What's the most motivated you've ever been?

[Deleted User]Good_Mitchy (deleted user)

I guess I'll start.

Back during the fear, I came to a sudden realization while I was quarantined that on Dec 21st, when Jupiter and Saturn align, I had to confront my birth father who I hadn't seen in 17 years. It was my destiny. And if I refused, I'd never be able to live with myself.

I could write books upon books about the 3 days surrounding the alignment. The event changed the way I see reality and turned me from an atheist into a believer in destiny. It was such a sudden, rapid change that it left me with PTSD for a long time. I'm better now, don't worry 😅
Me and my old man even have a healthy relationship, too! I'm glad it all happened the way it did, even if the events leading up to it scared the pants off me.

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