Post that is not nice

Tell me what do you really feel. Angry? Sad? Scared or lonely? Don't fake. Everyone here is over positive sometimes. It's not like I'm against it. That's how people try to cope with reality, I guess. But I think it's much better to be real. It feels better. Even if you feel like crap.



  • I think that you can control how you feel, to a large degree. Having expectations of a certain level of enjoyment will color your experience. I tend to draw on realizations I've developed over 59 years that so many people are suffering badly. I don't feel that I have the right to complain when there are so many good things in my life. When I was young, and in fact had so much more in the sense of health and energy and easy living, my depression was overwhelming because I didn't adjust my expectations. Today, though I'm not as able or healthy as in my youth, I feel so much joy that I feel a little guilty.

  • I feel that a lot of people post on forums in a manner that does not always reflect how they are in real life . Its like that with driving too . Have you ever stood in a line and yelled at people for not going fast enough ,or flipped them off for walking in front of you? I recently went to a gathering with folks from here. many I hadn't met , and what stood out to me was how even people who might butt heads on the forum ended up being the nicest people in person, and people who I myself have had forum disputes with ended up being people who I would love to hang out with and see more of . We all need a sounding board , and the internet is the largest sounding board around.

  • The internet is the abyss 🤣

  • @Hellena Great thread! I have been dealing with a lot of anxiety the past week or so.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • Ok I’ll go…I am incredibly lonely and I woke up crying the other morning from a dream I had where I was rejected again repeatedly. Cuddling has been incredibly helpful for me after going through a 4 year period with no human touch whatsoever…but I am
    Starting to have those thoughts creep on again that the only way I can get companionship or regard from a woman is to pay for it. And I hate that because I know I have a lot of love to give…I just don’t know where to put it 😞

  • I'm kinda private, but I feel a little sad and left out cause I was with a couple of distant cousins today who have had more opportunities and good fortune than me. I like both of them and am glad for them; it's just an accidental reminder of how things are so different for me.

    I love to be real. I like this thread and the title of this thread.

    At the same time, I feel quite a bit like @UCpaaHVg6u0.

  • You don't want to know what goes through my head besides wanting food or a nap.

  • @pmvines - The internet has shown the true colors of people. How they act online is how they actually are. They won't act like that in real life because they know they might get punched in the face if they do. They're safe behind their computer.

  • @Mike403 I agree to an extent . Though online culture can certainly bring the worst out of someone , we are far more than just how we are at our worst . People and personalities are for more complex than that . When you are having a bad day and feel at your lowest , the internet is an easy, relatively consequence free means of expelling some of what you have inside . Not necessarily the true self , but rather the parts that you feel need an outlet, which unfortunately might manifest as the negative, or worst parts of you.

  • @robroo Lol. That's what I should have said.

  • edited May 2022

    Like anything, it depends on the person. You can tell many people like to try on personas and personalities on a board because they are bored being “themself” all the time. Being something else or reinventing oneself online is not necessarily what someone is off line.

    I would also add that written communication is quite different than being in front of someone. And it isn’t as simple as someone will punch you in the face. I argue you are not the same person on line because you could say the same thing off line but in real life you might be adding the wink and a smile to it and a different meaning is born out of body language and gestures.

  • edited May 2022

    Oops... No, not my drawing. Just an accurate representation of my reality at the moment...

  • edited May 2022

    @Spud424 I'm so sorry you woke up feeling that way and had that shitty ass dream. I've read lots of your quotes and enjoy the light you shine in this community and I appreciate you. If you ever find your way to St.Louis I'll cuddle you for free all dang day! I mean it and you can cash that check in whenever you want to, buddy.

  • @achetocuddle exactly (as I take my last my last sip of my chocolate milkshake)

  • edited May 2022

    Anxious with work, feeling isolated and misunderstood, depressed for not being able to get out of my ruts. Angry yes at some things i can’t control or understand. But i still have some hope

  • @robroo That milkshake was so good it's got you repeating words ? :)

    I feel, as does my distant cousin, that chocolate milkshakes should be made with chocolate ice cream and milk, not vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup.

  • edited May 2022

    @Hellena awesome topic. Tonight I feel relieved it's Friday, stressed that some things that I meant to accomplish at work didn't pan out, while I'm not losing sleep over it, there's a little annoying bug in the background of my mind. I Am alert to the severe thunderstorm and possible tornado threats in NJ, but the threat is waning, and I am concerned about my older daughter who I picked up from school because she had a headache, achey legs and a slight fever.. but she is resting and going to be fine. I am also going thru a separation and partially moving out in 12 days, and not only have all that emotional heaviness to deal with, while trying...desperately trying 😬 to keep the peace and make a very very gentle and delicate transition as far as how the separation is being projected to my 12 year old (and a 4 year old) by the mother who is misrepresenting/explaining/saying thing that are just too much for a child to hear without really editing it down and considering how words and thoughts might be perceived and how the 12 year old mind may process thoughts and concepts that are even hard for adults to comprehend without ever giving me the time or respect to discuss anything with me and/or give the chance to put my 2 cents in. BUT I am also very happy I finally got the fire to start in my wood stove while my 4 year old has fallen into slumber earlier than normal, and HAPPY the order from the local pizza place was delivered AS ORDERED and feeling calm and content now keeping things warm until my older daughter wakes up and is hungry cuz I'm thinking about what movie or show we might watch, if she's up to it, and truly enjoying the lack of stress and quietness here because the mom is out...over at someone's house for "moms night out" everything is quiet and calm right now, and moving on to other things, I have also had a few nice followup messages from a couple new cuddlers I contacted and very happy to get a sense of potential future meet and greets, so that gives me a nice glow. But no matter what is going on I strive to maintain an underlying sense of love and compassion for those I care about most and even those awesome people I am just getting to know here who seem to "get me" and I am always trying my best to maintain a positive outlook on life, and I fail there often, but even though I have been dodging daggers and bombs and worse for so long, i know I have to soldier on and be the best me I can be and honestly so very happy I joined this site because some of the most amazing people and genuine souls I have ever met have been through this site, almost as if the universe intended us to meet in some cases and have been feeling like a better version of me has been emerging, and I'll leave off here saying I am looking forward to spending more time again with those who I have already established a beautiful bond, and happy to know there are others here I have yet to meet, and just thankful for the potential opportunity!

    Lastly I am wondering if I will be called into work tonight, because I work for an major Electric Company here, and with the threat of Thunderstorms and possible Tornadoes that phone may ring! And if it does that's OK because overtime = extra funds for cuddling!!! 😁

  • edited May 2022

    I'm getting anxiety about my upcoming birthday, I haven't celebrated it since I was 8 years old. Every year I tell myself that I'm going to acknowledge it and do something special for myself and every year it becomes a pathetic pity party for 1, with a shit ton of chocolate and serial killer documentaries. Cause in my mind I think at least I'm still alive and didn't cross paths with one of those crazy bastards, yet. 🤔

  • @sunnysideup not only has some hope, he is a likable person and writes well.
    @SCityCuddler I've had the passing thought that at least some serial killer hasn't gotten a hold of me.

    I'm not naive about how tough a typical life is, but I'm sorry to hear what a tough time some are having.

  • I think one day I'd like to host a cathartic cuddle get together...

    One where all the hurts, regrets and unrecognized milestones for those in attendance are named and celebrated as part of life.

    We'd have a massive cake, and dark colored frosting baggies, so everyone can decorate it with whatever they'd like recognized/processed. Then we'd each get bright colors to add on what's good too.

    When we're done, we'd take a few moments to acknowledge that life is messy and then we'll chop it up and devour it!!

    Afterwards, we can all find comfy spots and do some horizontal holdings of one another while we further process (digest) our lives a little...

  • I don’t do cakes…or pies. I have seen American Pie.

  • [Deleted User]Snuggluffagus (deleted user)
    edited May 2022

    Force myself into the gym. I've never in my life exercised and immediately afterwards not felt good. If the blues hit me hard again soon after, I pick a new activity and kick my butt again the same day. I rinse and repeat daily if needed until the feelings blow over. I'm not a bodybuilder (or even big), just a dad who handles his stress this way in the rare event I feel overwhelmed. If I don't have time, I'll go eat fish and veggies.

    If I've got too many things at home to do and can't do the above, I'll go mow or otherwise beautify something. Some people turn to vices, I turn to over exercising, eating correctly or making something look nice. Anytime I've tried junk food or alcohol when sad, it did nothing but make me more sad.

  • @quixotic_life that sounds all well and good but for the love of Steve what kind of cake is it ??

  • @achetocuddle yes it apparently does. Darn brain freeze lol! Chocolate ice cream and milk is the only way it should be. 😋

  • @SnuggleSeason I do a little of this also. I will push mow a section of yard that can be mowed with the riding mower just to get stuff out of my system, get outside and get pleasantly tired. Moving around outside really helps me. I have pruned the crape myrtle in February in light rain (mom wants it pruned in the correct month and I'm happy to oblige) and it was
    cathartic and almost fun. I have a friend who thinks mowing is kinda Zen also.

  • @pmvines ~ probably Costco sheet
    @FunCartel ~ hows about you can be the slicer/server then since someone not jacked on sugar should probably be the one with the knife

  • I process better in words and in my own little hidden corner of Social media I can be the exact mess I am in real life.

    I do here a little bit too, but it is an open group and I am like an onion. Very few layers at a time and sometimes end up in tears and just forget the whole idea.

    Pretty much the same in person as I am on the internet. It's too much effort to be fake or perfect. And I am certainly neither.

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