Cuddle Bug "trailer" text form

Rumors are everywhere. "That masked girl is going to heal the world!" Can we even call someone a vigilante, if they never even throw a punch. All we do know is that she's some kind of telepath. She can move objects & people with a single thought, including herself. Watch the sky, she'll fly by any moment. She has an overwhelming sense of others feelings, like some kind of super empath. That's hardly the most interesting thing about her though. They say she can heal a person with a simple touch. Not just physically, but the mind too. Wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see it for myself. I've watched hardened killers break down into tears before me, simply from her touch. Turned themselves in even. None of that compares to what I saw last night though...

What if someone else was out there? Only their power wasn't to heal, it was to drain. What if you couldn't touch them, but they could touch you, like some kind of freaky... phantom. I can't even begin to explain what happened to my men right now, but someone's gotta stop 'em before they poison anyone else.

New Voice: I didn't ask to be saved! Nor for pity. Stay away from me! Keep out of my way... 'cause if you don't, you AND that little cop friend of yours, will ROT!!!

                    Cuddle Bug
    coming eventually... maybe

Credit were credit is do, this little idea sprouted up when I was reading through the cuddle bucket list thread. Specifically it came about when I read a post in there from @xandriarain & the part about healing people's soul via cuddles. "Wouldn't that be an awesome super power" was about the point my brain imploded & everything you read above happened. Right now it's just an idea, nothing concrete, & it might turn into nothing. OR maybe I'll run with it, see if a good story comes out of it. Too early into the thought process to tell.

  1. So what do you guy's think?10 votes
    1. Run with it & see where it goes! 🙂
    2. Eh. It's a little silly... 🤷‍♂️


  • OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH @Shake49 this is so fun!!! I love the idea of a cuddle bug superhero. What a fun thought process..... Hugs heal from the inside out!! YES!!!!! What a fabulous superpower!
    Saving the world one hug at a time whilst deflecting the ugliness straight back at the the sender. ❤️💙💜💚💗💕💓💚🧡💛💚💗❤️💕💓💜💙

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