Is it true...

...That most of you guys aren't contacted by females unless they are Pro's? I've heard this a number of times since joining. I was surprised, because I started messaging people with profiles that spoke to me as soon as I signed up. I've already met some wonderful souls!

If any of you are wanting a chat (or a deep discussion), feel free to hit me up in PM, or even chat here - I love meeting new people! Lurkers, where you at? Don't be shy, people here have been so nice! 😊

In case anyone wants to talk here (girls, too, of course!), here's a question to pop things off...

What is one of your favorite memories of feeling cozy and content?

Take care, everyone!

~ Sunset Snuggles


  • One of my favorite cozy memories is when I was a toddler/sometime before five, my mom used to sit in the rocking chair and let me tuck my tiny little feet into the pockets of her robe while we snuggled. Being little was the best! 😌

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • Untrue. Enthusiasts initiating contact increases in relation to good karma or put another way E=FCK (enthusiasts=FunCartelKarma).

  • @SunsetSnuggles ~ Same. I pretty much started messaging people right away too.

  • I get a message from a female enthusiast about once or twice a year.

  • I was cozy and content in the womb. That is when I ate healthiest though colostrum is an acquired taste.

  • edited April 2022

    I have mostly heard from pros (some very nice ones, and not trying to drum up business, just being friendly). (To be fair, there are very few active enthusiasts in my area.) Got a nice note from a mod once, and an angry note from someone who ended up being banned for a separate issue.

  • Yes it's true for me. Only pros have initiated contact with me. Though I joined last month so this could be part of it. I've tried adding more to my profile since then. Of the non-pros that I initiated contact with, only 2 or 3 replied back. Though I did notice the visits. I did have my first cuddle session with a pro a week or two ago. It went well and I left some karma. Is it normal to not receive karma back from a pro?

    As for one of my favorite memories of feeling cozy and content, it would be when I was younger and my dog would lay down next to me in bed. She was so soft and cuddly.

  • Only pros have initiated contact with me. But I would have to click their profile first. Sometimes though, an enthusiast will like something that I said in the forums and message me because of that.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    I have been contacted by both pros and enthusiasts.

    I remember as a five or six year old snuggling with a couple of siblings under a blanket in front of the fireplace. Very warm and cozy.

  • edited April 2022

    Fireplace snuggles are definitely a cozy memory...
    Another cozy memory: an ex use to prepare a bubble bath for me with nice music and candles, then he would put soft pijamas for me in the dryer to warm them up and dress me for bed, then tuck me in under the blankets... it was the best 😀
    ( 8 year relationship, ended because we wanted different things for our futures)

  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)

    Can only really speak for/share my own experiences.

    I've never been messaged first by any enthusiasts for the sake of cuddling in my time here, though I have been contacted by a few professionals for cuddling (never anyone close by, originally for in person cuddles a couple of years back but more recently for virtual sessions). I chalk that up to the somewhat limited number of people in London on this site despite how population dense it is, and me being immunosuppressed has most presumably been a factor for some people more recently as well for good reason.

    I don't think I've messaged a single person actively pursuing cuddles since the start of 2020 due to factors including the above. Have however been contacted by a few enthusiasts during my time here for jokes and casual conversations, both men and women, and had some great interactions there.

  • The very first person to contact me was a pro. The first enthusiast to contact me thought I lived in Aberdeen, Scotland instead of Maryland and we struck up a conversation around that. But generally it's been me reaching out to others, and I got lucky to actually get one person to respond who lives in the same state and has wanted to actually meet and cuddle.

  • @SunsetSnuggles you're truly awesome 🌅

    One of my favorite memories being cozy & content was my time in Arizona as an exchange student as a kid … everything felt just right! The family that hosted me & another student / the house we stayed in / the school we went to / the people I interacted with & the community.

    • same question for you - 🙃🙂
  • Yes, it is true. I would guess that a large number of men who join CC, perhaps even a majority, never receive a message at all in spite of writing some. I've been the most active UK-based man in this forum for around 18 months, and I have the most Karma of any man in the UK, and I've been contacted first by an enthusiast women from the UK maybe ... twice. I have had a number of contacts from the US, mostly originating from forum comments. But it's still pretty rare, once a month at the very most.

    In other words the number of conversations initiated by women is tiny. I would go so far as to say it is statistically irrelevant.

    @CSnMUS87 yes, it is common for professionals not to leave Karma. You may not ask them to do so, for obvious reasons. However, you can say at the end of the session, "I've had a wonderful time. Would you like me to leave some lovely Karma for you?"

    The reply rate from randomly selected professionals is somewhere around 50%, assuming your message is reasonable. You have a better chance of a reply if the professional has been on the site for a long time, has been active in the last week, has lots of Karma, has a comprehensive profile, and is older. Occasionally one of the non-replies will come back to you after weeks or even months.

  • I’ve been on here for about two and a half years. I don’t believe a single female enthusiast has initiated contact with me, but several pros have reached out! Most enthusiasts don’t respond to my messages, but that’s okay! There are plenty more out there in the cuddler sea :3

  • What is one of your favorite memories of feeling cozy and content?

    How can I choose just one?!
    My sweet baby Rosie, such a cuddlebug ❤️

    Meals made for me with love by my cuddle friends ❤️

    Nursing my babies is way up there on this list of memories as well ❤️

  • [Deleted User]CaptainFluff (deleted user)

    It's true for me, but usually only if I view someone's profile near me. Half the time I don't notice that they're a pro until I read the description.

  • I'm contacted by both , and it usually is the start of a good friendship. Be open minded about making friends and getting to know people instead of being hyper focused on jumping to trying to cuddle the first person you speak to. There are some really cool folks here and you never know what opportunities may arise. I've met and cuddled a lot of folks here , and it all started with getting to know them as a person and developing friendships, not by saying hey you seem cool let's go cuddle now .

  • edited April 2022

    Im my experience it is true. I’ve been here since 2017 and I have been contacted mostly by pros, I’d say about 90 to 95% of messages I get are from pros and contact from an enthusiast is pretty rare.
    Now I wanna be clear that I have met and cuddled enthusiasts plenty of times over the years but I am the one that messaged them and initiated the conversation.
    Pros message me because they want business I understand that and I always say hello back and thank them for visiting my profile and I’ve even had some nice sessions as a result but in the end is just what this site has become, mostly a pro driven website so I have adapted and made the most of it by meeting and having sessions with some wonderful pros.

    Now as I write this I was actually contacted by an enthusiast on Sunday night, I responded Monday morning, we chatted in the afternoon and we had a wonderful session at night. All this via CC platform, we didn’t even exchange phone numbers which is remarkable in my opinion.
    So it can happen but it’s a rarity.

  • I’ve only been on here not quite 2 weeks. First with a pic then honed on the profile a few times. Not perfect but getting there. First person to contact me was an enthusiast who welcomed me to the group. She was very supportive and showed me ways to be a part of this. I’ve never felt so welcomed. I have not had a session with anyone just yet, I believe it will be very soon. I feel this is a wonderful group and hope to make many friends on here.

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