Share your awesome cuddle stories

[Deleted User]iloveplants (deleted user)

Anyone have cool cuddle stories to share? Just started using this site. I have tons cuddle experiences but from friends not from apps. 1 from a pro years ago lol. All of mine are very organic, spotaneous, magical, pure, fun, innocent, sacred, connecting, and healing. I'm far from those fairy magical friends now, so I'm here. : ) I know there's a legit community of cuddle peeps and I'm curious. Share any cool cuddle experiences from here that you've had : )


  • It can barely be called a cuddle, but I cherish a memory I shared with one of one of my friends who had not been touched platonically in years.

    I wanted to snuggle with him, and he looked so scared, and said he didn't know if he could do that. I explained that it didn't have to be anything big, that I could just sit next to him on the couch and link arms with him.

    It was then that his eyes grew wide and he told me that his ex-partner never touched him unless it was for sex, that she never held his hand or gave physical affection of any kind.

    He had assumed that when I said I wanted to snuggle, I had meant I wanted something sexual from him. He relaxed and melted into the platonic, friendly snuggle as soon as he realized he was not going to be a sexual object, but simply given affection without expectation. He blossomed.

    We sat beside each other on the couch and linked arms and I rested my head on his chest and it was a beautiful, simple moment of sharing love without asking anything in return. It meant so much to me, and I hope to him.

    As I mentioned, barely a cuddle for how simple it was, but certainly brings me warm fuzzies and helped me understand how differently people can interpret things, based on how they have been treated or used in the past. Everyone deserves affection with no strings attached.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • [Deleted User]pianomann (deleted user)

    @SunsetSnuggles Beautiful story and also very instructive—thanks for sharing!

    One time I had a short-term guest (I rent part of my house) who was going through a really rough time and wanted to talk to me about it. We ended up spontaneously cuddling and there was no desire to take it further for either of us. It was pure and comforting.

  • Cuddle stories? How about Lennie and his tight hugs for a puppy in “Of Mice and Men”?

  • [Deleted User]iloveplants (deleted user)

    @SunsetSnuggles that's such a beautiful story and really shows what cuddles are all about. Thank you!

  • @FunCartel Oh, no! The rabbits didn't fare much better 😢

  • [Deleted User]iloveplants (deleted user)

    @pianomann that's a really cool story too. So heart warming.

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