How to deal with hate and negativity from other cuddlers

If you get hate or negative comments from other cudddlers, what do you do?

Answer: just ignore them, their probably having a bad day. If it's multiple times then they're probably jealous of you and feel threatened by you and your profile. They feel feel insecure becasue you're diffent then them and they want you to fit In a box when you are a unique angel on earth and they just can't see that becasue of their negative mindset. They'll be better off being friends with you then to put you down but if they can't see that then it's their loss, not yours. So if you experience this, just keep shining baby because you are a Great soul capable of things they can't see!

Stay cooly oolies and positive ✨

Love you all 😇





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  • edited December 2021

    "If you get hate or negative comments from other cudddlers, what do you do?"

    I'd probably suggest them to improve their spelling and pick up a dictionary and not a dockionary. Like Selena said, kill 'em with kindness, so I'd try to kill their hate with kindness. Though sometimes it's necessary to be blunt with them and tell them to take a hike if they are so set on being a jerk or trolling.

    "They feel feel insecure becasue you're diffent then them and they want you to fit In a box when you are a unique angel on earth and they just can't see that becasue of their negative mindset."

    I don't believe that I'm an angel on earth, let alone a unique one*. Though I do think some people are jerks to others out of insecurity.

    Anyway have yourself a good weekend. 🙂

  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)
    edited December 2021

    Not going to bother engaging with the contents of the post as that'd largely be pointless, but will comment just to inform anyone who isn't aware that OP is a troll who is now apparently trying to get a reaction out of people. They're seemingly trying to keep the attention on them going after their recent posts so I suggest we stop engaging with them so they go away, I know me commenting this is kind of going against that but it'll hopefully stop some people from responding in a more reactionary way to what OP is posting.

  • edited December 2021

    We are receiving a lot of complaints about trolling by the OP. He's been put in time out. Let's hope he figures it out. Meanwhile, the subject itself may be worth discussing. Forum participants can decide on that. Let's keep the conversation off the person and address the topic of how or whether to respond to what one may perceive to be "hate" or "negativity." The alternative is not to respond and let the thread die. Your choice. - Babichev

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