Christmas Cookies and Shopping

What is your favorite Christmas cookie? Are you done shopping? I love giving gifts, and have given the majority of my gifts out already. 😊 It is hard to believe that Christmas is only a week away! I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season. πŸ«‚

  1. Are you done shopping?22 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. I don't buy gifts/I don't celebrate


  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)

    Haven't done it for a while but occasionally made some thumbprint cookies with some dyed jam in the middle of each. Remember one year there were some ginger, pecan and dark chocolate cookies as well that someone brought to Christmas lunch that were amazing.

    I've just got 1 gift left to sort. Making a kind of joke gift in the form of a cookbook by me for a relative, was going to finish it today after some procrastination but I didn't realise that the text couldn't be as near to the edges of the pages as they were before getting printed and turned into a book so I need to reformat things a bit. Other than that just waiting on deliveries and then will be sorted.

  • [Deleted User]Duryea (deleted user)

    Russian tea cakes, Sugar cookies and regular ol Chocolate chip are my usual favs.

    But it is worth noting, in my opinion, that pretty much all cookies are good cookies (except for ones with raisins in them, cause raisins are gross).

  • These Christmas cookies all sound next level! @Zundar that cook book sounds great! Are they real recipes or joke recipes?

  • Gingerbread cookies are probably my kryptonite.

    Fruit creme cookies, oreos, and straw wafers too if they count. 😩

    Hope you enjoy too! 😌

  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)
    edited December 2021

    A mix of real and joke ones @Nature_Lover_ one of them is to look up a recipe on a website for example, they're about half jokes half real. The whole thing is a bit muddled but it was the first idea for a present I had for the family member and kinda just rolled with it lol.

    Agreed that all cookies are good cookies though disagree about the raisins @Duryea though some raisin cookies definitely aren't good! all comes down to what they're being paired with I reckon.

  • edited December 2021

    I am big on Christmas cookies and most years make a bunch of them. This year I don't feel inspired but I think I may make some molded gingerbread cookies. I can't name a favorite, I've got about a dozen, but this is the one I especially love to make and give as gifts: Springerle

  • Do you guys in the youessofay have mince pies?

  • @CuddleDuncan - I don't recall ever seeing them. If we did, I'd give one a try.

  • Yes. My relatives all make mincemeat pies but it isn’t considered a holiday item. They do consider it a fall/winter pie and not for spring/summer.

  • Thank you!

    Mince pies are an absolute Christmas staple here. It's not Christmas without a mince pie. The relative quality of big supermarkets' mince pies even makes the news.

    @Babichev and all you cooks out there, they are easy to make - it's just a shortcrust pastry individual little pie, with mincemeat filling. (Mincemeat has no meat in it, although it did back in the mists of time and some recipes use suet.) Mincemeat is one of these just chuck-it-all-in things, where you can miss out or add in more or less whatever ingredients you please.

    There are many recipes on the internet, here's a good one from a very reliable, very well known cook.

    Best eaten hot, but cold is fine. Normally eaten as a snack with tea, mulled wine, port, cream or whatever you like. One or two each.

  • Our "it's not Christmas without...", Is monkey bread.

  • Thank you for your votes and comments. I enjoyed reading them. πŸ«‚ I hope everyone has a great holiday.

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