Anyone have any experience with 3D printing?

I just ordered a 3D printer as kind of a Christmas present to myself. I don't know what I'm gonna do with it. I'm just fascinated by something I feel should only exist in sci-fi movies.



  • edited December 2021

    Sell it and book a cuddle session 🤣 really

  • @Ahmedali999 - I'm not seeking any paid cuddle sessions atm and trying to figure out something new makes me happier. I have 3D modeling software installed on my PC and I'm gonna try if I can do something creative.

  • I have a lot of experience. Your mileage may vary though, and some printers require a lot more love and care then others.

    Some of my prints:

  • @MCcuddles2 - This is my printer I'm getting.

  • @Mike403 amazing ,,if you want to try something makes you happy go for it, me only cuddle and massage makes me happy 😁

  • You can make untraceable guns. That seems to be the one everyone gravitates to.

  • This looks awesome @Mike403

    Update this thread when you print something!

  • @FunCartel - Not sure how a plastic firearm would work without it blowing up in your hands when it's fired.

  • I don’t know either, but they can be made:

    The alarming thing is they are untraceable and you can make a single shot gun, kill someone, and then melt it down out of existence.

    Criminals are always a step ahead with technology. The only way to identify the criminals is they are the ones tickling somebody. Or at least that is the theory espoused by one CC member.

  • I was once criminally tickled at gunpoint. Somethings you never get over 😐

  • I guess they only need to be by used once

  • Amazing! I wonder if one could make molds for Springerle cookies with them?

    Show us what you make with it!

  • @Babichev - Yes. You can make a lot of things with it and be creative with the right 3D modeling software. I'm using Fusion 360 which is free for hobbyists or $495 per year if you intend to make money with it.

    I just received it last night and set it up.

  • edited December 2021

    @Mike403 Does this place still exist? I'd so I'd recommend joining for a chance to network with like minded folks. They have 3D printers, lasers, and all variety of other stuff for people who like to build.

  • Ooooh. I want one. That seems so snazzy.

  • This is an example of something that can be 3D printed. This took somebody's machine 18 hours to print.

  • I dabbled in it a couple years ago, bought something similar to what you have, probably a step below. It was interesting to learn but i got bored pretty quickly. How many tiny plastic dinosaurs does a guy really need?!?! Lol. You can do great things with 3D printing but you need industrial type machines to do it with for the most part. Some cool YouTube videos of that type of stuff. They are building houses now with 3D printers too (again, some cool videos on YT).

  • @CityGuy1 - It takes time and patience to learn 3D modeling. If you're just printing stuff you found off the internet, you're gonna get bored.

  • @Mike403 the beautiful thing about fusion360 is that it combines parametric modeling, like traditional CAD, with more artistic sculpting methods.

    So you can precisely build something, using parametric modeling and then sculpt a body around it.

    I'd recommend working through all their tutorials.

  • Took me about an hour to design and my machine 10 hours to print.

  • Nice, have fun with it.

    My family has a lot of board games, so one thing we like to 3D print is game tray organizers.
    A bit more practical than 30 dinos, at least.

    So if don't have games, think of other types of organizers might make.

    A coworker made some badge holders for everyone, since we have ID, RSA token, and door fob, it holds all them together, very very practical, and he was able to use them as gifts.

  • On my side, I find fused filament 3D printing (which I discovered in the maker's movement ten years ago) especially interesting for mechanical projects because you can easily design little crooked parts like brackets, holders, gears, hubs, connecting rods, enclosures with custom holes, slots, cavities...
    Everything which is more complex than hand cut rods or plates.
    However, what stopped me was that, although I could design parts separately, no open-source CAD software supports multi-part assembly and movement simulation yet, AFAIK, which made hard to design complex assemblies error-free.

    Therefore, if you like to build mechanical stuff (after either designing it yourself from scratch or modding existing designs), your 3D printer will be the tool for it.

  • I am not a fan of it at all. My ex had one and he was always like do you want me to make you something and I'd be like no thanks. He told me it can't print real jewelry and I have no use for plastic things unless I feel like being fancy one day and eating with a spork (a fork/spoon).

    It is cool that it can stop printing due to power failure or whatever and then resume with no problems. But the wait time...well it is for patient people.

  • @Amortentia - They're good for artwork. You can print plastic jewelry and with paint and a lot of patience, you can make it look really beautiful. Not everything needs to be super expensive. Me personally, something unique that somebody created just for me would hold more value than something that somebody spent a lot of money on.

  • @ThierryC2017 fusion360 will let you make assemblies. you can get a free educational license.

  • edited January 2022


  • I hear it's possible to 3-D print super accurate models of the moon. Hollow ones, that you can put a light inside. That seems cool.

  • WOW!!! That is so cool!! Organizers.... I've heard about replacement parts and tools. That is so awesome.... I think the technology is absolutely incredible. Is it super pricey to make things? Can you reuse the plastic if you don't like it?

    @DaringSprinter the MOON!!! Or a topological rendition of the globe with a light in it..... That would be cool!!

    As regards @FunCartel and his penchant for criminal tickling of the funny bone.... Does anyone remember the plastic gun John Malcovich made in...... the cool movie.... with the awesome actor..... Ummmm.... Clint Eastwood!!!! Wow. Malcovich was a really good bad guy!!! Those hunters.... "Mind if I give her a little dance??" Classic.

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