Hotel Cuddles

I usually cuddle in public places to ensure my safety first and foremost. But now that my work schedule has picked up and I have to travel more I’m always in some hotel for a few days a week. I find so much more comfort after a cuddle or two before sleeping. But I was wondering how do others feel about cuddling in hotels? I don’t want to give off any sketchy vibes as a Professional Cuddler or make anyone feel uncomfortable when I tell them my host location. What are some of your thoughts on cuddling in hotels?


  • It doesn’t bother me. As far as anyone is concerned, I’m just a guest at the hotel. Considering pro cuddling is platonic, there’s nothing sketchy happening.

    As long as you have proper protection in place, giving your location to a prospective cuddler should be fine.

  • It's very common. I've done it myself several times, with both professional and enthusiast cuddlers.

    It's much more common than most people realise for hotel guests to have their own guests come to their room. There are numerous reasons. I've had interviews for serious jobs sitting on a hotel bed. As long as you are not disturbing anybody, trashing the room, or having somebody stay overnight, the hotel doesn't care.

    I can also assure you that the stuff that happens in hotels is beyond your imagination, and that hotel staff and owners are used to it. The best one I ever heard of first hand was an acquaintance who was working in housekeeping. She opened the door of a room just vacated to clean it, and everything was gone. Everything. The room was totally empty. Not just the light fittings were gone, the light switches were gone .... wires - more or less safely tied up - sticking out of the wall. (This was before the days of credit card deposits and the like.) Room paid for as normal, guest unremarkable in every other way. Nobody could even remember what they looked like. How the hell do you smuggle a bed out of a hotel?

  • Cuddling in a hotel with my own reservation actually makes me feel a sense of security. I know the front desk is just a phone call away to help if something goes wrong.

  • Thank you all for the reassurance. I have a few cuddle buddies I want to meet and they want to meet me. I just wanted to be sure, safe and comfortable with this being an option as a host.

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