
I would like to create some kind of mega thread for artwork. It's a great Hobbie and pastime for companions! Let me know what type of art style you like, no matter if it's music, dance, culinary or anything in between!
Total artistic freedom here! 🎨🖌
Here are just a few to get things started!



  • @endymionoriax oh wow love this idea of a thread 🤩

    You are very talented! Thank you so much for sharing

  • edited April 2022

    I love natural artwork and have recently started creating moss art. My goal is to end up with something similar to this. I'll post pics when I make more progress.

  • edited April 2022

    I built this neon room for a party!

  • @vivalalife ❤ That's freaking awesome!

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)


    I love all of it! Always create.

  • I used to draw and create, not so much anymore but I love and appreciate all forms of art. I save a lot of stuff.. I do cook, and I can post a few of my recent meals since that would be culinary arts lol . Poached eggs, Ramen, cheese cakes and tortellini pasta 😋

    I love that neon room @vivalalife , I feel like it needs some infected mushroom music 🍄 🎶 🎵
    Fantastic street art @Saysoh, I should take some pics of the art in my city, and as for the natural beauty in the floral setting there @SCityCuddler .. I have a number of very good pixel art like this, although space stuff really hits me with all the vibrant colors!

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)
    edited April 2022

    @endymionoriax It's graffiti, not street art. That's a whole other culture, but you've made me hungry. I'd love a print of the last pic. Stableness vs chaos. That's an interesting piece. And did you say shrooms? Hi, new friend! <3

  • BAHAHA !
    Of course we can be friends @Saysoh 😁 🍄
    Me and my buddy hit some DMT vapes a short while back and put on some infected mushroom .. the music makes everything so much better, their whole style is for psychedelics .. definitely easy to rave to as well lol!
    I could put on their entire discography and sit in silence and relax to the music ; very good stuff

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)

    @endymionoriax That's fair. I take two high doses a year (seven grams) to cleanse my soul. I don't like any outside influence (even music) and just let my head go where it needs to go. It might be fear, anxiety or it might be love and compassion, but whatever happens, I'm present in the moment (try to be). They're a tool for me and not something I just get high on. DMT just puts me in a place of court jesters laughing at me. I'm still not sure what to make of that, but one day I will, hopefully.

    I'm down for music, though. DM me a playlist.

  • edited April 2022

    @Saysoh I really dig street art, it's incredible how large of a scale it can be done on.

    Did someone say shrooms? =) I'm planning a camping trip to do my first dose on.

    @endymionoriax I really dig that pixel art, do you sell it by chance? Their is an incredible artist named Markus Fussell that does space style art and he posts his process, been following him for years. He'll blow your mind with what he can do with a can of spray paint. Here, hope you enjoy.

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)

    @SCityCuddler Make sure you have a sitter and go into it with the idea that there's no such thing as a bad trip. If you get anxiety and fear, just know that's what you're supposed to be feeling in that exact moment. Remaining present and understanding what's going on will go a long way even though it may seem endless. Just go with it and try to understand why you're feeling what you're feeling. Unsolicited advice, I know, but you have to understand phychs will make you deal with what you need to and it's not always pleasant.

  • Really cool thread!

    @Saysoh the graffiti work is fire 🔥
    @SCityCuddler wow!
    @endymionoriax love the food pics - food to me is art 🖼 I just had this yesterday & it was definitely a work of art & incredibly delicious-

    I love the art of drawing & painting , here are three of my favs on I.g.

  • What a fun thread!!

    @Saysoh ~ Solid advice!!

    To be fair, I think that pretty much applies to all feelings all the time ~ But wowza if you're not expecting the intensity that comes from the rapid pealing of the layers it can for sure catch you up.

    My unsolicited advise for @SCityCuddler ~ is to stay away from mirrors, reflecting pools and other people's eyes... holy heck have those all made things go sideways for me!!

    Anywho, would post something I've done but it's all boxed up for my pending move. Though I did keep out some wire, so maybe I'll play with that some... If I do, I'll post if anything comes of it...

  • @Saysoh @quixotic_life I really appreciate the advise, thank you!

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)

    Easily on of my favorite artists. I love it when he says in this video, "I thought I'd be done with this drawing last year:"

  • @cuddles_ndream I really like the realism art work, I cannot draw hands to save my life lol!
    Also that burger is making me hungry lol !
    I don't actually sell art, although I am a consultant for business and education I have been asked about getting into the industry for art myself, I've had a number of people tell me to open a noodle shop, or help others with music or art.
    There is a website I believe that can make very easy pixel art, free to use and it's got a few of the same tools as photos hop although it operates very much like Microsoft paint lol !

    This is a bit more of the art I saved, most of it is gamer stuff, or anime, also some Disney stuff as well as Pokémon lol !
    If you can't already tell im a big nerd 🤓

  • @endymionoriax i love realism as well … but simply drawing ✍️ I used to be very much into drawing in jr high , & art in general 🎨 but lost my passion in high school since they didn’t have an art class & I just kinda forgot about it (Ofcourse I wish I didn’t lol)

    As far as the burger … I was looking for a burger spot I’ve never been to, it came down to this burger spot & another one right in jersey , but I couldn’t resist this YouTube video hands down one of the best burgers I’ve ever had, fresh cut hand fries right from the potato in house, price extremely reasonable every was A1 I couldn’t believe how good it was, for my upcoming chest day I’m having the very same thing again lol so if you’re not to far I highly recommend it!

    What type of business (or business industry) do you consult for? I love & have a passion for business … I’m digging the art, especially the details of the 2nd one! & nerding is cool! lol I’m actually a nerd for history stuff (yeah I know more on the boring side lol) but I like the museum of natural history / I watch shows like American pickers / pawn stars / ect … I like to learn (or see different point of views) about historical events ect & how they shape today … cool stuff glad you’re here.

  • edited April 2022

    Shop window, Big Bear Lake, California

  • Shop window, Solvang, California:

  • The art !!! 😍😍😍😍😍 Loving it all!!

  • @quixotic_life the first thing I do is look in a mirror 🤣🤣

  • edited April 2022

    Check this out lol

  • @Oceanview966 I really like the view of the moon, I find solitude very addictive and I would assume the person on the cliff does as well.

  • The Madd Hatter

  • This artist is amazing!! Mind blown!!

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