Day Trading

[Deleted User]singh951 (deleted user)

I’m thinking about going into day trading. If anyone is interested, hit me up.

I have a Monday or Wednesday I can trade you for an extra Saturday or Sunday.

  1. Acceptable dad joke ?13 votes
    1. No, but keep trying
    2. No, please stop the madness
    3. Allergic to dad jokes
    4. “Ah Shaddap”


  • I’m actually seriously looking at “day trading”. I know this was a joke, but I have a friend that started doing this and they made $10,000 in 2 days with only a few hours invested each day. That was after about 6 months investing in learning how it works and left their six figure job to do it. They do have a mentor, but they said they could show me how it’s done. I’ll let you know how it goes. 😀

  • I like this joke so I didn't take the poll :)

  • @Tranquilescape be terribly, terribly careful. Trading is a game of both luck and skill. It takes a long time for the skill to show up: whappened to your friend was luck. Remember, some of the other players work for investment banks and have been doing this for a job for years. Very few day traders make money.

  • @CuddleDuncan thank you. I will use caution.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    How do you make a million dollars in month?

    Start with 5 million and then become a day trader.

  • [Deleted User]Moxytocin (deleted user)

    I made a few bucks when the Wall Street Bets subreddit became a thing and Elon was tweeting about Doge. Lol Now my Bitcoin is down by half and my stock portfolios look sad. Probably the best time to start though, when everything's in the crapper. 🤪 I'll take your Monday and give you Sunday. Mondays are my "everyone's gone and I get to soak in the tub" days.

  • Trading is a game of both luck and skill.

    I would say day trading is mostly luck by far. It's an expensive and time-consuming pursuit, it's best considered speculation or gambling rather than investment, and most day traders lose money.

    I suggest anyone considering day trading consider this statement by the SEC

    and check out this video

  • Keep your day job…

  • [Deleted User]tranh002799 (deleted user)

    Oh you’re talking about those who keep having to look at candlesticks when it’s already bright outside 👀 … joke!

  • @CuddleWho Ditto.

    What I think and know about day trading is a somewhat uninformed opinion and that and $5 will get you a cup of coffee.

    I really like the forum and this thread.

  • I support my
    Cuddling addiction with $GME. Buy HODL DRS.

  • edited May 2022

    Doesn’t matter how much someone made in two days. How did they fare over time? I have a friend who plays poker. One week he’s up $10,000, two weeks later he’s down $15,000.

    The majority of day traders do not make a profit. One statistic I read said that over a 2 year period less than 2% made a profit. The majority underperform compared to a market index.

    But if we’re literally trading days, can I trade tomorrow for yesterday? Because I want to go back and relive yesterday (big cuddle picnic in St. Louis).

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)


    I think if someone wants to blow through capital pursuing a desire, you should let them. It's their money. Unsolicited advice (which I'm doing right now), is imposing. Also, I've done well at poker. You are correct, you have the downs, you have the ups, but you have to remain disciplined in your strategy which is the key.

    I heard about the picnic and saw a few pics. I wish the Austin even wasn't such a brouhaha.

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