Moderator here, Reporting for Duty

edited January 2022 in General

Hi everyone.

I'll be stepping back into forum Moderator role, effective today. I had spoken to Mark about returning in February, but given the spikes of reports and folks misbehaving the last several weeks, and to help out our current Moderator team, I'm coming back early. I have some reading and catching up to do, but I admit - I will NOT be reviewing prior flags/reports from during my absence, so if you see something not attended to, please tag me or message me. Much obliged.

Things you'll notice:

  1. I'll lock threads as warranted and keep them up a day or so, then move them offline.
  2. I'll tag folks in various threads as needed. If you're asked to not engage further with someone - then please don't.
  3. If anyone posts screenshots of conversations, the screenshots will be removed. Thou shalt not post private conversations. Thanks.
  4. If it walks, talks, and acts like a troll, I send them back to their bridge, quickly. Sorry not sorry.
  5. Timeouts are a thing. I'll use it generously as warranted.

This space, this site, was created for people to connect, to make friends, and ultimately to cuddle. Kindness matters. If you're here to cause trouble, create dissension or strife or stress or harassment, then you will be shown the door.


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