities and live in them as if they are objective realities.

    In my world I need to get up right now and put two important pieces of mail into the mailbox.

  • @cuddles_ndream
    Wow. Sounds like your nephew needs to come with a narcissist alert. 🚨 I also feel sorry for him. And anyone he comes into contact with, with that level of empathy lack.

  • @TheMidnightOwl i can confirm he’s not a narcissist (I definitely know what that is), but he definitely is that “text book” guy… sometimes I genuinely wonder, people like that never seem to get hurt , they never put themselves in those vulnerable positions where the kind / compassionate /& caring people do … I personally could never be that way (I honestly don’t know if it has to do with upbringing or just personality ect), but its hard for me to feel sorry, when his life is what the majority deem fun.

  • @cuddles_ndream — Not meaning to pick on you here, but I am just very confused by what you wrote in your last comment:

    You wrote: “ he’s not a narcissist (I definitely know what that is), but he definitely is that ‘text book’ guy.”

    ^ What is a ‘text book’ guy? You mean a textbook narcissist? You mean he looks like a narcissist and acts like a narcissist…but isn’t a narcissist for some other reason?

  • @NicoSnuggs lol I know you’re not, I genuinely do… but if I go to explain what I meant by “textbook guy”, it may lead to other things, I honestly believe this. but I think some people know what I mean.

  • edited December 2021

    Kid sounds like he's got a severe empathy deficiency, if I know a thing or two about life it's that these things are unnatural, and if left unaddressed will catch up with you, one way or another.

  • I never heard of “textbook guy.” Thanks, @MonkeyNeedsAHug , I would not have thought to look that up.

    They still sound like narcissists, just different flavors of it. But who needs a psychotherapy label? They are selfish a$$holes. That’s easy enough to understand.

  • the fact that people still refuse to be wrong, even after discovering the meaning of something 🤦‍♂️ lol, “they still sound like narcissists” …

    a$$hole - yes (he’ll tell you himself he’s an a$$hole)
    narcissist - you may want to look up the meaning.

  • I’ve looked up the definition of narcissist and I’ve read about it quite a bit over the years. A friend of mine does research on narcissists and the workplace. What sort of jobs they are best in, what sort of jobs they are not a good fit for, and how employers can avoid being charmed by them and hire them for the wrong kind of position. I’ve also dated a couple. They can charm the hell out of your but in the end it’s all about them. I’m not unfamiliar with the term.

    If you look at the various definitions and traits, they generally mention self-absorbed, lack of empathy and concern for others. That’s what I’m going on. I’m not making a diagnosis of anyone, I’m responding to the descriptions of “text book guy.” They all sound self-absorbed, don’t care about others, lack empathy. So what am I missing?

  • The meaning of it.

  • [Deleted User]Moxytocin (deleted user)

    Everyone feels like they're the main character of their own life and it's better to be that than everyone else's manic pixie dream girl. Being your own main character doesn't necessarily mean you have to be an ahole though. This almost sounds like solipsism, where you believe you're the only one who really exists in the world. He kind of just sounds like he has zero empathy.

  • edited December 2021

    @cuddles_ndream — I just read through the definitions of “that textbook guy” on the link which @MonkeyNeedsAHug sent, and all six of those ‘guys’ in that article are by definition ALSO a**holes lol.

    An A**hole by definition: A person who is intentionally cruel, obnoxious and heartless.

    A**holes can take any form.

    A genuine a**hole is the lethal combination of intelligence and arrogance.

    ^ So textbook guys, and a**holes in general, can be two things at once:

    Both a**holes and textbook guys at the same time.

  • @NicoSnuggs yes I agree

    @MaineCuddle ive always wondered if people view themselves that way, I would always think that people would more than likely view themselves as participants in a journey that’s beyond them … That would make for a good topic (do you view yourself as the main character in your life or as a participant?) And throughout my life I’ve come across (& still do) people who lack empathy, I know we all come across them, but now I’m curious as to what got them there … I know that being vulnerable have lead alot of people being hurt / people kindness has led them to be taken advantage of / & loyalty has led to betrayal.

  • [Deleted User]Moxytocin (deleted user)

    @NicoSnuggs Yeah, I shouldn't have said "everyone". I feel like I'm the main character in my own life movie and everyone else is the main character in there's and we all make cross over appearances. My inner monologue is narrating my movie and I think about my soundtrack (music has always been a big part of my life). And I've always wanted to be a published author so I also think of scenarios in my life that I could translate to a novel (or "stranger than fiction" things I could do in real life) Also am one of those people who overthinks and runs conversations through my mind over and over beforehand and afterwards (thinking of a better comeback etc.) I was surprised to learn fairly recently that not everyone has an inner monologue and thoughts just come straight from brain to mouth. I don't know how people function like that. 😂

  • @MaineCuddle ”my inner monologue is narrating my movie” - I really like this sentence, I believe that everyone’s inner monologue is so different & unique to them, & motivated by different things like upbringing / experiences / wants / needs / aspirations or lack of & ect ect ect …. Perception of happiness is also such a huge factor in everyone’s inner monologue.

    These 2 things made me laugh - “ Also am one of those people who overthinks and runs conversations through my mind over and over beforehand and afterwards (thinking of a better comeback etc.)” & “ I was surprised to learn fairly recently that not everyone has an inner monologue and thoughts just come straight from brain to mouth.” 😂

    I absolutely love music 🎶 my interest in music is all over the place lol, In one moment I’m listening to 70’s/80’s soft rock & feeling like that’s my soul right there, & the next day or time I’m listening to some hiphop where I wouldn’t even share on the music thread On here lol & than other time I’m listening to SlowJamz where I feel that’s my heart …

    I honestly hope you go for it & become a published author , I think your story will be interesting to share 😄… there is someone here who is amazing & just, that person! & they’re a published author … everything about the book is sooo detailed, they though about everything, I found myself reading a single page more than once, I even felt the emotions they had… & when I say everything was thought of, even the texture of the book cover 🪄 it feels so nice … really! (I know its hard to explain but trust me lol) go for it! 😃

  • edited December 2021

    @NicoSnuggs - thank you for elaborating on the fine points of a$$holism and pointing out that one can be both an a@@hole AND textbook guy all at the same time.

    Obviously I have a lot to learn on the finer points since they all look the same to me. You'd think I'd be better at this, I worked in construction for 13 years where it's almost a requirement. However, being out of the trade for 30 years has dulled my senses, I guess. ;)

    How did you manage to use asterisks and not have the type go bold?

  • edited December 2021

    @Babichev - I had to move the lines of texts to separate lines.

    If I do this then everything is bold here.

    But if I do this **here

    Then everything stays **regular font size and thickness.

  • Thanks @NicoSnuggs , gonna let my nephew know he’s suffering from a$$holism … he’ll probably laugh, that a$$hole 😒

  • I heard that butt plugs inserted in the mouth of said a$$holes reduces a$$holism by as much as 70%. At least I think that’s what they are for.

  • @FunCartel word is you indulge in that kind of stuff, feel free & share your experiences with us ☺️

  • I wish I had not bothered reading this thread, but at least I'm confident that I'm not a "textbook guy", at least not entirely. The are some things not worth knowing. Now I know too much.

  • edited December 2021
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