Sleeping together. What do you think? Is it too much?

I wonder is it too sexually? What if I get an erection? I have a few concerns



  • edited December 2021

    That's natural. it took me 6 months before I start cuddle therapy because I'm from a different culture, in our culture we don't even shake hands and just sitting next to a woman gets us erection 🤣after lots research i realised is normal.

  • Well, well, well, if it isn't our old friend, the boner thread.

  • It's been a while since one of these popped up.

  • @Maciejek welcome to the site!!! Looks like you are brand new to Cuddle Comfort. Like @Lovelight mentioned there are LOTS of threads about the erection topic. Lots of people have talked about this in depth in other posts.

    But maybe…. Just maybe…. The focus here could be about actually sleeping with a fellow snuggle buddy? There have been so many people who feel relaxed enough, safe enough, comforted enough, cared for enough, to fall into a gentle snooze. Depending on how comfortable you are with a person, it can be incredibly relaxing.

    To plan an overnight with someone you've just met? That would probably not be my first choice for lots of reasons. 😊

    Good luck in your cuddle adventures!

  • I would be very open to an overnight cuddle, as a female I could see where it would be very hard to feel that comfortable with a guy. I have dozed off with several different female cuddliers and had them also doze off, once we both over slept over an hour. I just can not afford to do it with a pro. Maybe one day it will happen

  • edited December 2021

    Also, it's probably better to not* do overnight cuddles until you become comfortable with short duration cuddles that you're alert and aware for.

  • I had platonic overnight cuddles before and they were amazing!!!🤗

  • @Maciejek Welcome aboard Cuddle Comfort!!! There are options for Overnight Sessions. I have done 2 Overnight Sessions in the past on a different site. They both were very successful!! Just as long as the rules are followed and boundaries are respected there is NOTHING awkward about this. I truly wish you a lot of luck in your new journey and trust me you have a GREAT CHOICE.

  • [Deleted User]Moxytocin (deleted user)
    edited December 2021

    Repeatedly, the perplexing puzzle of perpetually persistent pop-up penises appears.

  • I think overnight visits are a very lovely way to connect! If arousal happens, we usually switch up positions so there's no longer any friction (he usually gets to be little spoon).
    As long as everyone is listening to each other's boundaries, it usually goes just fine 🥰

  • @CuddleDuncan - Lol 😂 I appreciate your pun.

  • I think it depends on the individuals. I have cuddly friends with whom I cuddle overnight when they visit. I’ve also had overnight cuddles with one person I’ve met from this site. I would have to know someone well and trust them a lot before I would do it but yes, I love it.

  • [Deleted User]stdisc0827 (deleted user)

    Wow it’s really tough to cuddle someone all night and just stick with cuddles. Practically speaking how is it possible? You are with someone who’s affectionate and intimate and welcoming environment for crossing the line

    I am not sure if I am the only one thinking but please don’t judge me and I am just speaking my mind. Anyways kudos to folks who have done this by the book 👏👏👏 😄😄

  • Considering this is a platonic site, it doesn’t matter if you’re cuddling for one minute or all night, it’s never a welcoming environment for crossing the line.

  • [Deleted User]stdisc0827 (deleted user)

    Totally agree with you Sheena and I would not cross the line either and respect the cuddler but it’s not easy 👏

  • edited December 2021

    @stdisc0827 - it’s not difficult at all when that is the kind of relationship you have with that person. If it’s difficult, then don’t do it.

  • @stdisc0827 Actually it was very easy. I spent the night with a cuddler pro. It was a king sized bed and we just fell asleep. we didnt' cuddle while sleeping though. there was no issue with sticking with platonic made no difference at all. In fact since we were sleeping on different sides of the bed it was a non issue

  • I think the key here is communication. I've had buddies who assumed they were going to stay the night—that wasn't cool. And I've had buddies who asked first—that was cool.

    There's nothing innately sexual about sharing a bed for the night. I think a lot of us have probably done it with our parents during thunderstorms or after scary movies. It's comforting... when it's agreed to. And, of course, when everybody involved is a mature adult who knows how to manage their own physical reactions (if any turn up) without involving anyone else in the management process.

    Hmm. I guess if you're a sleep groper or something, though, it might be best to give it a pass.

  • I have a regular cuddle buddy he spends most of his time in Mexico. But when he’s home either him or I will just message each other you want to cuddle tonight. And that usually means overnight. I think the good thing for me is that he’s not really attracted to me physically and I am not to him in a romantic way he’s handsome and he says I’m attractive in other ways, but it’s not the awkward physical attraction it’s more like good buddies. So it’s very very comfortable falling asleep with him. And he’s not an aggressive cuddler. We cuddle a little bit and sleep and then cuddle in the morning. I’m so grateful for him because he never makes me feel weird . I actually like when someone’s not physically attracted to me but attracted to me enough to cuddle with me 😬😝🤣🤗

  • Yeah, I think I know what you mean. It's a different kind of attraction. (I like the cuddly one much better than the other one, personally.)

  • @DaringSprinter I like your posts I agree with it. Some of my best memories with my father is Saturday morning after he was partying all night with my mother and just snuggling in bed with him. Sleeping with my grandmother.
    When I was about 17 my mother let me and my two sisters and I sleep with these three guys that we met at a camp. Which seems really weird now. They were each two years older than us we paired up and we just cuddled all night it was fabulous. Couple days later I found out my younger sister kissed the guy. But the other two guys were very respectful. And I don’t see what the big deal with my sister kissing the guy it wasn’t like she was a professional cuddler.

    I was in this ministry school with a bunch of people and I had a dream that all of us fell asleep in this one big cabin room with different size beds some were two girls in one bed some were two guys in one bed and some girls and guys it just happened to be wherever people fell asleep. When I woke up in the dream I was so overjoyed and happy. I ended up sleeping with this kid that I liked from my class that was very fun. We were all like little kids falling asleep together nobody would care if a boy or girl fell asleep if they were seven or eight years old. How I long for the innocence of childhood where people just feel safe and snuggly. There’s a time for romantic relationships and they will come. But friendship snuggles are lovely❤️

  • @Ahmedali999 i’m just curious I have this group of friends and it’s a mixed group very diverse. This one gentleman he’s from India he’s about 29. The other day I touched him very lightly on the arm to ask him if he would move his car so that I could get out of the driveway. Later that day he text me and says I told you not to touch me unless you ask. He would not tell me why and I don’t remember him ever saying that I’m sure he did. But I forgot. Because I’m a touchy-feely person I do things without thinking. Do you think it’s his culture that why he says that? Makes me feel like some kind of pervert. If you saw how light I touched him on the arm you wouldn’t even barely notice I touched him. I sent a text back and asked him if it was part of his culture and why it was so offensive to him that I touch him. No response. I may ask them in person but I guess I should just let it go. I asked because I’m curious.

  • edited December 2021

    @kimberly77 if he is a religious Muslim, he probably doesn't want to be touched by a woman.

    But, judging by how sharply he responded to something tells me that in addition to being a. Religious person he might also be an asshole.

    Could we please refrain from vulgarity and not assume someone’s ill will? Thanks. Babichev

  • edited December 2021

    @kimberly77 i understand why rejection coming from something you feel is innocent doesn't feel good, but remember nobody ever owes an explanation for their touch preferences. And whether it is culturally related is actually irrelevant.

    Re: overnights. I think only with people I know very well. Otherwise I'm too worried about the people who don't know how to manage their boners.

  • edited December 2021

    @kimberly77 , I would ask him. And respect whatever answer he gives. I’ve had a number of friends who were from other countries and of other faiths. Some are very strict about interactions between men and women. Even if they are not, there is an entire spectrum of what kind of touch is acceptable to people. It may be cultural or religious or personal but the best thing to do, in my mind, is when we unwittingly cross someone’s boundaries, to apologize and respect them.

    I had a Saudi roommate for six months, a grad student. In Saudi culture, men and women do not socialize together outside of the family. He was kind of adventurous and approaching me to be a roommate was kind of daring for him but he explained that it was okay because I was not Saudi (and old enough to be his grandmother!). His friends were really kind to me and treated me with respect. However, in their own culture, if one of the guys ran into his friend and the friend’s wife on the street, it would be acceptable for him to speak to his friend but not to speak to his wife.

    It’s hard for us to understand but that is the way that it is. I’m surprised their government sent them here for their education where men and women were in the same classroom together.

    @MxSmith - I agree, people don’t owe us an explanation and their reasons are irrelevant. If it were me, I would apologize for the transgressions and possibly ask for clarification to make sure I understood what his boundaries were if I were unclear about it.

  • Thank you for all your advice I’m taking it in. I agree he does not owe me an explanation. I’m just a curious person by nature. And I grew up in a very affectionate house. And with my relatives we kissed on the lips. So my culture is very different. I did ask him he didn’t explain and I dropped it. And I apologized.

    @MxSmith I love your profile I’m going to read over it. I might steal some things if that’s OK. I am new to professional cuddling, I need some guidance and help. So far I’ve had four excellent men to cuddle. But there’s much to learn. And for someone like me who has had inappropriate touching in the past as a child, I surely don’t wanna make anybody uncomfortable, and I don’t want anyone to make me uncomfortable.
    Thanks for your advice girls. I would love to cuddle both of you. Can’t wait for a cuddle convention someday. I see us sitting on the couch and swapping stories.
    All the best, Kimberly

  • I love cuddle parties they’re my favorite because I like to cuddle with lots of different people and take it nice and slow and enjoy the relaxing. My favorite part is the rules I love the rules because they make me feel safe. I got a look over those rules again. The men that cuddled me asked for my consent💛 So far so good

  • I’ve never slept over night with a cuddler but have definitely fell asleep together. Pure heaven. Wish I was cuddled and sleeping with someone now. I highly recommend

  • Nope it’s not in my experience, the only thing that has happened with me is every time, I almost get pushed off my bed. Even when we start off with equal space, somehow in the middle of the night I find myself on the edge of my bed and their leg or knee in my back comically like Peg Bundy did to Al Bundy in Married with Children. But that’s just my experience.

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