Insulting people in reviews

edited January 2022 in General

Let’s say a couple of cuddlers had a bad experience with a pro. And let’s say they write bad reviews. Subsequently, if I have a good experience with that same pro, I’m allowed to state directly that the cuddlers who had a bad experience are idiots. Right?

I mean, it’s obvious that if someone has a different experience than I do, that they must be stupid. And anyone who leaves bad karma is consenting to be insulted publicly. That’s the way Karma works.

(The above is sarcasm.)

I’d tag the offender, here. But he blocked me when I broached the subject with him. And I don’t want to be accused of trying to circumvent that.
Tagging someone in a comment in order to publicly call them out would get your post deleted and get you put in time out. I don’t recommend it. - Babichev


  • edited January 2022

    I agree - don't tag. Not worth it. 😊

  • Glad I checked here first.

  • edited January 2022


  • edited January 2022


  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)

    Of course, everyone knows that if someone disagrees with you then they’re incorrect. And if you think you don’t know that then you’re wrong.

    Sarcasm aside, yeah it’s weird someone was like that. Unless they also experienced the exact same things during their time with the cuddler, then they can’t really speak about your experience with them or expect to be able to judge you based on your reaction to experiences you had.

  • edited January 2022

    What is the point of this post?

    If someone has a different experience, then that’s their experience. If the person receiving the karma thinks it’s unfair - for instance, that it’s fake and the result of a personal grudge - they can report it and ask to have it removed.

    Calling someone else an idiot for expressing a different opinion reflects poorly on the person making that claim, not on the ones they are calling idiots.

  • edited January 2022

    Let me try to make myself clearer, @Babichev.

    Two people gave a pro bad karma. They said it was because the pro didn’t show up. Then another client made an appointment and all went well. Then, in his review of the pro he says that the people who gave the pro negative reviews were “idiots”.

    It’s as if he’s trying to defend the pro from earlier bad karma. But instead of just letting his positive experience speak for itself… he resorts to ad hominems against other would-be cuddlers. The implication is that their stupidity somehow caused the pro to flake on them.

    That didn’t sit well with me. So, I sent him a private message saying as much. Then he blocked me. The pro was not involved in our conversation.

  • edited January 2022


  • Wow should this question even be entertained smh🤦‍♂️

  • @MonkeyNeedsAHug I more or less understand what you're saying... I'd suggest reporting the comment for personal attacks and letting moderators deal with it instead of confronting them yourself?

    Cause if someone is going around dishing personal attacks, they'll likely not care to hear what you've to say anyway. Unless maybe it's someone you know well enough and feel you can have a talk with them. It's likely to just end up making the situation worse, whereas a mod is in a position to have a talk with said person and give the boot if they keep acting up. So they are more likely to take heed or get dealt with.

  • People have different experiences and perspectives. I think it's more important to respect someone else's experience even if it's wildly different from yours. People have different sides to them. One person's friend may be another's enemy.

  • The same thing happens with product reviews on Amazon. One person will say the product is the most marvellous thing they have ever bought whereas another reviewer will say the quality was awful and they returned it.

  • I still don’t understand the point of this discussion.

  • edited January 2022


    When I encounter ad hominems in Karma, how should I respond?

    Should I report it? Should I ignore it? Does it depend on what insult is used?

    I genuinely don’t know how I should react.

    That is the point of this discussion.

  • Just make a review of how your experience went. That is all. Your job is not to white knight on behalf of the cuddler.

  • ^^^ What they said.

    Okay, I understand.

    I think anyone reading it can figure it out.

  • I’m not white knighting on behalf of anyone. I am asking how to deal with insults in the karma. The pro isn’t being insulted. Other would-be customers who got “no-call, no show” from the pro wrote one star reviews and are getting called names for doing so.

  • The original post is sarcastic. I was confused too at first. Yes, I agree, the person who left that review insulting others who were flaked on by the pro and question should have his review edited or removed.

  • Personally, I would not feel the need to do anything at all. The person calling others idiots is making himself look like an idiot for saying that. Let the record stand that the guy is not very bright - but he liked the pro.

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