Serial Reporters

I am new to this site and was recently checking out forums. I've noticed certain pros and enthusiats that seem to be in multiple discussions that are report happy. Like do some people here spend their time scrolling profiles looking for something to report? Like seriosly people, get a life and find something better to do. I understand there are site rules, but unless a person is bothering you directly, why are people so report happy? Does it make people feel important to boast how they report profiles? Is tattletailing what's poppin' on this site?


  • This site has no paid moderators. It manages with volunteers and a sort of "see something, say something" policy.

  • I’m sure you’re thinking of me as one of them lol. Unlike the unsavoury people that come here to spew hatred or try to buy or sell sex on this PLATONIC site, I actually care about this site and making sure those that are here, are here for the right reasons. As it’s already been mentioned, the mods that take care of this place aren’t getting paid and they can’t always be on the look out. So yea, if I see half naked people in bios, or someone saying something racist, misogynistic, fat phobic, transphobic, homophobic or prejudice in any way, or especially trying to push a sexual agenda, I see it as something that puts a negative tone on a site intentionally made for positivity. Doesn’t belong here. Period.
    (Normal swearing words I don’t really care 🤷🏼‍♀️)

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