Cuddling in the Rochester Ny Area

I’m new here and was trying to build clientele. how long did it take you guys to get your first client? pros and non pros, im curious.


  • Also… don’t be afraid to text me i’m also here to make friends🙂

  • Welcome, @IndigoUzumaki. The answer varies a lot, partly depending on your area - how many potential clients, how many existing professionals, etc. Can be a matter of hours, can be a few weeks.

    While you're waiting, read the start of the Frequently Asked Questions thread on the General board. Then hunt for professionals who have lots of Karma and learn from their profiles. Don't copy, but see what works and rewrite your profile accordingly. If you haven't done any cuddling training, there are several courses available and doing one of them is highly recommended.

    The cuddling community and this website rewards patience, effort, thoughtfulness, self-awareness and respectfulness.

    Good luck!

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