Paying a deposit



  • Okay here are my thoughts…
    For most professionals on here like myself we do consider this our own small business as we will pay the fee through this platform and we will pay taxes as well. I feel that
    the client should be willing to pay a deposit once the trust and connection has been established with the professional. You should not be in a position that you can’t pay a deposit . If the pro is requiring a deposit that is their choice for so many reasons …
    There are so many clients that literally just waste time messaging back and forth and nothing .. or they schedule and then have to reschedule ( which happens and it’s ok because things do happen but that communication should be in place and both pro and client should know the deposit is safe and can be used at later time in case the client rescheduled. Now there is a difference , Cancellation, rescheduling and a No show. As for me I don’t require a deposit and I’m very patient with communicating back and forth but the client should know that all that back and forth is time that we aren’t charging you for.
    In most businesses if you were to call or even online if you are booking some type of session like hair appointment, massage appointment or whatever a credit is used to keep on your account in case of no show or cancellation.
    Again if you don’t want to pay a deposit look for someone that doesn’t require. And if your professional is requiring a deposit I hope that you have built that trust as they also have taken time to build some type of trust if they are going to see you for the first time.
    So far I’ve had only a few people waste my time. If you’re not here to book a session why are you on this site all the time ? I mean if you check this site on a daily should only mean you are ready to book right away….
    I have a busy life and I still try to be very accommodating to everyone that reaches out because I do have integrity and want everyone to keep this platform easy beneficial and a safe place to actually do what the name says -Comfort find comfort in cuddling.
    Hugs 🤗

  • I don't always ask for a deposit. If the drive for me is more than an hour (say 2 or 3) I'll ask for a travel fee up front just so I can fill my tank for the trip but that's the only instance I'd ask for payment up front as a deposit

  • I have been on the site for awhile and have met a few young ladies that are down right wonderful people. Just a pleasure to be around. As far as the deposit thing goes, I can understand if it's a brand new person just to make sure they don't flake out last minute. Now call me a lower sob if you want to but I can also understand asking a pro for something to make sure they are legit too. I have had 2 pros flake out where I was waiting for them to show up at the appointment and a no show or lame excuse that you know is crap. I think it just depends on each situation. Best of snuggles to everyone.

  • [Deleted User]grumpy_cat (deleted user)
    edited February 2022

    Wasting too much energy on this, ignore me.

  • The times I’ve made contact with a pro it has always been when I’m ready and I know I want to have a session with that pro. I wouldn’t want my time wasted nor would I waste anyone’s time.
    I’ve never been asked for a deposit but I understand why the practice is increasing among pro cuddlers.
    Like @UrCuddleGoddess and others have expressed in the forum and stories I’ve heard first hand there are times when people just cancel out of the blue, want to reschedule, etc and that is wasting someone’s time and their time is valuable.
    Unfortunately they ruin it for the many clients that keep their appointments and are never a problem.
    So as far as deposits go I’d pay one because I understand the reason why and I’d probably do it with an established pro.
    Now if it happens that I get burned and I lose it then of course I’d be hesitant to do it again but I understand the reasons why pro cuddlers do it.

  • I’ve been on the site since 2015 and I’ve never paid a deposit.

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