Monkey Pox Impact On Cuddling?

[Deleted User]mozman00 (deleted user)

Just saw the report. Not many cases in the US but heard that this is very contagious. Anyone have more info? Thoughts on how this will impact cuddling?


  • There were outbreaks in 2006. I simply said “Keep your hands off me you damn dirty ape.”

    But seriously, they keep an eye on it but they do not expect this to become a huge problem, much like 2006. I could be off a year or two on the date of the last outbreak because I read the article two weeks ago.

  • What I read is that there have been outbreaks before, but they have been pretty limited in scope and the pre-existing smallpox vaccine works against this. There is some concern about why this has spread to so many other countries, but at this point, they aren't seeing it as another major pandemic.

  • At this stage there is no impact on cuddling as a whole: we already don't cuddle people who are obviously ill.

    We'd barely have heard of this were it not for covid. These little outbreaks of unusual diseases happen all the time.

  • I write it off as monkey business.

  • edited May 2022

    I'm not afraid of Monkey Pox. It's Gorilla Pox what you should be scared of.

  • In all seriousness, Covid was a problem because you can be contagious for a few days while being asymptomatic. You're not gonna cuddle somebody who is obviously ill.

  • I will be now be wary of a cuddler if they ask if I have any bananas available.

  • edited May 2022

    I personally require proof of a negative monkey pox test, as well as screen for Ebola, leprosy, and the Spanish flu. Also scurvy, just because I dont want to be cuddling no pirates

  • edited May 2022

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    I believe monkeys cuddling is referred to as an Orangatangle.

  • [Deleted User]vtpixie78 (deleted user)

    If you have had the small pox vaccine then no worries. If not then don’t touch any rashes, wounds and if you think you were near someone with monkey pox then don’t cuddle. Stay safe people.

  • What of ape pox? I hear it's stronger.

  • Viruses has been with us for as long as humans been around. Very rarely do we get one bad enough that we have to change our way of living. I haven't been sick in over a decade because I expose myself to every possible germ I come across. My immune system got a lot of practice. If I drop food on the floor, I pick it up and eat it.

  • If I drop food on my floor, I pick it up and eat also. Practical, thrifty and maybe get some germs you need.

    @pmvines Aargh, me matey, I'm with you. Don't want to walk the plank just cause I cuddled the wrong person.

  • You’re probably more likely to be struck by lightning.

  • I feel personally attacked.


  • @MonkeyNeedsAHug 😂😂😂

    Guys, guys… 😂🤣🤣!! This whole thread is what my whole freaking month needed!! 😂

    Thank you!! 😆

  • Just like people refused to buy Corona beer during the whole COVID scare in 2020, I wonder if people are now afraid to buy bananas.

  • @pmvines but you cuddled with me😋 And I had a very contagious disease of "stupiditis" at the time.. So you're not being fair I 🤔🤪

  • @Hbang awe , if only that were true , but perhaps i can cross over to Canada to see you soon🤗

  • Hey I understood we got superpowers when bitten. Oh wait....too many movies🙄

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    I have heard about Monkey Bars but have never been in one. Could be a good place to get a drunken monkey, dirty monkey,or a brass monkey. Seems like that would cure what ails you.

  • The Apepoxalypse is nigh! Repent ye cuddlers.

  • Shouldn’t be an impact in Spain the cases all seem to stem from a sauna, basically in Spain’s cases intimate contact.
    Belgium intimate contact at a rave.

  • Can we just take a pause and appreciate the fact that there is an actual discussion about the effects of monkey pox on cuddling

  • In Germany Dieter, the host of “Sprockets” has come down with a nasty case as has his guests. It is believed to be the first televised transmission:

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)

    I just came home from work and found a Murder Hornets nest.

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