How do you usually spend your birthday?

[Deleted User]DeadGirlWalking (deleted user)
edited March 2022 in General

So far mine consists of breakfast with my bestie, before spending an hour sharing funny and cute TikTok videos we'd favourited, before going to get a few bits to help organise my room, and browsing my favorite thrift store. Then on to buy some art and craft materials, and now we're heading home for a home cooked dinner with his mum, followed by a horror movie πŸŽ₯πŸ‘»β€οΈ Honestly, this is a pretty good birthday for me, even if most people do seem to have forgotten it's my birthday! Maybe there will be a surprise party waiting for me when I get home haha.


  • Video games by myself all day or with close friends. Then maybe go out to get food.

  • Usually with my daughter, we do a little daddy-daughter thing and it's always lots of fun.
    Sometimes I have lunch with friends or coworkers.

  • Usually with close family! Last year, I traveled to California for the first time! πŸ– but normally spend my birthdays in Florida (locally).

  • I'm a huge sports nut, so I've often spent my birthdays wherever the Red Sox happen to be. I've spent past birthdays in Dallas, Phoenix, Baltimore and Minneapolis chasing the Red Sox. Otherwise, I usually stay local, but there's always baseball involved.

  • About like ay.ny other day.

  • In recent years, I've eliminated almost every toxic relationship including family members. Almost no one left. The last couple birthdays I've gone to dinner and a movie, with the happy people I have recently befriended.
    This year also included a 2-hour massage at a CMT.

  • edited March 2022

    Usually feeling sad that another year has gone by and so much of my life is still not what I want it to be despite years of my best efforts.

  • Mine has always been really inconsistent. Some years, nothing... Some years I've been taken out for goodies... Some years I've contemplated if going another 365 is worth it... Some years I've been nothing but grateful for all I have in my life and look forward to the days ahead...

    But last year I made a decision I hope to continue... I took myself out to the bakery and bought slices of their most decadent cakes, a couple of savory pies, and a bottle of juice (I have no idea what kind it was but I liked the color and the bottle looked cool - the label was in another language so...??). I also got some veggies to roast, then went home and declared, "Happy Birthday to Me! We're having what I want for dinner and desert, and I get to pick the movie too!!"

    I know there were tears spilt that day, but looking back I'm really pleased with my choice to not depend on someone else for what I wanted and it ended up being a pretty good day overall.

  • Usually do something with family, like lunch, for my birthday, if not on my birthday. The past couple of years I got to work at my haunt job, so spent time with my haunt "family".

  • Happy Birthday @BuggleBear ! Sounds like time well spent !

  • Aw happy birthday @BuggleBear as long as you know it’s your it’s your birthday! πŸ’• πŸ™Œ another year of uniquely you on this earth!

  • [Deleted User]DeadGirlWalking (deleted user)

    Aw, thank you @Nature_Lover_ and @SnshineScarlett πŸ’œπŸ’œ

    I had a nice day- it wasn't very birthday-ey, but that's OK, I still did all of my favourite things, with my favourite people πŸ₯°

  • Your favorite things with your favorite people?! ~ Sounds like a great birthday!!

    I was being all memory bound earlier and missed wishing you a Happy Birthday! So...
    Happy Birthday!! 🎈πŸ₯³

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